
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri


Salam lebaran dan salam kemaafan dari saya di atas segala keterlanjuran kata yang sengaja atau yang tidak disengajakan. Semoga dengan kemaafan kalian akan memberi keberkatan pada saya di bulan yang mulia ini. Di harap dengan kedatangan Syawal ini akan menceriakan lagi suasana Hari raya kalian.

Akhir kata Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Maaf Zahir Batin.
Pada yg balik kampung tuh, pandulah dengan cermat, ingatlah orang yg tersayang.


My New Hair

Well.. im happy to say that.. last week on Saturday i have fullfilled 1 thing that i've been looking forward to do after long holiday before Hari Raya. The first thing in my mind once woke up in the morning, going to Plaza Alam Sentral n get my hair rebonding. i arrived around 11.15am. Straight away to the 1st floor. Hani Saloon & Beauty Hair, which is my kakak angkat punya kedai. Actually im planned nak buat lama dah.. but masa tak mengizinkan. huhuhu

Pic taken by Amy, rajin sungguh die dtg jumpa i kt situ.
I did the hair treatment, colour, haircut, rebonding at her saloon.
my hair very thick. need to trim.. errmm :)
Sakit pinggang duduk lama2 ok.huhuh

Missions accomplished!!
Finally.. fresh look. cant wait the first wash.
dah start gatal dah.. tak biasa lah..hehhee

Gift from Lina RD

Lina Cayang..

Thanks for the gift. Really appreciated. hahaha no wonder that day u asked me "Kak lyn suka warna orange tak?" hehe i know y la kan... thanks dear. orange also my fav colour gak..hehe. thx sbb susah payah hantar bangle tu pd Kak Lyn.
thanks again dear... :)

Break Fast @ Matrade

Alhamdulillah.. akhirnya Lyn dapat gak berbuka puasa ngn my close frens di Matrade, off Jalan Duta. Walaupun pd mulanya Lyn menjemput seramai 15 org tpi disebabkan masing2 pun ade komitmen lain hanya 9 org je yg dpt hadir. Thx a lots guyz.

Guyz..just wanna say thx for accepting my buka puasa invitation last week. Really appreciated. Sorry lah klu menyusahkan. No names mentioned but u know who u are. hehehe.

So, im not gonna say much about this.. lets the pictures speaks for itself.

Persembahan Ghazal sepanjang berbuka puasa. Tapi ni ghazal ala2 moden gitu. Jgn tak tau, dorang bawak lagu Perhaps yg dighazalkan ok...

Food presentation. Konsep tradisional. Menurut adik sampan tu dibeli di Kuala Selangor khas untuk meletakkan beberapa jenis makanan.

Interiors yang di berkonsepkan tradisional. mmg cantik.. lain dr yg lain..

My luvly buddies

Myself n adik.. thx a lots adik for this arrangements..

Simbolic of Matrade

How to Stay Young & Happy Always

1. Throw out nonessential numbers.
This includes age, weight, and height.
Let the doctors worry about them.. That is why you pay them.

2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.
(Keep this in mind if you are one of those grouches!)

3. Keep learning:
Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain get idle. 'An idle mind is the devil's workshop.' And the devil's name is Alzheimer's!

4. Enjoy the simple things in life

5. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath..
And if you have a friend who makes you laugh, spend lots and lots of time with him or her!

6. The tears happen:
Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourself. LIVE while you are alive.

7. Surround yourself with what you love:
Whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.

8. Cherish your health:
If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.

9. Don't take guilt trips.
Take a trip to the mall, even to a foreign country, but NOT to where the guilt is

10. Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity..

Perodua Raya

Im really sorry for the late post.

Details of the event:-

Date : 10th Sept 2008
Venue : Wisma KRU, Jalan Jelatik
Artist : Dafi, Adam & Flava
Time : 8.30pm
Event : Promo @ Perodua Raya

Puasa baru beberapa hari kan. Tapi kami semua dah rasa suasana hari raya. Last week on wed, KRU invited us to involved with promo raya organized by Perodua & KRU. Sebelum shooting tu, kami semua berkesempatan untuk berbuka puasa bersama2 di Restoran Asam Pedas. Ade beberapa slot untuk kami dan artis dlm promo raya ini. Antaranya :
  • Kami semua bertandang ke rumah artis smbil bersalam salaman dengan mereka
  • Slot kami berborak antara satu sama lain diruang tamu. Meriah gilers....
  • Slot Dafi, Adam & Flava menjemput kami semua menjamu selera dengan hidangan yang istimewa. yummy..yummyyy..
  • Hiburan istimewa dr Dafi, Adam & Flava..
  • Last shot bermain bunga api & ucapan aidilfitri beramai2..

During the break fast at Restoran Asam Pedas nearby KRU

With Fendy aka Mr. Bawang

with Ray...

with my luvly adik aka Megat. Kebetulan sedondon plak.. :)

with Mak lampu aka Amy & Nad

with Flava

Group pic with our idol... DAFI

Just wanna say thx to Ayu (KRU) inviting us for the shooting @ Perodua Raya. I had fun. Enjoy sgt2 ngn Dafi, Adam & Flava. Shah yang suka wat lawak tahap cipan. Sampai sume sakit perut ngn lawaknya yg tak henti2. hehehehe.

p/s: Promo ini akan disiarkan di showroom Perodua di seluruh Malaysia.

My New Layout

I've just changed my blog layout. Very simple skin. tak lah serabut sgt. I like this layout. Simple & nice. heheheh :)


Happy Birthday Fara Cayang myspace graphic comments

ps : Fara.. Sorry for the belated posting
Posting abt Fara's Birthday Suprise, plz click here..


Sick Again

I'm sick again. I've been sick for almost one weeks. I wish I'd get better soon. i've taken medicine..ate less oily foods. I want my voicee backk!! I've lost my voice. now my voice sounds like 'penyanyi rock' according to my mom n frens. ntah ape2 ntah..but thats the fact. Errmm dah lah fasting month. Really tak selesa klu dah cough n flu camni. enuff said. bye...