
I am Ready

Im happy. Coz finally, I managed to get all the things that i needed for this Sunday. All DONE.. yeaayyyyy.. last minute shopping is totally fun!! tapi sakit kaki wooo.. Boleh sakit jiwa + tired.. kihkihkihkih. But not really recommended.

Checklist :

* Annual Leave [DONE - thx bos.. hehehe ]
* Shoes [ DONE ]
* Baju, Pants or Skirt [ DONE ]
* Handbag [ DONE - early March baru je beli :) ]
* Earring [ DONE ]
* Bracelet & Neklace [ DONE ]
* Hotel [ DONE ]

p/s : Watever it is.. we have fun at Genting ok... Cant wait.. Seriously!!!!!!..


My Day Out

Today, I went to Pyramid after working hours with my best fren Zaza. One of the nearest shopping mall from my office n Zaza's house. OMG.. sale have started. Sale sane sini.. Rambang mata di buatnya. Actually im looking a new dress . Red dress. Errmm.. Plan to go with Mak Lampu.. but she cant make it. Katanya ade dinner. I managed to call my fren.. Zaza. Luckily, she promised to teman me shopping... yeayyyyyyyyyyyy..

As she has promised me earlier, we met at Pyramid around 6.00pm. So she teman me to find red dress for an event, ABPBH at Arena of Stars, Genting Highlands 30th March 2008. So we did walaupun tak dpt beli dress, i dpt lah beli baju merah. Oklah kan.. at least ade gak.. hehehe.

OMG.. we so tired. Walking around. Tawaf banyak kali..hehehe. Suddenly, i saw my ex-colleague, Chris. But we pretend as if we dun know each other. Manelah tau salah orang. Malu yg ku dpt. Finally we all tegur each other. Sah.. she's my fren. I wonder how long its been since the last time i saw my fren. 3 years ago when we working together as a secretary at the same company. She's married already with indian guy. She's from Sabah. OMG beb.. semakin chubby ko...hehehehee.. I miss her a lotz..

Im sleepy now. Headache plak. Something happend yesterday. Really disappointed about this. Errrrggghhhh. i dun care. 11.50pm already. Time to sleep. Enuff said.

Good nite.. bye...


Bored + Magazine

Im bored with doing the same thing everyday... Tired!!..
Nothing much works. Just visit my friends blog. Found the pics designed by adik from her blog. So sweet. Let me try to create a few pic from my collection. Finally..see the pics below.. Done.. thx adik 4 d ideas.. hehehee

I have no mood to explain or watsoever. So i'll leave u with the pics..


Surprised!! :)

I just received sms from Tun Ray...

"Dafi dah balik.
Dia kirim salam sayang kt semua"

p/s : Tersenyum Lyn dpt sms tuh. Alhamdulillah Dafi selamat sampai. Amin... Terus je reply sms Ray ngan senyuman meleret.. motifffffff!!

Berteman Sepi

Penaku menari mencoretkan
Sebuah puisi kelukaan
Gurindam jiwa
Cinta dan airmata
Di kamar hati ini
Masih ada sembunyi
Kenangan yang tak mampu
Ku lemparkan jauh

Penaku menari melakarkan
Gambar kesayuan masa silam
Tinta bersulam biru
Warna kerinduan
Berkaca jernih ingatanku
Biarpun dikau telah jauh
Dari pandanganku

Manisnya pertemuan
Pahitnya perpisahan
Segala kini tidak dapat
Untukku bahasakan
Semua kini kaku
Tiada lagu merdu
Setiap madah baris kata
Bukannya lagi buatmu

Kini berteman sepi
Kini aku sendiri
Suka dan duka
Dalam meniti gelombang
Kembara panjang

Jauh melangkah pergi
Tidak menoleh lagi
Kenangan silamku
Tinggal tertulis kini
Dalam sebuah puisi

Penaku menari membariskan
Puisi sebuah pengalaman
Gurindam jiwa cinta dan airmata
Di kamar sepi ini
Titisan membasahi
Dan aku tidak tahu
Pada siapakah untukku luah rasa

Karaoke & Birthday in Advanced

Saturday, 22nd March 2008, DFC organized 1st Anniversary at E-Box Karaoke, Endah Parade Sri Petaling. OMG guyz... its totally fun. Sape yg tak datang, mmg rugi sangat2. Then ramai plak muka baru. We have fun together, menyanyi, menari, etc.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in the "surprised birthday ceremony" for myself, Kak Amy & Adam. Actually i really dun know about this. Last nite, when i lepaking with Ray, Megat, Azim, Kak Amy, Lilo, we oll decided to celebrate Adam's birthday during the ceremony together with Dafi FC. Ok lah kan. But then bila dorang nyanyi birthday song, Ray also mentioned my name together with Adam n Amy. OMG guyz.. my birthday lagi 1 week maa.. Birthday in advanced. Thx very much guyz... Luv u ol.. muuaaaahhhh...

Tapi adik Lyn yg dua org tu mmg nakal sangat. Saffy n Dibby.. patutlah hilang yer.. both of u mmg nak kena gigit kan...motifff sgt.. heheheeh.Thanks lalink...

So, i'm not gonna say much about this ... Lets the pictures speaks for itself...

Thx everyone.. really appreciated. terharu sgt.. Thx 4 the cake..

Smile alwayzz..... where's Mak Lampu, Megat n Naddy??

The Chantekker Gurls
Where's Lilo...
Motiff tak datang.. mmg tak sesuai..

ni lagi sorang nak kena gigit...

My big family... luv u oll... muuaahhhhxx

Last pic before balik.. Thx u guyz.. Thx umi... (Umi next to me)
Nice to meet guyz..

Emily.. i luv this pose too. ur idea kan.. hehehe

Myself n Saffy.. nakal adik Lyn ni.. mmg nak kena gigit.. hehehe

Myself n Dibby... ni pun nak kena gigit ni.. chumell sungguh Dibby n Saffy menyanyi..

3 jejaka pingitan...


Happy Birthday DFC

Pejam celik pejam celik.. now DFC its way to second year. OMG... cepatnyer masa berlalu. Now DFC become a part of my life. I never involved any fan club before this. U guyz a part of my life too. Thx a lots... Luv u guyz...

Happy Birthday to u..
Happy Birthday to u..
Happy Birthday to DFC..
Happy Birthday to u..

Watever it is.. DFC always in my heart.. 4ever n ever.. kini, dulu dan selamanya.


Happy Birthday Adam

Dear Adam..

Just wanna wish u all the best in your career & undertakings
Have a Wonderful Birthday,
Semoga Panjang Umur & Murah Rezeki..

p/s : Akak doakan cepat2 dapat jodoh..hehehehe

Lots of Luv,
Kak Lyn


Salam Maulidur Rasul 1429H/2008M


Happy Birthday Lina Ratu Drama - 17th March myspace graphic comments

Dear Lina Lalink...

Happy Birthday
May Allah Bless You
Semoga Panjang Umur & Murah Rezeki
Hope you have a BIRTHDAY that's
as Wonderful as you are.

p/s: bila nak datang M'sia ni.. lama dah Kak Lyn tunggu.. hehehee

Lots of Love
Kak Lyn

HAPPY BIRTHDAY FAZS - 15 March myspace graphic comments

Happy Birthday FAZS..
May Allah Bless You, Semoga Panjang Umur & Murah Rezeki.
Wishing u a Joyous Birthday

p/s : kita celebrate together ok.. ajak yg lain2 gaks... :)

Lots of Love
Ina @ Lyn Yusoff


Old Town Moments

Since im not busy, i decided to meet up my frens @ biz partner, Fazs, Murali @ Ali n Vijay somewhere in Bukit Tinggi Klang around 8.30pm. We had a dinner.. isnt dinner??.. hehehehe. I wonder how long it's been since the last time i saw my frens.. i think last week lar at KL Office. U know lah guyz. Im a buzy woman ok..hehe. After 5.30pm, i drove n straightly to my house. OMG.. jammed oll the way.. raining..damnnn...#$%^&*

After Maghrib prayer, i rushed n drove my car to Bukit Tinggi Klang. Arrived around 8.45pm. Sorry guyz. A bit late. Since it was raining, we decided to pekena coffee and lepaks at Old Town. Isnt ok guyz??.. Mak ok jer nyahh... hahahaha. Actually, i got two an appointment. Sorry Lilo n Mak Lampu coz i cant join u guyz. I already made an appointment with my frenz 1st. Next time we hang out together ok.. Promise...

We talked, laughed, gossiped (ngn jantanz2 ni pun aku kuat gosip ok. suka sgt mengusik aku kannn). We disscused about our business n strategy. Biz lah konon..hehehe. Just want to share the pics taken.

Myself n Fazs.. both in brown. Cam janji lah plak.. We like a twin ok. Even my new frens pun perasan. Khusyuk benor ko nyahhhh..

I had hazelnut white coffee n peanut butter toast. yummmyy.. yummy...

Lapar ke korang nih... abis korang sental yer...hahahaha. Murali kata butter die sedap. Nanti kita tanya toukeh die yer beli kt maner...

Me : Ali, please help me...
Ali : What???
Me : Take the pic lah..
Ali : Ok.. no problem... korang ni asyik nak bergambar jer...
Me n Fazs : hahahahahhaha.. (2 times Jay kacau we oll.. sakit perut tergelak)
Ali : Ok.. Done..

Me n Murali... Successful man

Me n Vijay.. Jangan lupa bawak i naik ur new car BMW ok... he's only 23 years old.
U can imagine muda2 dah pakai BMW.. I pun nak gaks... cant waittt....

Myself n Fazs Lalink. Cant wait to be a *******. My old frenz. 11 years we oll lost contact. Last 2 years we meet thru 1 website. Really miss u dear. n now we a biz partner n close frens.


Election 2008

Yesterday, my second time voting for 12th Malaysia's General Election. Wake up early in the morning. Departed around 9.15am with my mum n my sisters at Sekolah Rendah Agama Sungai Kandis Klang. Nasib baik tak ramai orang. Lepas je habis mengundi.. I terus je balik rumah dan sambung tido... hehehehe...

I also voted my own party.. PARTY BUIH...

Ape cerita ni beb... sume nyer tak menang... sedih2.... :(

Ikhlas dari..
YB Cikgu Kak Buih

March 2008

OMG.. I miss blogging. I have been busy a few days with my work, my part time biz n etc. Tired beb... I have time to online only in my office. at home with internet problem. Rimass.. sakit hati dibuatnya...

March.. its special to me. One special thing about March is I was born in this month. 30th March, 8.18am @ Hospital Besar Klang. I also can celebrate together with my luvly niece.. "Kakak".. coz she was born in this month same date with me...

3rd March
Aidil's Birthday

15th March

Fazs's (my best friend) Birthday

17th March
Lina's (DFC) Birthday

22nd March
Adam's (DFC) Birthday

DFC's 1st Anniversary

30th March
Kakak's (my niece) Birthday

Special about March

* Attractive personality
* Affectionate
* Shy and reserved
* Secretive
* Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic
* Loves peace and serenity
* Sensitive to others
* Loves to serve others
* Not easily angered
* Trustworthy
* Appreciative and returns kindness
* Observant and assess others
* Revengeful
* Loves to dream and fantasize
* Loves traveling
* Loves attention
* Hasty decisions in choosing partners
* Loves home decors
* Musically talented
* Loves special things
* Moody

Zoom in @ RTM, Angkasapuri

Last week, 27th Feb 2008 we oll sekali lagi berkumpul untuk menyaksikan rakaman Zoom In bersama Erra Fazira.. our talented model, singer and actress accompanied by other guests artist such as DAFI, Fazli Zainal, Fiq, AR Badul, Louisa Chong & Kencana Dewi. Kalau u oll ade kt sane.. sure korang akan ternampak sume dafinites yg berbaju merah. so sweeettt guyz...

I never been in Angkasapuri before. Satu pengalaman yang baru pada Lyn bila dpt menyaksikan rakaman Zoom In ini. Memang best n macam2 gelagat. Lagi2 ngan dafinites yang sporting sungguh memeriahkan suasana. Lebih kurang 40 org dafinites yang hadir. So guyz .. please enjoy....

Sebelum masuk ke Auditorium Angkasapuri

Dafinites yg sporting.. u oll mmg rowkss!!!

Me n Dibby!! so merah...

Me n Lolly!!

Group pic. so sweeettt.. cayang u oll... muuahhhhxxx

Lampu yg menerangi hidup kami. Walaupun Mak Lampu tak de tetapi die sentiasa mengekori kami. Hidup Mak Lampu!!!...

I luv this pic.. so sweet...

Last group pic sebelum balik... Thx guyz.. u oll memang best. Thx to TUN & Lilo kerana bagi Lyn peluang untuk join this xtvt.. :)