
One Moment in Time

Suddenly... im thinking of u guys. Nice moments i had with my friends..

DFC Terbang Tinggi at Menara KL

A Farmosa, Melaka

Picnic at Taman Tasik Shah Alam

Hari Raya 2008 at My House

Picnic with Cantekker Girls... - Taman Tasik Shah Alam


♥Syamelia♥ said...

u napa lyn?
demam eh?

well, i miss u guys too....
especially the ones yg lama xjumpa...
seriously la...
if only we could turn back time... but that would never be possible...

Lyn Yusoff said...

i sihat lah u olss..
cuma mengong skit lately ni..

u r rite dear. the ones yang lama tak jumpa tu lagi lah kan..
cam susah je nak dpt time camtuh lagi kan..huhuh

Farazila said...


miss that moments la..
erm...lilo syg sgt ngan korang....

Lyn Yusoff said...

sayang korang jugaks..
heheheh :)

Fara A. said...

heyy kak lyn, lama tak drop cmnt, miss you guys a lot. a lot likeeeeee love. cheh. HAHA
and btw, fara pon rindu our sweet moments. we had a good time kan? takpe, we can make more and more.