
Zura's Wedding

Went to the wedding this morning at Besaot, Perak. The bride is my colleague. She's only 23 years old. Can u imagine yourself getting married at a very young age. But rezeki masing2 kan. Today has been such a productive day. Was a bit tired. Drive along from Shah Alam to Besaot Perak. 2 hours. Seriously penat skit. Maybe coz of the sunny weather. eerrrgghh.. Now, relax, lay back & enjoy the pics.

To BRIDE & GROOM, Zura & Mizan, Congratulations & best wishes. Selamat Pengantin Baru & Semoga berbahagia hingga akhir hayat.

The Bride & Groom at pelamin. The theme are green.

R&R Behrang. Me, Zaza & Zam

Budak terlampau.. hahahaha

Me like so pemalas.

Sesat. Nasib pakcik tu tunjuk jalan.. Thx pakcik & makcik

Group pic. Wahhhhhh

Kuih-muih after lunch. Tetap nak makan.

Myself & Adik

Myself & Kakak

Friends are forever

Mangsa gigitan CikTi. Baik pg klinik. nnti kena sawan. Hahahaha.

Arrived at Shah Alam at 3.40pm. Then drove and straightly to my house. Balik terus pengsan.

Souvenir from Mekah

Thx to my CEO, En. Zul
Alhamdulillah dapat mengerjakan umrah baru2 ini
dan selamat kembali ke tanah air.

Open House & Meeting

Last thursday we had makan2 at Ray's House. Received sms from Megat on Thursday's afternoon. " Jemput dtg umah malam ni.. me ade buat mkn2.

OMG.. i canttttt... then picked up d office phone to call Mak Lampu. I cant go lah Mak Lampu..u know lah kan.. hehehehe :). But then she suggested that Azim & Fendy boleh hantar i balik. Terus call fendy on d spot. Alhamdulillah, die boleh hantar i balik.

The activities of the night :-
  • Makan-makan with a few lauk by Chef Megat
  • Discussion about MuDa de Pangkor
  • Budget

I have no mood to explain or watsoever. So ill leave u with d pics k. :)

To Ray & Megat,

Thanx for inviting us to your house. So sweet & i like ur decoration. Seriouss!! Thx for the dinner. Delicious. Sampai terlupa yg I on diet. hehehehe.

p/s: Next time invited lagi k.. :)


Buah Tangan from Penang

X- colleague : Hello na..

Me : Hello.. wassup??..
X- colleague : Aku baru balik Penang outstation. Ade beli buah tangan skit utk ko..
Me : OMG.. really.. ape kebenda tuh?
X- colleague : Jeruk ler..
Me : Thx beb.. ingat gak ko kt aku eh..hehehe. Bila nak bagi?? (tak malu tanya camtu)
X-colleague : Seminit lagi aku sampai office.. ko tunggu kt lobby ok.

yeayyy... dpt jeruk. Ingat gak kawan aku ni ngan aku yer... :)

Preview of MuDa de Pangkor 2008

Alhamdulillah.. our trip to Pangkor running smoothly. Just to share some pics that we've taken on our trip to Pulau Pangkor. We had fabulous time talking, eating, gossiping. All in one HAPPY :), Walaupun tak cukup quorum. Not gonna say much about our trip. Just check out Dafi FC Official website & Ray's Blog.

Lets enjoy the pics ok.. :)

In the teksi (van) to Seagull Beach Village Resort...

Seagull Beach Village Resort

On our way to beach. Ada org tu teringin sgt nak naik banana boat. Mcm lah bawak baju kan...hehe:)

Tea time. We had laksa, pasembur, rojak & kuih-muih. Sedap gils ok.

In the teksi again to Jetty Pangkor. Walaupun..

In the feri to Lumut Jetty. Girls just wanna have fun !!

Shopping time. Sumenya memborong sakan yea...

With the owner. See u again on 8th June. InsyaAllah...

Our memories. Love is temporary.. but friends are forever!! Luv u guyzz.


My Luvly Crocs

This is my luvly gift!!!. Shoes from CROCS. Called it Malindi.
Initially, i requested it for my birthday present. Apparently, i have to wait. But now i got it. Finally.. hehehe. :)

Besides Cotton Candy, it also comes in 5 colours : black, silver, pulse, mango & turquoise..
I targeted either cotton candy or silver, but apparently cotton candy menjadi pilihan hati. So sweet ok. (ayat propa sgt, hehehhe). My size is W7.

Free gift.

It flat revolutionized, perfect for the exotic beaches in warm water & soft. Best gilsss
  • Stylish, fun flat that allows feet to breath in warm weather
  • Slim fitting, feminine design provides the ultimate comfy croslite shoe for women
  • Footbed conforms to foot creating custom fit
  • Circulation nubs stimulate blood flow

Meet the VIDs

Date : 16th May 2008 (Friday)
Venue : A&W Subang Jaya (Tempat Rasmi)
Time : 8.00pm
Agenda : Discuss about MuDa De Pangkor 2008 & etc

Pictures below taken from K.Amy's camera. Thx dear... :)


Happy Birthday Adik!!

Dear Nor @ Adik,

Sorry for late posting
But Acik dah wishes ari tuh..
Birthday present last nite dah bagi.. Bawak pg shoppingkan.. hehee
U have been a strong daugther like ur mum after ur Dad's pasing since 13 years ago.
That time ur mum mengandungkan adik 8 bulan. U never saw ur dad rite?? Only the pic.
Ur face like ur dad dear. Eerrmmm.
Watever it is, I luv u so much!!
Be strong & Jgn nakal-nakal..
Muuaahhhxx :)