Hi Lovers,
Owh serious. Lama sungguh tak lepak with my friends at Pak Li Kopitiam. One of the restaurant that we have been visiting frequently. That one dulu2 lah. But now we all pun dah jarang lepaki-ing together. But we’re we still contacted each other thru BBM.
Having a dinner with my adikz, Azim & Fendy. I wonder how long its been since the last time I met them, last month I think. It’s not heavy dinner of us. Everyone just want to lepak-ing & discuss a few things. Serious klu lepak dengan dorang berdua, selalu nyer Lyn kena buli.. but then I tak kena lagi. Sebabnya…. rahsia…. hahahahah…
Actually, I’m craving for mee udang. But sampai sane rase cam takde hati nak makan pun. At first, we ordered drinks. For dessert we were ordered Tiramisu cake. The taste wise it was good!!!
Kitorang lepak sampai lebam. Hahahah. Giler banyak cerita time tuh. Billa cerita sampai lebam, air pun habis. At last we ordered one more drinks for each everyone. Sebab banyak sangat topic sampai akhirnya masing2 jadi lapar balik.
We had fries, sandwich & lontong. So makan secara berjemaah adalah bagus. Selera tu makin bertambah secara automatic. Hehehe. Pic lontong tak sempat nak snapped coz tuan punya badan dah kelaparan tahap gaban.
So makanan pun habis licin licau boliau kitorang makan. Dah masing2 lapar katanya. So makan bagi habis lah.
It was a simple outing... But I had fun... Thanks guys :)
asek gmba mknn je kt blog ni..nyam2..
saje jer letak pic makanan..
nak bagi sume org terliur.. hehehe
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