I was there to registered my new streamyx.. hehehe. Previously, im using Maxis broadband after the line telephone kena curik ngn pencuri bodoh during fasting month. The speed is ok but the services getting slower & slower after 1 month. Btw, Lyn dah terminate dah pun.
Ppssttt.. PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO MAXIS. The service SUCKS!!! <-- statement jahat sgt.. hahaha
Ppssttt.. PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO MAXIS. The service SUCKS!!! <-- statement jahat sgt.. hahaha
But now, hati ku bertaut semula pada streamyx... dun laugh people. My big mistake.. huhuhuh.
Yesterday, I went to TM Point, Shah Alam to ask & settled this thing. Firstly, I need to register a new telephone line. Kan dua2 dah terminate, so i need fill up new application form for both line, phone line & streamyx. Done..
Alhamdulillah, tak ramai sgt orang. The PIC sempat inform that kind of things. Sempat lagi terangkan serba sedikit pasal Streamyx Combo ni. Wait for a while sementara no dipanggil.
Yeayyyyy..its my turn..
Firstly, I need to register a new telephone line but she didn't get my address. Sempatlah Lyn menengok PC die ni. Byk sgt name jln yg keluar. Ada silap disitu. The problem is because my address yg Lyn fill up tu tak boleh recognize dlm system. Geram plak aku kan. Selak punya selak, finally i got it from previous telephone line. I had given to her. Ada gak akhirnya. EEiii.. susah tul nak register. Klu tak mengenangkan nak pasang streamyx.. tak ingin nak register sume ni... huhuhu..
Its take 2 or 3 working days to installed new telephone line. Sangap lagi. huhuu.. The costs RM85, which is RM75 is rental & RM10 for duty setem. Settle..
Then streamyx process plak. Very easy. Just fill up the application form & selected the Streamyx Combo. There are a few package mengikut speed masing2. Now, the best package they offer is Streamyx Combo at cheap RM60 per month. Cam Lyn cakap tadi lah.. you still need the fixed line to enjoy this service. Sbb tu ramai org jarang nak guna streamyx ni, sbb nak elakkan ade phone line.
But dun worry people, Streamyx Combo that they offer including ur fixed line rental yea. If let's say, u pilih package RM60 per month, rental line telephone pun termasuk skali. Takde charge lain melainkan u buat panggilan telephone. Yang tu mmgla kena charge ye kawan2.. hehehe..
Everyone yg nak register, baiklah register skrg till 31 December 2009. Why??? NO REGISTRATION & ACTIVATION FEE. FREE WI-FI MODEM lagi.
So what i need to do, tunggu bila dorang nak pasang telephone line & followed by streamyx. Lyn dah naik sangap dah ni. No internet access sgt susah yer :((
Stop everything in my life. No blogging, no FB or watsoever. Except my working hours. Lagi lah weekend ni. Adakah Lyn akan berpeleseran di Starbucks or everywhere??? Most probably. Agak2 terjumpa tu, tegur lah erk.. hehehe
My life getting sucks!!!
Menciiiiiiiiiiii aarrrrr :((
heheh..neo mmg dah lama guna stremyx lyn..maxis berukband mmg suckss semua dok komplen..ermm neo malas la..keje weekedn tiap2 minggu./weekend ni pun berkampung lg d opiss aduiii..penat tollll
lama nyer tak dgr citer u.. bz rupanyer uolsss... :)
yeah.. streamyx is the best.
dulu pakai streamyx.. pastu gatal tukar broadband.. now back to streamyx again...
u're back 2 streamyx...
well, i pun mcm ada hati nk tukar balik 2 streamyx...
p1 ni pun buat skt hati jer...
tgk la, if hr ni x ok gak, mmg i akan ngamuk....
wat to do..
streamyx the better choice..
sabar dear..u'll be connected very sooonnn
thx dear...
Yupp!! Streamyx d best! Xde yg lbh baik..hehe
Menyesalkan 'potong'?? Haha...
Dengki gn iklan potong yg poyo jek kt tv..=p
ever and ever..good lyn..sunyi la kalau lyn xde. xde orang nak marah, merajuk, menangis, ketawe.. adehh
assalamualaikum kak lyn.
sy reg streamyx via phone call je.
mudah dan pantas.
pape pun welcome to streamyx club.
Cik N,
mmg menyesal potong streamyx ari tuh..streamyx the best..
sunyi erk...
lepas ade streamyx ni.. mmg byk lah entry.. wah gituu.. !!!
wslm dear..
now, kena guna streamyx balik..
wat to do.. streamyx the bestt..
Rm75 tmasuk fixed line??
Rm77 + Rm20 (home prepaid i Talk)
haishh... kena tukar gak nih!
RM75 rental RM10 duty setem
total rm85
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