Souvenirs from Chennai, India

My colleagues, which is my GM & Manager went to Chennai last week & guess what they bought for me?? Its totally suprised. Why I said that?? Coz both of them adalah staff lelaki & I didn't expected anything from them. Lagipun dorang ada meeting with our client in India. Takkan lah ada masa nak shopping bagai kan.. hehehe

I just helping them to made a booking with MAS & Indian Visa. It is my responsibility to make sure everything running smoothly. A part of my work too. That's all. Maybe dorang nak balas jasa kot. hehehe <-- perasan. [sila muntah yea..hahaha]

Just to share some stuff that I got...

My GM bought a wonderful saree. Im not sure the cost. The material is so soft. I like the color. I love it!! Memang cantik sgt2. Sekarang ni tgh fikir nak wat fashion ape. hehehe. Auntie!! I need ur help untuk jahit my baju. 6 meters, so boleh dpt 2 pasang baju & sehelai kain. Jimat tuh.. :D

My manager bought me a pair of long blouse. The material is cotton. Warna kuning & ada sulaman pink, brown & green kat merata kain tuh. Cantik!! Can wear it with pants.

Alhamdulillah, semakin murah rezeki anda hendaknya.

Thx dude :D


♥Syamelia♥ said...

how lucky of u...
the blouse mmg sweet, bunga kecik2 :)

Amiha Ayu said...

mmg cantik!!!
especially yang yellow tu..
yellow.. surely nice one!

ATS SHOPPE - Macam-macam ada!!!

lily lotus said...

that was so sweet of them..bertuah u tau

Kancilbiru said...

cantik nye kain tu....kalau jual tu confirm ramai nak beli...hehe

adenium said...

lynnnnn...jelesnya.... nak jugakkkk

Lyn Yusoff said...

i tak expected pape pun..
org bagi kena amik lah kan :)

both mmg cantik..i suka sgt.
u sure lah kuning ttp jadi pujaan kan.. hehehe

Lyn Yusoff said...

tak sangka dorang ingat kat i.

tak boleh jual uoolssss
org bagi ni.. really appreciate it.

Lyn Yusoff said...

sila jeles yer... hahaha
kot2 la staff kt office u g india..
leh lah kirim.. hehee

Anonymous said...

good taste jgak eh your GM and manager.. heheh.

- Lina RD

Lyn Yusoff said...

tu lah lina.
i x expected pun..