On Saturday night we’re having Annual Dinner 2010. The theme of the annual dinner was “Western Country & Denim Nite”. Everyone decorated themselves with difference style of costume in the cowboy century.
6 of us. My colleagues semua sporting giler. Dressed up as Cowboys for the Annual Dinner. Everyone rushing for the next event. Actually, kitorang antara yg terlambat siap. Tapi sampai2 rupa2nya ramai lagi yg tak sampai.
Kami dikehendaki untuk mendaftar dimeja pendaftaran & we also entitled for lucky draw. Everyone had to dress up as cowboys, apparently no one was shot!The event started at 8.30pm, was open air concept. There’s two buffet line. The food was delicious. Ada juga kambing & ayam bakar. Kiranya makanan mmg mewah sangat2.
Lyn seperti biasa di tugaskan untuk menjaga VIP. Sorang2 VIP sampai. Alhamdullilah semuanya berjalan dengan lancar. Opening ceremony was a few games show from Ancasa Resort AllSuites. Kemudian ucapan dari 3 orang VIP which is our Chairman, Director & CEO dan seterusnya merasmikan Annual Dinner 2010. A group of us, all staff & family almost 300 attendees. During dinner, we had fun together. It was a whole lot of buffet, a lot of food, all around the open area where they set up a stage for performance. Ada juga pertandingan karaoke, so dorang berentap sesama sendiri. ada juga persembahan dari staff2 yg volunteer untuk menyanyi. Selain itu, semua acara diselang selikan dengan lucky draw.
While waiting my turn for karaoke session with my GM. I didn’t bring my cowboy hat. Rase tak sesuai nak pakai time nak menyanyi tu.
Our group during at night
My colleague Normi aka my close buddy in the office.
Malam itu juga telah diadakan appreciation night untuk staff-staff yg telah bekerja selama lebih 5 tahun & 10 tahun. Lyn pun termasuk dalam list tersebut. Sedar tak sedar dah 5 tahun Lyn bekerja disitu. Event berakhir dengan nyanyian beramai2 daripada committee. Masa tu pun ramai diantara staff & keluarga telah beransur pulang.
The event ended around 11.30pm where everyone including me running out of energy.
Balik2 apartment, having a bath terus kebabom tak hingat dunia.
wah..best ar tema dia..koboi ek..cuma tanpa kuda..hihi
tu lah.. lyn ingat nak bawak kuda gak. tapi tak sempat nak carik lah.. hehehehe
gambar karok mana lyn?? video keeee???
nak tengok!!!!!
best tol ye na.. aku tak tahan tgk si yati tu.. cowboy tu..
video takde lah ayu...
pic pun blur je dorang amik..
tension tul i.. huhuhuhu
sgt best ecah...
yaty tu cowboy ayu gitu.. hehehe
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