
Dessert Time

Tak sampai 24 hours Lyn melantak ice cream sampai 2 times. Its so delicious!!!

The 1st time when i was at Cineleisure, Damansara. Adik Lyn yg belanja. Tak tau ape ke name kedai tuh. Forgot already. At 1st level, Cineleisure. Flavor die mmg sedap. Yummy.. yummmyy... :) Wanna try?? *sigh*

The 2nd time when i was at The Curve. Lepak at Baskin & Robbin and pekena ice-cream lagi. 2 scoop regular tu sgt mahal ok. Tapi disebabkan dah teringin sgt, beli n makan jelah. hehehe

ps: Now, im addicted to Haagen-Dazs. Jom kawan2!!! :)


Cameraku Rosak :(

Pic taken from my HP

For the 1st time cameraku rosak since 2006..
Dahla banyak berjasa pada Lyn
While i had my dinner last weekend, suddenly my camera vibrate n automatically off...
Muka dah cuak semacam...
Rasa cam nak pitam..
OMG!!!! i cant live without my camera...
Plzzzzz help me.... :((

Just now i sent to Sony service centre at Mid Valley..
Tak tau bila leh siap..
Hopefully it can be ok soon..



Im happy today, coz my bos not around till tomorrow. Went to Jakarta for Exora Launch/Motor Show 2009. Yeaayyyy2.. Sangat2 best. So semestinya secretary ko ni akan menjadi diva kan.. hahahaha. Tapi wasiat byk benor. Already settled early this morning. Sebelum nak lepak2, chit chat.. keje kena siaplah. Am i rite?? Lepas tu baru Lyn meronggeng..hahha

Eermm.. today is my younger sister's birthday. We can celebrate together only tonite. Dah masing2 keje. Malam ajelah yg ada masa. Ko tunggu jelah surprise itew ok... :)

AMIN..... :))

zwani.com myspace graphic comments
Enuff Said


Eermm.. I went to Jusco Bukit Tinggi to bought a present for my cousin. Baru dpt baby boy. Giler btl... Baru je menghabiskan duit last week, dah sedekah lagi kt JJ. Parah2..huhuhu. Takkan lah nak visit my cousin tak bawak ape2. Segan lah plak. My mum dah bising2.. org tu dah bersalin 1 week ago, aku ni, tak jenguk2 die lagi.. hampeh kan.. hehehe

Fetch Baby at her school around 6.45pm n drove straightly to Bukit Tinggi Klang. Tetap ramai org. Park my car & straightly went to kids/baby department. Tak nak pandang barang lain ok.. nnti rambang mata. hahahha.

My luvly pinky ni really bad mood. Amik pic pun tak nak. Buat muka lak dia. Bila dah dpt donut pink die terus ajak balik. Sabar2.. ur auntie tak abis sedekah lagi.. hahaha

Kakak, Baby & my luvly Puteri

Baby bought a nice wallet for her personal use. Simple & nice..

While waiting kakak bought a 3 sets of cheezy chickaroni & 2 sets of snak plate at KFC

This chezzy chikaroni is absolutely delicious. Banyak cheese.. I like!!!

Dah dpt sume yg nak dibeli.. balik lah.. klu tak nnti aku borong sume kt JJ tuh..Klu camtuh, taukey balak pun boleh bankrupt. Kan darling kan..hahaha

ps: Cian darling, dpt gf suka shopping :)

Enuff said :)


Shopping Lagi

Errmm.. Let's recall back what i did last sat. Woke up quite late. Padahal nak ke Sogo & Jalan TAR with my luvly niece. Pagi2 dah kena bising with my sis. Kata nak pegi awal.. akhirnya kul 9.30am baru gerak dari rumah, heheheh.

Paling senang naik PUTRA. Park my car at Putra LRT, Kelana Jaya and straightly to Masjid Jamek. Senangkan?? tak lah berserabut naik drive sume.

On our way to Masjid Jamek.

We headed straightly to Sogo tanpa memandang kiri kanan segala baju2 yang dijual. The most important is nak cari barang for kakak. She bought a pair of shoes & handbag from Carlo Rino. Lyn plak, mencari ape2 yg patut, 2 pairs of tut tut from Pierre Cardin, hahahha & a pair of long sleeve & skirt untuk kerja. So guyz.. i recommended pegilah Sogo, salesnya sgt giler2 up to 70%. Shop till drop ok...hehehe

Our lunch only at McD. Myself with kakak

This nice lady sgt2 baik. Melayan kerenah kitorang sgt2. Kakak bought a set of perfume from Elizabeth Arden. Shopping sakan ko kan kakak!!!

Myself with Baby

Eermm..Im so in the mood to get kain for my baju raya. That's why i spent time to shopping last weekend at Jalan TAR. Klu tak bila lagi kan. Really bz with a few thingy. I have a few colors in my mind & some ideas to make my baju raya beautiful, simple n nice. This year, kita wat tema lite green kan sayang.. :)

I bought almost 12 pairs kain pasang especially for my sisters. Mak punya special skit. For myself only 5 pairs kain pasang. Lari budget ni. Plan nak beli 3 pasang jer. Amik ko smpi 5 pasang baju raya Lyn thn ni. hahahaa. Main beli jer, tak tau tailor Lyn ni nak amik ke tak...hahaha. Around 3.45pm, kitorang terpaksa balik, sbb Lyn mengejar nak ke event yg lain. Akhirnya tak dapat pegi gak. Everyone running out of energy. Muka sume letih tahap cipan.

Yesterday, I sent those material to my special tailor. Nasib die nak terima lagi tempahan dr regular customer die ni. Orang lain tak amik lagi ok. hehehe. Pening pala tailorku melayan kerenah Lyn yang banyak songeh ni. hahha. Now, just wait for it to be ready before hari raya. lalalla :)

Shopping @ Bukit Tinggi

Yesterday, I went to Bukit Tinggi, Klang after working hours. Actually, myself decided nak pegi Sunway Pyramid. Plan to go with Amy, but she can make it. Apparently, cam tak larat jer. So just shopping at one of the nearest shopping mall from my house. Managed to smsing Fazs, but she can make it too. huhuhu. Eeermm finally, diriku seorg je lah. Merambu sana sini.. hehehe. Lalink!! u kena balik cepat, then leh teman i shopping okeyyy. Lalalalalala :)

Bought some stuff & toiletries for personal use. Nak pegi MAC mmg takde. La Senza & Charles & Keith pun mmg tak ado. Nampaknya kena pegi Pyramid gak ni. Tu yang aku malas tuh..huhuhu. Hope can make it next week lor.. hehee.

Penat dah Lyn berjalan. So relax lah jap.

Masuk kedai ni cam harrrss je. SA tu ngekor je mane aku pegi. Cam lah aku nak curik baju kan.. bengong tul.

Kat area ni mmg tak ramai. Cuba pegi JJ, ramai orang okeyy..

ps: Tomorrow shopping marathon ku jadi tau bersama2 my niece.. Shopping lagi..hehehe


Utusan Malaysia - 6th July 2009


Hasil nukilan adik kesayanganku.. Azim aka reporter tersohor :)

Finally, i got the article... hasil interview Azim with my luvly niece, kakak. Thx so much Azim..[jgn tak reti ucap terima kasih sudah!! Fahamkan Azim... wakakaka]

ps: Sorry eh Azim, lambat wat posting.


Fresh Look!!

Well.. im happy to say that.. I have fulfilled 1 thing that i've been looking forward to do after long holiday or weekend.. cut my hair yg dah terlalu panjang tak hingat & rimas lagi. Aduiiii.. hehehe

Went to Hani Hair & Beauty Saloon at Level 1 Plaza Alam Sentral. The owner is my ex-colleague & my kakak angkat. I did the hair treatment, hairwash, colour, haircut & rebonding at her saloon. The price very reasonable. So kengkawan, Lyn cadangkan sape2 nak dptkan service mereka berkunjung lah ke saloon Kak Hani ok..

Look!!! die tengah menggodek rambut ku... hahaha

Taarrrraaa...My 1st pic after everything done...

Fresh look kan!!! Darling kata rambut ku ok. Tapi pendek sgt. Dun worry honey, my hair cepat panjang. Sempat wat sanggul..hahahaa

Jalan2 kt Alam Sentral tu baru tingat nak beli Losyen Mustajab. Stock kt umah dah abis. Harus kena beli ni. Banyak kegunaannya. Tak mahal, murah jer. RM20


My Lens

Mata Lyn ni kalau tak pakai lense mulalah buat hal. My life is not complete ok. hahaha. This morning im not felt comfortable. Nak tak nak kena beli lense ari ni gak. Stock dah abis. Cukup sampai end of this month jer. Apparently, this stock only available at Focus Point, Bukit Raja Klang. Tempat lain pernah gak carik. Tapi cam harrrrsss jer.. hahaha

So after working hours, myself drove n straightly went to Bukit Raja. Parking senang skit lah sbb weekdays kan. Tapi org tetap ramai bershopping. Dorang ni tak keje ke?? Asyik shopping memanjang. hahaha.

Lyn straightly headed to Focus Point. Malas nak pandang kiri kanan. Nanti rambang mata plak. hahaha. Lepas je membeli lense ku ini, terus je lah balik. Ape lagi!!!... :)

My lense. Buy 3 boxes free 1 box. Cukup untuk penggunaan 6 months. Free 2 boxes of solution from RENU. Tapi Lyn tak pakai brand Renu. Pakai brand Solo Care jer. Dah dpt free, ambik jer lah kan.. hehehe.

Spech ku yang berapa nak best. Hanya pakai waktu dirumah jer.

Ni lah muka Lyn yg tak berapa nak suka pakai spech. Sangat2 tak ok. huhuhu

ps: This coming sat ni, nak wat shopping marathon with my niece. Harap2 menjadi.. hehee


We had makan2 last sunday at kakak's house. Again & again!!.. Since last 3 months takde makan2 ni between my family. So luckily my sis decided to had makan2. Sekali lagi berkumpul with my family selepas kenduri tahlil yg lepas. Kali ni kami semua tidak bersama ngn org2 yang tersayang, Arwah Abah takde, Arwah Along & Arwah Linda pun dah takde. Itu lah 3 org insan yg amat bermakna dlm hidup Lyn selain Arwah Nenek & Atuk :( [sebak ni..]

Errm, back again to my story, kebanyakkan lauk pauk ni kakak Lyn yg sponsor. Masak sendiri ye. Chef, Puan Hajjah Ainan yg masak. hehehe. Dan pastinya sure meletop masakan Mak kesayanganku ini. Tapi bahan basahnyer sume kakak Lyn yg beli. Menang loteri kot. hahahaha. Bukan2.. tak baik tau. Kakak Lyn dapat duit kutu. Alhamdulillah dia berniat nak belanja & buat makan2 for my family. Thx kak, sayang ko. Semoga bertambah2 rezeki ko kan!!!. Amin..

Just share a few pics during the makan2. Sorrylah tak berapa nak best sgt pic2 ku ini.. huhuhu

Our menu. Ikan bakar, masak lemak ketam, masak lemak cili padi siput, paru bersambal, sayur goreng, salad buah, serawa durian, caramel, tembikai n air sirap. Banyakkan?? smpai sengkak perut nak makan.. hahaha

Masing2 tgh mengambil lauk pauk. Kakak Lyn yg baju merah tu lah yang sponsor. Next time leh belanja lagi.. kuang kuang kuang.. :)

Ni dia.. budak yg susah nak senyum. Myself & Khaira.. my grandchild..

My luvly niece, Sheena & her daughter. Same tak muka kami!!!..hehe

Eerrmm kali tak berapa nak meriah sangat. Sbb tak cukup quorum. My bro & his family takde. Balik kampung my sister in law. Takpe2.. will see u again on 30th July masa kenduri arwah nanti ok. InsyaAllah... :)


Today - 10 July 2009

Alhamdulillah, finally Lyn dapat mengerjakan puasa Bulan Rejab minggu ni bersama2 dgn my mum, sis & niece. InsyaAllah, sekiranya berkesempatan lagi, Lyn nak sambung next week. Depends on our conditions. heheheh. InsyaAllah.

Not so much works in d office today. Just settled a few works, dan selebihnya relax skit. Maklumlah, my bos not here. He's going to overseas till Monday. So kuranglah skit keje. hehehe.
During lunch hour, I've decided to go to USJ Taipan to buy some stuff and get some things done. I bumped into Zaza. Motiff pempuan!!!.. pg USJ tak cakap aku kan... huhuhu. Then went to my office again after lunch hour around 2.30pm. Seperti biasa waktu kerja finished at 5.30 pm. Drove my car n straightly to my house. Everything DONE today.*sigh*

Around 7.35pm, received sms from my adik.

"Kak, tadi W** call, dia gtau Abang d*** lagi"

Shocked!!! Straightly reply dan kami berbalas sms. Di dalam hati Lyn sentiasa mendoakan yang terbaik untuk insan yang paling Lyn sayang dalam dunia ini.

Sehingga entry ini dibuat, Lyn masih menunggu khabar dari pihaknya. Harap2 semoga semuanya selamat. AMIN....


7 Dont's After A Meal

1. Do not smoke after a meal. Experiments from experts prove that smoking a cigarette after a meal is comparable to smoking TEN cigarettes (Chances of cancer are higher).

2. Do not eating fruits immediately after meals. It will bloat your stomach. Therefor have your fruits one or two hours before or after your meal.

3. Do not drink tea after a meal as tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substance will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hardened , making it difficult to digest.

4. Do not loosen your belt after eating. Loosening the belt after a meal can cause intestinal problems.

5. Do not bathe after eating. Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to the hands, legs and body thereby causing the amount of blood around the stomach to decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach.

6. Do not walk after meal even though you have heard people say that after a meal, walking a hundred steps will make you live till 99. Walking immediately after a meal will make it difficult for digestive system to absorb the nutrition from the food we eat. Wait at least an hour after your meal and then walk if you want to.

7. Do not sleep immediately. The intake of food will not be able to digest properly thereby leading to gastro-intestinal problems.

Lunch Moments

Girls day out!!

After long weekend with kerja yang bertimbun2, myself & Fazs decided to have a day out. After spending around 15 minutes 'sms'ing we've decided to hang out at Jaya Jusco, Bukit Tinggi & lunch together. Baru lah ada masa kan nak hang out. If not just lepaking kt rumah jerk. Bukan selalu dpt kuar ngn my best friend ni. Maklumlah org dah kawin. Always with her hubby.. hahaha... [1 2 3 larikkkkkkkk.. wakakaka]

So we settled at Black Canyon. We talked, laughed, gossiped [byk gossip murahan ok..hahaha] and most important was we've made blog for our biz. Banyak lah yg we ol bincangkan. Dari hal yang kecik sampai lah hal yg besar. gagagagagaa :)

Just share some pics taken while we met.

Permandangan dari luar Jaya Jusco Bukit Tinggi. Gils panas...

Our meals. I had Fusilli in spicy chicken tom yam soup with watermelon juice. Fazs had Udon spicy prawn tom yam soup with strawberry delights.

Fazs panggil mee ni, mee geli2. Tapi sedap ok..

Khusyuk tul dia makan.. sampai org amik pic pun tak sedar.. hehehe

Smile!!! Tgk!! licin kan kitorang makan...

Feel free to visit our blog, Myscentnsuch

Bracelet from Sabah. So sweet. Thx Fazs. Terima kasih daun kali, kalau ada nak lagi. hehehee


Minum Petang Hari Ini

Bestkan klu tiap2 hari boleh sediakan kuih untuk minum petang. Tapi weekend lah baru ada masa nak buat. Hari ni teringin lah nak buat kuih wadeh. Tau ke korang ape kah kuih wadeh ni. hahaha. Ianya sejenis kuih tradisional india. Sedap tau. Lyn mmg suka kuih ni. Biasanyer Lyn beli je kt kakak yg jual kuih pagi2 kt area rumah Lyn ni. Tapi tingin lah nak wat sendiri. Kata orang.. dari air tangan kita sendiri. hahahaha..

Taklah susah pun nak wat kuih wadeh ni. Kena ada kacang dal yg di rebus dan dilenyek, garam, tepung gandum, cili merah, cili hijau dan bawah merah. Gaul hingga sebati dan bulat2kan adunan tadi.

Sedia untuk di goreng

Sedap gils baunya masa di goreng. harum. Lapar mak.. hehehe

Taraaaa!!! dah siap pun kuih wadeh ku ini. Sedap ok mak masak [statement tak leh blah, mau kena paku ni.. hahaha]. Pekena plak ngn air teh panas. Lagi lah sedap.

ps: Lepas ni tak lakulah kuih wadeh kakak tuh, sbb Lyn leh wat sendiri.. hahahhaa


Eeermm mesti u guyz terfikir nape entry this next time Lyn publishkan meter kereta kesayanganku ini. Meter ni Lyn amik semasa otw back from office yesterday. Tiba2 terperasan plak. To be honest angka 79 dan 80 tu cukup bermakna buat Lyn. U guyz nak tau naper... i dun want to reveal it. Biar lah ianya menjadi rahsia Lyn sorang. Darling... for sure u know rite???

Enuff said :)