
Belated Present

Dear Kak Long,
Thx for the bracelet,
So sweet & i like the colour,
Thx a lot again,
You're beautiful sister in my life forever & ever,
Luv u.. muaahhh :)

Shopping Time

Helloooo.. Lama nya tak update blog. Errmm i quite bz with work & other things. Almost tired everyday. A lots of works. No more enjoy. Slept around 12.00pm. Can u imagine.. tak cukup tido. I've been sick almost 3 days. Flu & fever. Alhamdullilah dah baik.

Since today is Saturday, eermm cuti. Myself n my colleagues, Sabrina we headed up to Metrojaya Warehouse Sales at Seksyen 15 Shah Alam. We arrived around 9.15am. OMG.. serious i think there were thousands of people kat situ tadi. Serious rimas & panas gils..but we managed to get few stuff. Rambang mata ok. Sakit kaki coz terlalu lama berdiri. All branded item. There are many item such as apparels, cosmetics & fragrance, handbags, men's footwear, children's apparels, toys & etc. Seriously sale until 70% - 80%. but if u guyz nak merasa, just go ahead. Tomorrow last day. Just brought ur money banyak2. Shop till drop k.. heheheheh

I also spent around RM300.00 for shopping today. Just for clothes, shoes & a few things for my nieces & my mum. All from Somerset Bay, Goggles, Renoma, World Cartoon n etc. Banyak sangat i dpt dari RM300 tuh. U can get more items if u go guyz. Seriousss!!!...

Errmm di sebabkan i tak larat, we shopping until 1.00pm. Serious panas gils. Watever it is, we managed to get few stuff. Cuma tak sempat nak ke bahagian cosmectics & fragrance. I dgr byk perfume gak. Kenzo, JLO, Davidoff, JPG & etc. But my colleagues promised nak pg lagi esok. Die nak carik cosmectic & fragrance. So i just kirim jer. Coz im going to PD tonite for family gathering with my family. Actually my family dah ade kat sane. Tinggal myself, my adik & brother in law jer yg belum pergi.

Ok guyz.. better stop now. I nak packed my stuff. After Maghrib, we oll dah nak bertolak. enuff said. Doakan kami supaya selamat sampai. Bye... :)

ps: To get more info about Metrojaya Warehouse Sales, Please click here

Happy Birthday Kakak

Happy Birthday to my Beloved Sister,
Sahdiah Hj. Yusoff
-19th April 2008-

Semoga Panjang Umur & Murah Rezeki


Allahyarham Haji Yusoff B. Tahir
7.9.1930- 18.4.2003

Hari ni genap 5 tahun arwah abah kembali ke rahmatullah. Rasenya macam baru jer. Arwah abah meninggal dunia disebabkan sakit tua semasa berumur 72 tahun. Sebagai salah sorang anak nya, arwah abah memang seorang yg baik hati, periang, serius, menitikberatkan pelajaran anak-anak serta cucu2nya. Arwah abah memang amat disegani oleh orang kampung kerana usahanya yg gigih sehingga beliau di lantik sebagai ketua kampung, sampai nama jalan pun ditukar kepada namanya, iaitu Jalan Haji Yusoff. Tapi sume tu kini tinggal kenangan.

Arwah abah meninggalkan kami pada ari jumaat tepat jam 9.00am. Bila mengenang balik pemergian arwah, arwah pergi dengan tenangnya. Mak dpt mengajar arwah abah mengucap. Alhamdulillah. Ketika itu hanya mak sahaja yg menemaninya. Sbb adik beradik Lyn sume bekerja termasuk Lyn. Seperti kebiasaan kami sume bersalam dan mencium arwah. Begitulah rutin harian kami setiap hari selepas arwah keluar dari hospital. Arwah hanya menghabiskan masa dirumah. Arwah tidak boleh berjalan sangat. Terpaksa menggunakan tongkat atau dipapah.

Pagi tuh, selepas bersalam dan mencium arwah, Lyn terus pegi keje. Tapi Lyn perasan seolah-olah arwah memandang Lyn tanpa kelip. Tpi Lyn buat biase je. Sampai je ofis terus bfast. Masuk keje pun kul 9am. Still lepak2 lagi ngan my colleagues. Kul 9 lebih Lyn dpt panggilan telefon dr my niece. Katanya "Acik balik cepat, Atuk dah takde". Ya Allah.. Hanya Allah je yg tau waktu tuh. Hphone terlepas dr tangan & Lyn rebah di lantai. Yang Lyn ingat kawan Lyn yg menyambung panggilan tu dan yg sorang lagi mengangkat Lyn yg masih rebah. Airmata semakin laju mengalir.

Alhamdullillah my colleagues hantar Lyn balik sbb mmg tak leh nak drive. Dalam kepala dah pikir macam2. Sampai je rumah, adik beradik sume dah ade dan orang semakin ramai. Satu je dlm kepala Lyn masa tuh. Nak tgk abah & nak jumpa mak. Masa tu org ramai tengah mengangkat jenazah abah untuk diletakkan di tengah rumah. Mak dan adik beradik Lyn masih menangis. Tapi kata mak, kita semua kena redha pemergian abah. Doakan abah dan bacakan Yaasin untuknya. Alhamdulillah kami sume dapat mengaji bersama2 didepan jenazah. Kami dpt mencium abah sebelum jenazah abah dimandikan dan dikafankan.

Alhamdulillah, semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Mukanya tenang dengan senyuman yg manis. Muka arwah semakin cerah dan muda. Besar sungguh anugerah yg Allah berikan. Jenazah disembahyangkan di Masjid selepas Solat Jumaat. Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, betapa ramai nya orang ketika itu. Salah satu kelebihan yg Allah berikan kepada arwah ketika itu. Jenazah telah di kebumikan selepas Solat Jumaat di Tanah Perkuburan Bukit Badak, Klang.

Sehingga ke ari ni, kami sentiasa merindui arwah abah. Menziarahi abah di kubur adalah rutin kami setiap minggu.

"Ya Allah Ya Tuhan ku, kau ampunilah segala dosa Bapa kami, Haji Yusoff Bin Tahir. Cucuri lah rahmat ke atas rohnya dan tempatkan beliau di kalangan orang-orang yg beriman. AMIN...."
[ kami sume rindu Abah...]


Happy Birthday Puteri Cayang

Happy Birthday to my Little Princess @ Budak Kecik
Puteri Nur Syamimi Alya Bt. Zul Hadim
Wishing You a Wonderful Birthday
[ 17th April 2008 ]

ps: Dah semakin nakal yer... ari2 nak ikut Achik pg kejer. Pastu dah pandai melaram sakan skrg nih. Abis my high heels n handbag jadi mangsa. Bak kata my mum n my sister in-law.. Mmg nak ikut perangai auntie dia yg suka bergaya... Motifffffff.... :)



Buat Megat (Suami Allahyarhammah),
Pak Ali & Mak Engku (sepupu terdekat kami)
serta Keluarga Allahyarhammah

Ucapan Takziah daripada Hajjah Ainan Bt Mat sekeluarga di atas pemergian Allahyarhammah ke rahmatullah pada 13 April 2008. Semoga Allah S.W.T. mencucuri rahmat ke atas rohnya & di tempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman.

ps: Allahyarhammah juga meninggalkan seorang anak perempuan berusia 9 bulan. Sedih tak terkata bila melihat anaknya menangis. Maklumlah dlm usia yg masih kecil dia telah hilang kasih sayang dari ibunya.


When u want something, sometimes u have to swim a little deeper, u can't give up just because things don't come easy, u have to overcome the obstacles & face ur fears, but in the end, it's all worth while! Life is full of ups and downs, but if u BELIEVE YOURSELF u will always come through with flying colours. Value Friendship, Love & Faith. Never underestimate yourself. If u follow this advise u can never go wrong!


Congratz Fara

for winning 'Aksi Murai' Contest

Eventhough u didn't win the drawn by Kumpulan AURA, but u're still the winner rite??
I know ur feeling dear, but dun worry k.
Luv u.. muuaaahhhx :)

Before You Speak

I would like to share it to everyone

Before you speak.. Listen
Before you write.. Think
Before you spend.. Earn
Before you criticize.. Wait
Before you pray.. Forgive
Before you quit.. Try

Your words, your dreams & your thoughts have power to create conditions in your life.
What you speak about, you can bring about.

If you keep saying you can't stand your job,
you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you can't stand your body,
your body can become sick.

If you keep saying you can't stand your car,
your car could be stolen or just stop operating.

If you keep saying you're always broke, guess what?
you'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman,
you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find a job,
you will remain unemployed.

If you keep saying you can't find someone to love you or believe in you,
our very thoughts will attract more experiences to confirm your beliefs.

Turn your thoughts and conversations around to be more positive and power packed with faith, hope, love and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve.

Watch your "Thoughts," they become words,
Watch your "Words," they become actions,
Watch your "Actions," they become habits,
Watch your "Habits," they become character,
Watch your "Character," for it become your "Destiny"

So.. to prevent any obstacles....


Enjoy every minute you live!!

Lovely Phone

Something happend yesterday. OMG!!.. My handphone terjatuh, battery terkeluar n casing tertanggal. S***. My mistake. Really disappointed about this. Luckily, still can used. Sometimes off sendiri. Eerrgghh.If i want to get a new handphone...ermmmm.. jgn mimpi lah. I dun think so.. :(

ps: Blm sempat abis berkabung untuk K Amy, diri sendri dirundung malang.. huhuhu :(

Karaoke [No. 9]

Karaoking with my luvly family, Amy, Ray, Megat, Fendy & Adam @ Red Box, Sunway Pyramid. We had fun together [semangat luar biasa nih..heheh]. I missed the 1st session karaoking with them last month during DFC 1st Anniversary. So here im in the 2nd session.. joining them singing. Saje release tension. Maybe after this we all always karaoking again again n again..hehehe :)

Macam2 genre of muzik yg we oll nyanyi. Dari R&B, balada, rock, irama Malaysia, dangdut pun ada. Memang baik punya!!!

Lyn Daratista - Goyang Amy

Lyn Rafar & Amy Rafar - Hak Milik Kekal [back-up dancer - Ray Kasan]

Amy Mastura - Jawapan Kasih

Adam Zainal - Harapan

Fendy Shah - Pencinta Wanita

Megat Hj. Arshad - Pelangi Petang

Ray Enrique - Could I Have This Kiss Forever

Together - Anyone For us

Thx to all my luvly frens. Luv u oll.. Gonna miss u guyz :)


7th Malaysia Career & Training Fair 2008

The 7th Malaysia Career & Training Fair 2008 telah berlangsung di Mid Valley Exhibition Centre from 6th - 7th April 2008. So I decided to hang out with my colleague, As. We went to Mid Valley on Saturday around 1.00pm. OMG.. Seriously rimas. There were thousand of people. Headache. Ting tong jap. Ikut kan ati malas nak pg. Tapi..[ada sebab2 tertentu lah]. Weekend kan. Sure lah org berpusu2 nak shopping n bersantai. Looking a new jobs. And that's the main reason we were there... hehehehe.. [iishhhh]

Just to share a few pics taken during the event.

I just print out the email sent it by JobsDB.com and bring it when come to the Career Fair. It entitiles to the following privileges.

1. Express check-in for faster access to the Career Fair. Get an admission sticker n lekat kt baju.
2. Enter the contest to win prizes at the Career Fair.

Me & As... thx As coz accompany akak... :)
wish u all the best. I'll pray for us. Dun worry ok...



I just accompany Amy to Tesco Shah Alam, do the henna thingy. RM 5/ per hand. So cheap kan. Maklumlah she wearing punjabi suit for staff dinner. Haruslah ade henna tuh. but then i pun terjebak same.. hahahaha...


Birthday Gurl

A Very Happy Birthday...
To My Special Little Princess

Wishing You a Wonderful Birthday!!

Sayang Nurul.. muuaahhhxx


Congratulations DAFI


I would like to thx everyone voted for him. Seriously we doing our part rite?? I felt that we have done our responsibility as a Dafinites. Itulah yg dikatakan betul2 TRUE DAFINITES. Really appreciate it. U guyz mmg BAIK PUNYA!!!!



Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2007

Sorry for the late posting of our trip to Genting Highlands.

As publicized in media, an event callled "Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2007" was held in Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands. Basically, this event were looking for the most popular artist. Dafi adalah artis yang tercalon untuk "Artis Lelaki Baru Popular". TOP 5 kan. Haruslah kami datang ke sane untuk memberikan sokongan moral to our idol. And that's the main reason we were there...

So, i'm gonna say much about this event. Lets the picture speaks for itself.

But the most important thing.. we had so much fun throughout the journey & the event. So guyz.. Plz enjoy... :)


Myself, Amy & Fara satu kereta. The rest with Adam's & Ray's car. Actually nak bertolak awal around 11.30am. Maklumlah mcm2 halkan. Departured around 1.00pm from Amy's house at Shah Alam.

Melalui Federal Highway & straight away to LDP. We had fun together walaupun we all bertiga jer dlm kereta. U guyz nak tau.. Batu Caves ni mengingatkan Lyn pd seseorang (no name mention lah kn..hehehehe). He told me that he never been there. Tu yg tergerak nak amik tuh...kahkahkahkah..(gelak jahat Me, Amy & Fara)

Our way from MRR2 to Genting. OMG.... Motifffff. Take a pic of Genting Highlands signboard.

We arrived at Genting Sempah around 2.00pm.

Genting!!!!!.. Me & Fara menjerit sekuat hati. Its totally fun guyz. Its so cold.

Di sini lah tempat kami sesat. klu u guyz nak tau.. Azim, Fendy & Megat dah turun dan bertanya di Balai Polis Genting mcm mane nak ke Genting View. Tpi still tersesat lagi di Institut Aminuddin Baki. Nampak sangat tak fokus kan...2 kali sesat ni beb... Motifffff...

Myself n Fara. Smile... :)

So girls, smile... we're almost there...

Finally, we oll sampai ke Genting View Appartment [bkn rumah tumpangan Ah Tong yer]. Masa tu hujan lebat sgt2. Tersangat lah sejuk. OMG.. forgot to bring along my sweater..huhuhuhu. After check-in we all bersiap secepat mungkin coz nak meet dafinites yang lain kt Mc Donalds, Genting.

Around 5.00pm we departured to Skyway, Gohtong Jaya. We had to wait in a queue for 20 minute to get the Skyway. Haihh.. I think there were thousands of people at Skyway.. Seriously rimas...

Best pose from us..

Everyone at Skyway looking at us. Coz we take a pics during line up. Every single line tau.. so pelikkan. Typical attitude of us, the 'photo obsession' habit.

Me, Amy, Fara, Azim, Fendy & Adam satu skyway. Me n Fara mmg gayat sgt. Seriously, Im so afraid. Fara dah nampak comfortable dah. I mmg tak boleh. Berkali2 dorang suh i tenangkan diri. Bak kata Adam, muka ketat. Takut beb... [dlm hati berdoa n baca Ayat Kursi byk2 n fikir bila lah nak sampai]

Tun Ray, Megat, Lilo & Capeq naik satu skyway. Smile + berani.. :)

Sampai kat Genting after 15 minit. OMG.. Cold. Tengok lah kabus2 tuh. I forgot to bring my shawl. Luckily i just pinjam from Kak Amy. Thx dear..

For more info :-

Click here for Anugerah Bintang Popular Berita Harian 2007
Click here for Genting Baby
Click here for Gedik Santai @ Genting Permai
Click here for Trip to NoWhere - Part 1