

Yesterday, I went to Sunway Pyramid after working hours. Actually tak plan pun. I just fetch my fren at Bandar Sunway. Suddenly my fren ask me whether i want to go to J.CO or not.. btw im driving rite. Eerrmm.. so terus drive my car to Sunway Pyramid. My fren tercengang...lalalalalala...

And then, I went to J.CO. wajib beli this time. Last time nak beli tak sempatkan.. Long queue. Eerrgghh.. Now i get the chance to buy donuts. Yeaayyy... Luckily i just wait only 10 minutes. Finally... I got it.. I decided to have 1 dozen of donuts.. and it is really2 worth it. Delicious. Yummy..yummy.. and now im addicted to it. Next time lol...hehehehe..

J.CO Sunway Pyramid..

my selection of donuts...
time to go home and share it with my family....

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