
Gunung Lang Recreational Park, Perak

Gunung Lang Recreational Park.. Huh? Where? Not many people are aware of this gem in Ipoh, though it's been around for ages.. It only recently officially opened its door to public with boating service starting from April of 2004.

The Gunung Lang recreation park, off Jalan Kuala Kangsar, is an ideal location to relax the mind and the body. It is built around a scenic backdrop of limestone hills and lakes. Here, there is minimal cutting of hills and the surrounding lakes and wetlands are left untouched as added attractions. Among the attractions here are the manmade cascading waterfalls atop a limestone hill, a two-kilometre boardwalk over swampland, viewing tower and a playground. Public amenities like washrooms and prayer rooms are available. Soon, there will be an aviary and a flower garden along the lines of the celebrated Buchart Garden in Vancouver, Canada, camping ground, hanging bridge and handicraft stalls. Besides Gunung Lang, other well known recreational sites in Ipoh are Taman D.R. and Sultan Abdul Aziz parks.

Thx Zaza for the nice picture. Sorry dear. Couldn't make it to join u guyz last week. M
aklumlah i bz with Event An Evening with Dafi at KL Tower. From today onwards im free.. jom holiday beb.. we'll plan together ok.. yeeaaaayyyyyy...

Roll out the yellow carpet... a well manicured lawn, neatly trimmed hedges.. kudos to the gardener..

Curious structure designs which offer shade while maintaining the lighting..

Boats start their service(the only way to the park) from 8 am to about 6:30pm daily.. It's just a short 5 minute boat ride across the 'lake'. Start chatting with the boatmen and they will tell you some stories and facts about the park.

That's the pier in the background

The Game Plan - Coming Soon


Release date - September 28, 2007 (Friday)
Genre - Comedy
Running time - 110 min.
Director - Andy Fickman
Studio - Walt Disney Pictures
Producer(s) - Gordon Gray, Mark Ciardi
Screenplay - Nichole Millard, Kathryn Price
Cast - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Roselyn Sanchez, Kyra Sedgwick, Morris Chestnut, Madison Pettis, Gordon Clapp


Rugged superstar quarterback Joe Kingman (DWAYNE ?THE ROCK? JOHNSON), whose Boston-based team is chasing a championship, is a ?serial bachelor?, Kingman is living the ultimate fantasy: he?s rich, famous and the life of the party. But this dream is suddenly sacked for a loss when he discovers the 7-year-old daughter (Madison Pettis) he never knew he had ? the product of a last fling before parting years ago with his young wife. Now, during the most important time in his career, he must figure out how to juggle his parties, practices and dates with the newfound ballet classes, bedtime stories and dolls that come with his daughter.

Equally perplexed is his hard-edged mega-agent, Stella (Kyra Sedgwick), herself without a parental bone in her body. Despite the often hilarious misadventures that come with being a new father, Joe discovers that there?s more to life than money, endorsements and thousands of adoring fans: the love and care of one very special small fan is the only thing that matters.

p/s: Dun forget to watch this movie...


Happy Birthday to My Adik Megat & Nad


22 Dec 2007

All that brings you happiness..
All that brings you cheer..
That’s what we wish for you..
Today & all through the year
Happy Birthday to you guyz…..
Semoga panjang umur, murah rezeki & di rahmati Allah SWT… Amin….

Sweet Memory - KL Tower 15/12/07

Almost one week im quite bz with other things sampai tak sempat nak update blog. Actually im not feeling well. Since balik dr KL Tower Lyn terus demam tak hingat. Batuk n flu sampai ari nih tak baik2 lagi. eeeee.. tak sukanyer.

Hari Raya Haji very simple to me. My mum still memasak such as ketupat, rendang ayam, kari ayam, kuah kacang, kuah lodeh n etc. Thx to Azim, Adam n Zafuan coz sudi datang rumah Kak Lyn. Really appreciate ur presence.

Thx to Zaza n Linda also. Thx 4 coming over to my house. Nice chat with u guyz. gossip ol the time... gossip gurls sangat kan.. hahahaha..lama giler tak jumpa u oll.. have a safe journey to Bangkok. Make sure dun forget the "buah tangan" for me.

Below a few pictures taken before, during n after the event. Enjoy guyz...

Gurls smile... Sorry Kak Long.. only half ur face...

Gurls n Megat at Kg Baru...

Gurls in white.. so suci n bersih...

VID Gurls... Perfect in white... Howwttt!!!

Makan Time......

Me n my luvly family.....

Group Hug..... :)

Smile.....:) with Ray..

Howwwtt Guyz..

KLCC at the back side.. beautiful lol..

with VIDs, Myra n Yaty...

Group picture.. Nice...


Bz taking pics...

Action.... 1 2 3 !!!!!! like termenung...

Sweet pic....


My Appreciation Awards

Thx so much DFC. Really appreciated.

Anugerah Very Important Dafinites (VID) of the Year

AJK Perancangan, Program & Aturcara


An Evening with Syamelia at Mutiara Damansara

2nd December 2007

Actually, me n Amy plan to hang out together after the long weekend. But as a career woman we oll tak berkesempatan nak hang out n window shopping together. Ade je plan lain. Whatever it is, my hobby to shopping haruslah diteruskan. But this time, we oll tak sia2kan masa terluang kami. Just hang out at Flea Market @ The Curve Mutiara Damansara.

If u guyz nak tau.. we oll ni pantang ade camera. Mestilah nak shoot a few pic for collection. Bak kata Amy "photo obsession" habit.. lalalalalala. Walaupun berpeluh kepanasan tetaplah nak bergambar. So guyz.. enjoy with the pic that we took on that day.

me n my twin

Amy... me sms someone in my heart ok... so sweet... Bali ker???

Xmas deco at the back.. beautiful deco..

Me & Amy's selection of donuts

yummy.. yummy....

Ratu possing..

wahh... banyaknya shopping... cukup ke tuh..

the things that we managed to get...

An Evening with My Mum & Megat at Bukit Tinggi, Klang

1st December 2007
Family's Outing...

Since im quite bz with my work n other things. Lyn dun have time to hang out with my mum. Today im free, Lyn decided to have a day out with my mum, my sis n my niece. Megat pun join skali after lunch kat my house di Klang. Just hang out at Jaya Jusco Bukit Tinggi, Klang.

Wow!!!.. besar giler shopping complex tuh. After this, Lyn tak perlu nak ke MV or OU coz Jaya Jusco tu lebih kurang 10 minit from my house. Very near. I can get what i want. Macam-macam ade. hehehe. So this is a few pic yg Lyn sempat shoot. Enjoyyy......

my mum n my nieces

Megat in d house.. which is my mum punya anak angkat..

Heroin from animation film.. beautiful lol..

me n my heroin... lalalalallaa

me & my adik angkat...

Xmas deco at the back... cantik siutttttt...