Sesat. Nasib pakcik tu tunjuk jalan.. Thx pakcik & makcik
Myself & Kakak
Sesat. Nasib pakcik tu tunjuk jalan.. Thx pakcik & makcik
Myself & Kakak
I have no mood to explain or watsoever. So ill leave u with d pics k. :)
To Ray & Megat,
Thanx for inviting us to your house. So sweet & i like ur decoration. Seriouss!! Thx for the dinner. Delicious. Sampai terlupa yg I on diet. hehehehe.
p/s: Next time invited lagi k.. :)
In the teksi (van) to Seagull Beach Village Resort...
Seagull Beach Village Resort
On our way to beach. Ada org tu teringin sgt nak naik banana boat. Mcm lah bawak baju kan...hehe:)
Tea time. We had laksa, pasembur, rojak & kuih-muih. Sedap gils ok.
In the teksi again to Jetty Pangkor. Walaupun..
In the feri to Lumut Jetty. Girls just wanna have fun !!
Shopping time. Sumenya memborong sakan yea...
With the owner. See u again on 8th June. InsyaAllah...
Our memories. Love is temporary.. but friends are forever!! Luv u guyzz.