Hi Lovers,
Last weekend, I was in one event. Very long event, but I just arrived around 7.00pm during opening ceremony. Really.. really excited. Hehehehe. But the most important, we’ve got another party selepas event tersebut habis. But it’s for selected people only. ngeh.. ngeh… Thanks to Azim & all my friends sebab banyak sangat tolong kitorang. Really appreciate it :D
Lepas ni, semakin sepi lah kita gamaknyer. Huhuhuhuhu
Sometimes, like today, I really don’t feel like writing much. Instead, I will just show you a picture of last week’s outfit.
My dress is from Diva Darling, its’ peacock dress and my black cardigan is from Threats Boutique. Dress tu actually boleh pakai cam gitu jer without cardigan. But it’s too sexy. Hehehe. That’s why Lyn covered with black cardigan. Baru lah sopan skit. Hehehe. My shoes is from Vincci. Semuanyer baru except my handbag from Charles & Keith, lama dah tuh. I would say my style is colorful but it depends on the day…
I will update more soon yea….
Lalalalalalalalalalalalala :D
ohh..i was there jugak..tapi tak nampak u..kalau tak..boleh laga2 pipi :D
heheh canteknyer kak lynn.
u look gorgeous dear..!! :)
suka baju akk..cantik...
alaaaaa.... klu nampak kan bagus..
leh laga2 pipi...
thx dear..
thx azree...
Kak Mimim
Gorgeous??? classsss kan...
tapi tak sampai tahap gitu lagi.. hehehe
Cantik?? thx dear..
ada org tu tanya kat mane akak beli.. dia suh tukar ngn dia.. hahahaha
hurmmm saje ke yang!!
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