Since im not busy, i decided to meet up my frens @ biz partner, Fazs, Murali @ Ali n Vijay somewhere in Bukit Tinggi Klang around 8.30pm. We had a dinner.. isnt dinner??.. hehehehe. I wonder how long it's been since the last time i saw my frens.. i think last week lar at KL Office. U know lah guyz. Im a buzy woman ok..hehe. After 5.30pm, i drove n straightly to my house. OMG.. jammed oll the way.. raining..damnnn...#$%^&*
After Maghrib prayer, i rushed n drove my car to Bukit Tinggi Klang. Arrived around 8.45pm. Sorry guyz. A bit late. Since it was raining, we decided to pekena coffee and lepaks at Old Town. Isnt ok guyz??.. Mak ok jer nyahh... hahahaha. Actually, i got two an appointment. Sorry Lilo n Mak Lampu coz i cant join u guyz. I already made an appointment with my frenz 1st. Next time we hang out together ok.. Promise...
We talked, laughed, gossiped (ngn jantanz2 ni pun aku kuat gosip ok. suka sgt mengusik aku kannn). We disscused about our business n strategy. Biz lah konon..hehehe. Just want to share the pics taken.
I had hazelnut white coffee n peanut butter toast. yummmyy.. yummy...
Lapar ke korang nih... abis korang sental yer...hahahaha. Murali kata butter die sedap. Nanti kita tanya toukeh die yer beli kt maner...
Ali : What???
Me : Take the pic lah..
Ali : Ok.. no problem... korang ni asyik nak bergambar jer...
Me n Fazs : hahahahahhaha.. (2 times Jay kacau we oll.. sakit perut tergelak)
Ali : Ok.. Done..
U can imagine muda2 dah pakai BMW.. I pun nak gaks... cant waittt....
kak lyn...
its okie la..
next tyme ade lagi...
all da best with ur biz k...
p/s:nk gak merasa nek kete BMW kak lyn ..heheeh
thx lilo.. next time k..
p/s: InsyaAllah lilo.. doakan akak berjaya... Amin..
kaklyn, is dat d handbag dat u wanted so much tu? cantikk!! worth buying kan, tak rugi :)
saf.. bkn yg tuh..the others handbag. yg kak lyn nak tu.. no more stock.. kena beli lainn..
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