Im really sorry for the late post. Have been busy this a few days. Mane yg sempat jer lah. with internet problem.. really rimas..eerrgghhhh.. Actually, Lyn know abt this event 2 weeks before the date thru Chat Box. So Im really2 excited to go... yeehaaaa...
An event called "Pasangan Romantis Rafflesia" tajaan Rafflesia The Pearl Centre n Suria FM. So event ni nak mencari Pasangan Romantis especially for Suria FM listener. OMG beb.. mcm mane i terlepas news ni. Klu i tau... sure i suh Emily @ Mak Lampu join this competition. Boleh kan Abg Sham?? Oppssss.. Larikkkkkk..hehehe.. Dafi n Diana Danialle as a jury for this competition. Very cute both of them.. Speechless....
Ok.. enjoy guyz with our journey. Memang havoc n tak hingat dunia. So these are several pics that we took... Have fun...
At Kelana Jaya LRT station...
Tun Raydrevil, Adam 'Timberlake' (gelaran baru), Yaty Beckham (si penjual kerepek) n Megat Kg Nekmat (adik kesayangan @ adik angkat @ Anak angkat bondaku...)
Warga tua, Wanita Hamil n Orang Kurang Upaya.. sila beri keutamaan pada mereka2 ini.. hahahaha. really sad kena gelak ngan TUN n rakan2....huhuhuh..
Kaki sape kah ini?? macam2 style...
In Monorail.. Bahagia giler dpt duduk.
OMG gurls... very stylish.. I like this pic..
Myself n Si penjual kerepek.. oppsss Yaty... ampun...
Myself n Azim. Lama gils tak jumpa adik Lyn ni. Sempat singgah n meet us at Low Yat Plaza wlupun kena keje ari tuh. Kononnya mengata Lyn yg kekwat. Die pun same. Azim.. next time klu nak g menoreh jgn lupa kt kakak mu ni ok.. haruslah ajak kan.. hehehehe..
From Low Yat Plaza to Sg Wang.. tetaplah nak bergambar kan... Lyn kt belakang tu hampir nak terjatuh.. hehehehe..
So sweet the backdrop kan..
Cantekker Gurls.. in front of the stage. Naddy.. where r u dear??
Rombongan Cik Maimunah (neighbours Tun, kakak angkat mak lampu) if front of the stage. Puasnya hati dpt berdiri kt depan stage...
Zhana n ZZ, d host.. Suria FM.. Hidup Pasti RancaK!!
So sweet both of them. dressed in white n red. Ape lah yg di gelakkan oleh Diana n Dafi tuh..
The winning couple. So sweet tau this couple n very touching bila that guyz sang "Lelaki Ini". She cried ok. Dah lah dpt hadiah RM 33,000 from the Rafflesia. Best giler... Baju die penuh ngn labuci n manik2.. bising..
1st Runner Up. Very sweet n romantic couple. That guyz looked very familiar lah..
Dafi singing "Bila Terasa Rindu". Penuh perasaan..
My heart.. new version by Dafi n Diana.. so kelakar..
waiting for Dafi..
Blurr lah this pic :( me n Diana Danialle. Very beautiful, soft spoken n tak sombong. Really sweetlah this girl.
Rizal (Jelatang). handsome kan??
My Idol :)
Group Pic : Yaty, Me, Dibby, Emily, Dafi, Nad, Saffy, Nad's Friend.. lupa lah name die, Myra n Loly..
Group pic: Fadly, Akym, Dafi, Tun, Capeq, Fit, Jamal, Adam n Bash
waiting monorail from BB - KL Sentral. So tired!!!
Wajah2 kepenatan dalam LRT.. KL Sentral - Kelana Jaya
Last pic before balik at LRT Kelana Jaya...