
Bowling Tournament

Hi Lovers,

Good morning everyone!!!!

pin bowlingAfter Family Day last few weeks, tomorrow we have bowling tournaments for men and women on Wesak Day will be held in Ole-Ole, Seksyen 18, Shah Alam at 10am. Another activity for our company. Wahhh this year, byk betul company activities. Sampai tak menang tangan dibuatnyer.

Weeiiii… agak lama tak main bowling ni. Last main pun, last few months kot. Kononnyer nak pergi practice, tapi tak dan nyer. Busy uolllsssss. Hehehehe

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Happy bowling!!! :)

Have a great long holiday everyone!!!!

Pic, credited to Google image


Dee said...

bestlah byk aktiviti..kan mcm tmpt sy keje..apa pun tarak..huhuhu..

Lyn Yusoff said...

ermmm act dah lama tak activiti cam gini.. tapi this year mmg byk sgat... lepas satu.. satu..
syokk arr.... :)

matahati-aishahazhar said...

esok nak g jugak kesanalah.. kot boleh gathering profen ke? hehehe

Lyn Yusoff said...

dtglah.. boleh kita jumpa kat saner..:)