
Cornetto Love Sparks "Mulanya Di Sini"

Where do I begin...

As publicized in media, an event called Cornetto Love Sparks "Mulanya Di Sini" was held at Padang Merbuk, KL organized by Walls.. They had chosen Dafi & Gita Gutawa Duta/ icon of this event... And that's the main reason we were there. Besides Dafi n Gita, our talented singer accompanied by other guests artist such as Stacy AF6, Mila AF5, Mawi, Estranged and host by Awal Ashaari.

This is my 1s time i've been there. OMG.. dah lah ujan n padang lecak. Tapi tak mematahkan semangat semua dafinites yg hadir. Semuanya berhibur sakan :)

I was surprised to see more than 40 people came. Antara yg datang...let me list out sape..
VIDs... Fara, Azim, Fendy, Nad, Lilo,Ray, Megat
Muda De Pangkor... Syuk, Fendi, Dila, Anne, Wan, Aliea, Azrul, Rajan, Aiman, Zeti, Waty, Farid, Nita, Faramarsila, Cydoth and her sister.
Dafinites... Adam, Takumi, Myra, Chapeq, Nad Rainbow, Fary,
From KRU...Ayu and her friends
[Sorry if i missed out any name..]

So, i'm not gonna say much about this event... Lets the pictures speaks for itself..

Me & my lalink @ Adik Bongsu

Group pic.. yang lain ntah kemane

Myself & Maharajan.. Ice cream tu Rajan yg belanja.. thx yaa :)

Free gift from Hot.FM. CD Cornetto Love Sparks & Car sticker

A picture of a thousand words !!

Group of VIDs

Amy & Saf.. wish u guyz were here. Tak cukup corum lah... :)

With the "cekak syaitan"

Maharajan with the poster. Gigih sangat budak ni!!

Event finished at 11.30pm. Normallah kan.. biasenyer lepas penat2.. haruslah lepak somewhere. Chit chat. Gosip. So we decided to lepak at Pelita nearby KLCC.


Menghitung Hari

Hi guyz.. really bored tonite. Alone in my room. Thinking of something. Listening music n singing a few songs. Suddenly i remembered 1 song, Menghitung Hari by Salamiah Hassan. This song i sang with Mak Lampu @ Amy when we karaoking together with Ray, Fendy, Megat & Adam last 3 month ago at Red Box, Sunway Pyramid. Bak kata Ray, this song mmg sesuai ngan range suara we ols. yeker... hehehehe :)

Btw.. I missed karaoking with them. Serioussssss :) Bila eh nak pg lagi..huhuhu
Plz check out this

Sayang ku menghitung hari
Dengan debaran di hati
Saat-saat berjauhan teramat menyiksakan

Sayang sejak engkau pergi
Waktu seakan terhenti
Dalam rindu kubisikan lagi namamu

Belum pernah ku alami keresahan yang begini
Siang malam ku bagaikan tiada berbeza
Dalam hatiku bertanya apa kau jua gelisah
Menghitung hari untuk segera kembali

Sayang dalam perpisahan
Terlalu banyak godaan
Demi kejujuran ini
Tidak kuhiraukan

Sayang bila kesunyian
Ku diburu kebimbangan
Apakah aku berdosa merasa curiga

Ray's Birthday & Pesta Tepung

Im really sorry for the late post. Have been busy this a few days. Im not feeling well, flu n cough tak baik2 lagi. Hope get well soon. InsyaAllah :)

Btw..ni lah kali ke2 we oll celebrate birthday Ray beramai2. But kali ni berbeza skit coz dafinites MuDa De Pangkor pun join skali. Serioussss meriah giler.

Ok guys..I have no mood to explain or watsoever. So ill leave u with d pics k. :)


The Best & The Worst..

Best Award : Appreciation
Deadliest weapon : A tongue
Greatest asset : Faith
Greatest loss : Loss of self-respect
Greatest problem to overcome : Fear
Greatest shot in the arm : Encouragement
Most beautiful attire : A smile
Most contagious spirit : Enthusiasm
Most crippling disease : Excuses
Most dangerous person : A gossip
Most destructive habit : Worry
Most effective sleeping pills : Peace of mind
Most endangered species : Dedicated leaders
Most incredible computer : Brain
Most powerful channel of communication : Prayer
Most powerful force in life : Love
Most prized possession : Integrity
Most satisfying work : Helping others
Most worthless emotion : Self-pity
Our greatest natural resource : Our youth
Two most power fulfilled words : I can
Ugliest personality : Selfishness
Best company : Holy men
Worst company : Privilege seekers
Worst pastime : Crimination
Best thing to be without : Jealousy
Worst thing to be without : Hope

Site Visit

Date : 18th June 2008/ Wednesday
Time : 3.00pm
Venue : Glenmarie Golf & Country Club
Agenda : Discussed about THB Annual General Meeting & Site Visit

Nice view in front of our meeting room.

Main Entrance to Eagle Suite. Nice room. Apparently they already set-up for DYMM Sultan Kedah's ceremony (Jubli Perak) on 19th June 2008. Sempat menjengah & duduk to discussed a few things. Nice set-up.

2nd entrance


My colleague fetch me at lobby. Hujan lebat gils. Thx beb :)

ps: Next week i will be here again to see last minute arrangement for our AGM. Hope sumenya akan berjalan dengan lancar.

For Your Health

Health - Important Tips.
  • Answer the phone by LEFT ear .
  • Do not drink coffee TWICE a day.
  • Do not take pills with COOL water .
  • Do not have HUGE meals after 5pm.
  • Reduce the amount of OILY food you consume.
  • Drink more WATER in the morning, less at night.
  • Keep your distance from hand phone CHARGERS .
  • Do not use headphones/earphone for LONG period of time.
  • Best SLEEPING time is from 10pm at night to 6am in the morning.
  • Do not lie down immediately after taking medicine before sleeping.
  • When battery is down to the LAST grid/bar, do not answer the phone as the radiation is 1000 times.

Sick Again

I'm sick again. Flu n cough. I wish I'd get better soon. For the past 3 weeks, i had really high fever. Now i kena balik. OMG... plzzzzz.. wat happen to me. Something happend last week. Really disappointed about this. Sakit hati sgt2. Eerrghhh. But i try to managed myself cool n try to settled it ASAP. Alhamdulillah n syukur sangat. Settled. I felt better now. Feel physically relaxed :)

I was so damn lazy to update my blog. Really malas. But until one stage, i think i nak close my blog lah. but atas nasihat2 pakar. I cant do it. hehehe

Im quite bz early this week until next week 27th June. Preparing all document needed for our Annual General Meeting next friday. It will be held at Glenmarie & Country Club at 10.00am. Me & my colleagues have to settle it all the preparation with PIC. Requested quotation & all the things. Today i make myself available to see En. Zamri at Glenmarie to discussed about preparation and other things for the meeting. Bring along my colleagues Mastura & Leen. Walau pun tak sihat n tak larat.. but kena pegi gaks. huhuh.

12.30pm already. Lunch time. but i takde selera pun nak mkn. Nak tdo jap :(
Enuff said..


Salam Takziah pada Keluarga Allahyarhammah Nor Syuhada Bt Amin atas kembalinya ke Rahmatullah pada 13th June 2008 kerana sakit paru-paru berair. Semoga rohnya di tempatkan dikalangan orang-orang yang beriman dan beramal soleh. Amin...

ps: Allahyarhammah salah sorang kawan baik Lyn semasa skolah menengah. Seorang yg pendiam sehingga penyakitnya tidak diketahui oleh ahli keluarganya sehinga beliau dimasukkan ke hospital beberapa bulan lalu. Lyn kehilangan sorang lagi kawan baik yang sentiasa memahami. Terasa sangat2 :(

New Stuff

Some stuff that i got :

Thx to AC (KRU) for the sponge itew.. During pertukaran hadiah di Pangkor
cam tau2 jer.. I kan di gelar "Mak Buih"..
Memang sinonim sgt sponge dgn diriku ini.. hahahaha

"Sponge adalah milikku selamanya" - Pesanan dari Mak Buih

New Pressed Face Powder
The Body Shop
Code : 815430 Ref: 09914



Please be informed that I will be away from 6th - 8th June 2008 as I need to attend a program called MuDa De Pangkor 2008 organized by Dafi Fan Club.

Hope sumenya akan berjalan dengan lancar. Doakan kami semua selamat pegi dan selamat pulang. Amin...

Bye n see yaa..... :)

Hello Beautiful!!

Hi, Beautiful!!

Did you know that it's Beautiful Women Month?

Facts On Figures :
There are 3 billion women who don't look like super models ?

And only eight who do.
Did you know Marilyn Monroewore a size 14?

If Barbie was a real woman, she'd have to walk on all FOURS due to her proportions!

The average woman weighs 144 pounds, and wears between a size 12-14.?

One out of every 4 college-aged women has an eating disorder.

The Models in the magazines are AIRBRUSHED!!! - NOT Perfect!!

A psychological study in 1995 found that 3 minutes spent looking at a Fashion Magazine caused 70% of women to feel depressed , guilty and SHAMEFUL!

Models 20 years ago weighed 8% Less than the average Woman.

Today they weigh 23% less......

~~ Beauty of a Woman~~
  • The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
  • The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.
  • The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mole, but true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
  • It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
  • The passion that she shows.
  • The beauty of a woman with time, only grows..
~~ The Images of A Mom~~
  • 4 YEARS OF AGE My Mommy can do anything!
  • 8 YEARS OF AGE My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
  • 12 YEARS OF AGE My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
  • 14 YEARS OF AGE Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either!
  • 16 YEARS OF AGE Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
  • 18 YEARS OF AGE That old woman? She's way out of date!
  • 25 YEARS OF AGE Well, she might know a little bit about it.
  • 35 YEARS OF AGE Before we decide, let's get Mom's opinion.
  • 45 YEARS OF AGE Wonder what Mom would have thought about it?
  • 65 YEARS OF AGE Wish I could talk it over with Mom...