
Best Dressed :)

It was a bomb! Everybody look so pretty in Country Western & Denim Nite. Even the guys look hot! Take a good look of the dress :D

P1030681Ah.. it was a fun night. Oh... and finally, guess what?

P1030651I won the best cowgirl costume ♥ yyyeayyyyyyyy :D

I was quite surprised when they announced that me had won “Best Dress (Female)” because honestly me looked so weird. Agak rimas pakai pants rambu ramba tu. Hehehe

Wearing a brown PVC vest, black pants with rambu-ramba & gun with holster. Semua tu Lyn rent from Costume World and the cost is only RM50. The package including cowboy hat, tapi Lyn pakai Lyn punya sendiri. So costume tu kena padankan dengan kemeja & jeans. Disebabkan takde kemeja kotak2, Lyn pakai yg plain jer. Yang penting blue color.

Thank you so much Costume World and I love it fits perfectly. P1030714I got one hamper & certificate. That’s was good enuff. Actually tak lah berharap sangat pun. But I’m still fight for it coz Lyn tak dapat masuk karaoke. Tu yg balas dendam nak menang Best Dress tu. Hehehe.

Sesiapa yg tewas di tangan saya.. Maafin yea….

Owwh…. lihatlah dunia!!!! <----- wah gituuu!!!

Overall, we had a great time.


Hernee Nazir said...

waaa congrats lyn..gempak seh..

Lyn Yusoff said...

thx u dear...
gempak & gerek sih... hahahhaa

AYW said...

trophy mana kak..
"lihatlah dunia" sambil mencium trophy..heeee...
i loikee..yeee haaa!!

matahati-aishahazhar said...

tahniah na.. best dress pun oklah kan..

sue said...

dah menang dpt hamper plak tu... hurm ape pun tahniah

Dee said...

congrats lyn..mmg cantik pun costume tu..

lily lotus said...

phewit! ada acara karpet merah tak..hehe

Lyn Yusoff said...

takde trophy lah dear..
just hamper & cert jer..
jadiklah kan...drpd takde.. :)

thx ecah..
tk dpt masuk karaoke.. menang best dress pun jadiklah..

Lyn Yusoff said...

thx dear..
tak kisah dpt ape pun.. janji menang..:)

congrats kak dee..
cantik smpai semua nak bergambar dgn lyn.. hehehe

takde carpet merah lah dear...
carpet merah kat atas stage jer.. hahahhaha

yaTy ♥ said...

berbaloi lar tue mng best dress..
penat lelah p rent baju tue berbayar gaks..

Lyn Yusoff said...

thx yaty..

Faz's Shaklee said...

cun la beb...congrats aha...sebaik x amik costume hitam putih ala² "dalmation" tu yer...ehe ;-))

Lyn Yusoff said...

thx beb...
betul lah.. nasib baik tak ami costume tuh.. klu pakai tu sure tak menang.. hehehehe