Last week I had lunch with my ex-colleague Adik, her twin kakak n my colleague Rizal. I recommend them to try this one restaurant that serves steamboat at Ikano. According to adik.. she always lunch together with her colleague at this restaurant. Yelah office dekat kan. Kalau hari2 dtg pun tak pe. hehehe.
Actually, i am addicted to it. I ordered dumpling steamboat with clear soup. yummy.. yummy. Since i mengidam mkn steamboat.. baru lah i dpt mkn last saturday.. huhuhu. :(
Frankly speaking, it doesn't matter where the place we chill out, but it does matter with whom we chill out with.. i had a blast day out with my frens.. yaeayyyyy :)
After that we head to the flea market. lamanya tak pegi..huhu.. bought a top & a few things.
Looking at Rizal's face.. yaksss..
Myself with my luvly twin..
ps : Thx to adik, kakak n Rizal.. I had a wonderful outing ngan u guyz... btw.. gosip tu yg paling best kan.. korang kan my gosip partner.. sayang korang..hehehehe
aiyoo... xde keja lain ke? asek gossip, gossip n gossip....
pas ni my turn lak gossip dgn u...
wahhh!!! mkn steamboat gitew...
i dah x fancy steamboat pulau ketam lg dah...
m nuts over flamings lak...
xpe, nt kita check out flaming 2geder ok....
aiyoo.. gosip btwn us je ok..
lama tak gosip uols..
ngan u bkn hari2 gosip ke...
yelah.. since i mengidam nak mkn kan.nak tunggu u teman.. i pegi lah sendiri tanpa menyusahkan u..huhuh
apa lagi sentap...
i pun dah lama xmkn pulau ketam taw...
mmg la kita selalu gossip...
xcukup dlm fon...
tak lah sentap pun.. cuma terasa lah skit. huhuhuh..
tkpelah.. yg pastinya i dah pg. tak lah i ngidam lagi..
flaming jom.. cuti panjang ni uols..CNY...
gosip tak cukup or tak cukup bahan??
ptg ni kita gosip lagi ok..
btw.. perjanjian syaitan today is on ok..
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