Next will be afternoon session.
For your information, takdelah 4 bloggers ni kena berkurung dalam glass ni almost of the time. Dorang pun ade tea break & watsover.
Let’s me show you the rest of the task.Tasks yg ni tak byk beza nya. Still operate the Astro B.yond PVR, select channel & record. Cuma soalan je yg byk berubah. Terkial2 gak ler. Same goes to me. Bab2 nak setting remote ni mmg payah. Bkn ari2 duk mengadap TV kan.
Next, dorang kena study all the information related to Astro B.yond PVR, based on the channel inside the magazine. Sorang2 kena jawab. Ni pun agak senang ler…
Next task ni agak payah. Melibatkan sales. Each everyone of the bloggers kena promote 2 orang untuk sit & dgr information about Astro B.yond PVR. Tak register takpe, janji dorang duduk dan dengar explanation from Astro sales representative.
Paling best, each blogger kena invite one of their supporters untuk duduk didalam tempat kurungan tu selama 5 minutes. Supporters sape yg paling cepat will win the task. Just enjoy their Astro B.yond PVR. So Yan menjadi pilihan. Sepantas kilat dia melangkah ke dalam tu. Menang wooooo!!!
Last task, was funniest, best & lasak. 4 bloggers kena rebutkan remote control di atas stage. Agak menakutkan. Tapi segala meja kerusi semua telah dialihkan. Masing2 berebut, dah mcm wrestling dah dibuatnya. Sesiapa yg dapat tangkap remote tersebut hendaklah record any programme kat Astro B.yond selama 30 seconds. Lepas tu sape2 pun boleh amik.
I was quite shocked sbb terlalu takut sangat tengok dorang berebut. Rugi lah tak dapat nak record time tuh. Can u imagine 2 girls & 2 boys. Takut woooo!!!..Now, I’m presenting mother of two kids winning Astro B.yond PVR. Congrats Kak Red. U deserve it!!!! horayyyyyy :D Agak2 tak tau mane nak pasang Astro B.yond PVR, pasang kat rumah Lyn pun boleh. Waakakakaka.
During the event sempat bergambar dgn Ayu & Neo je. Yang lain2… Yaty, Yan, Naf, Molina The Lilcaliph, Eyriqazz, Zaid & gf tak sempat Lyn nak bergambar. Maafin yer. Gua capekkk. Dari pagi ok. Tu pun dah terduduk sementara dorang announce the winner.
Anyway thx to Kak Redmummy & Sirman sbb sudi belanja kitorang Mc Donald's. Overall, I had fun together.
Myself running out of energy. Penatnyer sampai next day. Hehehe
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