Nice Dress :)

mischa_barton_300x400If you find a piece of clothing that you really love, why not snag it more than one color?

For me, confirm I will buy more than one color. Should be ok if same design but different color lor. Kalau ada warna biru lagi bagus. hehehe. Selamba jer Lyn beli semua color. Yang penting cantik. Hehehe

But I like this dress so much. Cantik if pakai mcm tu jer. Sexy ok. hehehe

I want it so badlyyy!!!!!!.. Mane mau carik?? Huhuhuhu

* Sambil hentak2 kaki*


mummysyafie said...

cantik..tapi kena ngan badan lagi elok.

Lyn Yusoff said...

fit dgn badan sure comel & sexy..