The calculations much more easier than memorize the formula. That's the fact. But to memorize the formula much more difficult. Lama2 akan hafal gak. Yang penting, latihan kena buat banyak2 supaya at the end of the day, akan jadi senang. Hehehe.
Im just doing the calculations 1st. Part membaca kemudian pun takpe. EErggghhhh.. agak susah. Dpt jawab senyum smpai ke telinga. Klu tak dpt, rase hangin je satu badan. huuhu
Lyn, stay cool & be patient..
U can do it!!!
ps: pppsssstttt... again.. im still nervous!!
biar tgk nota asalkan x salah..sue pun still letak nota kire2 kat offce nie..byk tul yg kn covert..xblh nak hafal lagi sbb sentiasa berubah... ahuhuhu
calculatin needs practise, darling.. memang susah nak hafal the formula...
errr.. tapi kan.. kalo calculate sambil belek2 blog & FB lagi susah nak concentrate... *LOL
take care, lynn.. don't be so nervous.. insyaAllah everything will be okay.. :-)
tu lah.. Lyn dah lama tak wat calculation ngn formula bagai ni..
mmg payah.. jap2 tgk notes..
nnti lama2 oklah kan... hhee
Kak Mimi,
that's rite kak
mmg perlu hafal n pactice wat exercise byk2..
tak2 kak, lyn btl2 concentrate.. tak layan Fb n blog pun. benda2 tu later2 boleh.. hehehe
anyway, thx so much kak..
chaiyok lyn!!!!
ok pe tgk notes.. ayu pun til now refers to notes..
ATS SHOPPE - Macam-macam ada!!!
hahahha...calculation??erm...selalu nampak wife i dok pening2 ngan kerut dahi hujung bulan buat calculation!cian...
mmg tgk notes..
tpi time exam mane boleh..
kena hafal gak satu2... hehe
Hi Ben,
Mmg pening siap kerut2 dahi klu wat calculation. pening2..
tpi klu dah hafal formula mmg kacang.. hehehe
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