2nd Feb 2009
- Had informal discussion & sms with Fara, Saffy, Nad, Lilo on where to celebrate Amy's birthday. We decided to check out a few places and will informed me later.
11th Feb 2009
- Meet up Fara & Amy at Subang, go for tea break and lepak with them. Since Amy going out to ladies, we still discussed. Apparently, location still undecided.
16th Feb 2009
- Received sms from Fara, where to celebrate Amy's birthday, but we still find out. Aiyooo.. pening ok.. Maklumlah nak sambut birthday Royaaaallll kan....
24th Feb 2009
- Received sms form Nad. Apparently we can't celebrate her birthday during the weekend. She's not around. She's bz with a her hubby. Nak celebrate berdua je uolss.... Aiyooo. postponed lagi.
28th Feb 2009 - Midnite
- I rang her up to wish her a happy birthday. Terkejut u olss. Siap nyanyi yer... hehehe
3rd March 2009
- Meet up Adam, Fara & Amy for tea break. When Amy not around, we still discussed again and again... Naili's? Old Town? or where... Lastly we decided to celebrate her birthday and DFC's Anniversary sekaligus at Naili's USJ Taipan.
- Amy agreed to meet them on the 6th March for the meeting. [dlm hati kitorang dah suka tak hingat ok.. heheheh]
4th March 2009
- Sent an invitation thru sms To all vids n aids, plz make urself available on friday nite 6th March, 8.30pm at Naili's USJ Taipan to discuss about DFC's Anniversary + SURPRISE for Amy's Birthday. PLZ DUN LET HER KNOW. Plz reply by today before 6.30pm.
- Called Naili's and made a reservation.
- Received feedback from them. At the same time, Amy called me : Lyn, dah send sms ke pasal meeting tuh? Lyn replied : Dah, tapi lupa nak cc kt u. jap eh. [aiyoo terus 4ward ok. but delete mane yg tak perlu.. hehehe]
- Received call from Ray, katanya Amy have to attend an event SYCD.[Aiiyooo perlu ke postponed lagi.. tolong lah...]. But he managed to call Amy to find out. Hope sgt Ray boleh bantu...
5th March 2009
- Luckily Amy pergi with luvly husband. But Im still remind her again. Datang tau after majlis tuh. And her replied YES, InsyaAllah.. i nak sgt sgt jumpa sume orang..
6th March 2009
- I've decided to go to USJ Taipan to buy some stuff and get some things done. I bumped into Fara n Auntie. We bought a cake to her. Thx Fara n Auntie.
- Fara managed to get helping from waiter to send the cake n playing birthday song.
- Makan time around 9.00pm n followed by meeting. Masih menunggu Amy datang.
- Amy arrived around 11.30pm.. bagi die relax2 n hilangkan penat...
- Finally...

Make a wish...
p/s: Amy.. thx for coming, thats y i always asking u.. U have to attend. Remember that?? heheh. Luv u dear :)