Have been busy this a few days. Plus with connection yg still cam harrrrrssss...:( Really disappointed. Im not connected with internet since saturday, still on n off. wtf :(
Since im free last saturday, myself & Fazs attending 1 training organized by ****** in Bangsar from 11am till 1pm. Fazs fetch me around 10.00am & terus kesana. Dah lah panas tahap maximum.
Settled around 1pm & drove straightly to my house. Rushing for kenduri at Fara's house & Fazs plak rushing for next session. Coaching kata. hehhe. Patutnyer Lyn follow die, tapi disebabkan ade jemputan kenduri. Lyn terpaksa skip session tuh. Maybe leh join next time.
Headed to Fara's house around 3.30pm. The event started after Zohor with Doa Selamat, where most of the attendees were ahli Masjid. So well, i was there came for the kenduri after Doa Selamat thingy. Lyn terpaksa skip doa selamat sbb terlalu sibuk. Pulak tu dpt jemputan dr Fara kul 2.30pm. Sgt tak baik yer datang makan jer. hehehe. Semoga auntie & uncle selamat pegi & pulang menunaikan ibadah haji & semoga mendapat haji yang Mabrur. InsyaAllah...
I saw Azim, Amy, Adam, Fendy & tuan rumah, Fara aka budak kecik. I wonder how long its been since the last time i met them. ooohh ye.. time Kemuncak Jom Jalan Raya Bersama Dafi last month. Lama tul tak jumpa dorang. Just get together, chit chat & bla bla bla.
Headed to Fara's house around 3.30pm. The event started after Zohor with Doa Selamat, where most of the attendees were ahli Masjid. So well, i was there came for the kenduri after Doa Selamat thingy. Lyn terpaksa skip doa selamat sbb terlalu sibuk. Pulak tu dpt jemputan dr Fara kul 2.30pm. Sgt tak baik yer datang makan jer. hehehe. Semoga auntie & uncle selamat pegi & pulang menunaikan ibadah haji & semoga mendapat haji yang Mabrur. InsyaAllah...
I saw Azim, Amy, Adam, Fendy & tuan rumah, Fara aka budak kecik. I wonder how long its been since the last time i met them. ooohh ye.. time Kemuncak Jom Jalan Raya Bersama Dafi last month. Lama tul tak jumpa dorang. Just get together, chit chat & bla bla bla.
Around 5pm we had to move on. Sbb masing2 ada hal. Lyn plak dah penat. Battery pun dah lemah. hehehe. I need my rest. My lovely room..
Tiba2, ada sesuatu yg menganggu fikiran ku..
Hope everything will be alrite soon. InsyaAllah..
gosh! perlukerrr ada benda2 yang menggangu fikiran itew???
whatever it is, hope u'll be ok ya...
hope everything will be fine..
yes. i like my fren hepi and enjoy..
erk..can call u as my fren lyn?
InsyaAllah Lily..
happy & enjoy yer..
eermmm boleh lah.. hehehe
u're my fren too..
y not??
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