Hi Lovers,
Hi everyone!!
How’s your weekend?? Mine was great.
First of all, congratulations to Redmummy for winning B.yond PVR. Yeaayyyyyyyyyyyy. Well done kakak. After won Prada’s handbag last year, this year akak menang lagi. Merah mmg manyak ong marrrrrr…. HeheheheJust to share what I did yesterday during B.yond PVR event in Midvalley. Rasenya semuanya dah tau, Lyn datang ke MV & become a supporter of the Redmummy.
Myself with Abg Jai. Nice to meet u abg. 1st time jumpa Abg Jai ni. Same kampung u know. Hehehe. Bak kata Kak Red in her Twitter, to the whole day supporters since before 10am for #Byondpvr @azlinah79 and @armo02 jadi PR for RM!! mak dah banjer makan kay, hahahahha.
Gigih tak kitorang??? Gigihkan.. sbb ape??? sebab nak Redmummy menang. Hehehe. Seawal pagi kitorang berdua dak tercangok kat Astro B.yond tuh. Hehehe. I’m a good supporter u know!! Jgn main2. Wa selamba je jerit name Kak Red masa Kak Red kena buat 2nd or 3rd task. Hehehhee.
But I don’t how to explain what’s B.yond PVR tuh. Btw, PVR = Personal Video Recorder. Korang boleh baca this article ni untuk faham lagi apa dia sebenarnya Astro B.yond PVR.
KUALA LUMPUR: Astro has launched its B.yond PVR (Personal Video Recorder), which allows subscribers to record, pause, rewind and play television programmes broadcast by Astro.
"This service is available immediately and we expected 100,000 out of our targeted 500,00 HD (high-definition) subscribers to upgrade their service," said Astro CEO Datuk Rohana Rozhan at the launch here Tuesday.
Current Astro customers will need to pay an installation fee of RM300 for the new unit and return their old sets. New customers will have to pay RM400.
Customers who choose to upgrade to the service have two options - buy an external hard-disk drive to plug into their standard B.yond HD decoder or upgrade to B.yond PVR.
They will need to pay RM5 for the first option, and RM10 for the second option, monthly, for the recording service. [source]
I’m not gonna say much more about this event. Later on, I will update more soon. Byk sangat task yg bloggers kena complete from 10am till 5.30pm. Hura hara dorang jgn cakap lah. Yang meraih undi macam election pun ada. Kelakar betullah. Hahahaha
Pretty short entry because I'm freaking tired!!! Shall update tonight or tomorrow. Whee!!…
Off to bed now. Zzzzzzzzzzz :)
Wow congrates red mummy. I saw her last week with her husband @ jusco bkt tinggi. 1 lift tp segan nak tegur..huhuu
She's gorgeous!
Lyn send my regards to her kay.. ;)
hi cik N
lahai napa tak tegur
u yang bawak anak tu yek ke bawak stroller rasanya
ops terborak kat sini plak
anw LYN is the BEST SUPPORTER!!!!
tqtqqqqqqqqq lyn
dari pagi bawak ke late petang ko dia support RM sama ngan konco2 yang lain.
wait for my next event play kay
best best! i lap u lyn!
omg!! u jumpa kak red??
next time tegur je. tak payah nak malu2. yeah... she's gorgeous!!! hehehe
Kak Red,
kak... terharunyer Lyn bila kak red comment kt my blog.. hehehhee
anyway.. it's my pleasure kak..
mmg dtg nak support kak red.
Im good supporter. nak jerit lagi tarak hal punya...
nnti ada event lagi, bgtau ok..leh dtg support lagi..
i lap u too kak...
seriously... i had fun.. :)
Lyn!! Thank you banyak2 for coming and staying for the whole day! You are FAB :D
Hi Aza,
nice to meet u.
its small matter dear...
if im free, i'll be there for one whole day....
nasib baik takde hal lain kan.. hehehhee
Lynn..jerit tak hingatt..ahaks..gua pun buleh lemah jantung..next time kita berdua jadik pom pom girl dengn bapak pom pom for next event..hehe
Abg Jai,
Lyn klu jerit mmg jerit tak ingat bang.. selamba badak jer.. heheheh
pom2 girl ok...
bapak pom2 pun ok gak tuh...
tunggu next event lah bang... jgn lupa dtg ok... hehehe
Kak red 2-2 pun bukan..haha
Ms tu kak red baru smpi dr parking kat roof nak turun bawah.
Kak red x perasan kot cz bz gn handphone..
Nvr mind next tyme jumpe sy tegur yek ;)
Lyn kan ke d best supporter harusla kak red comment sini..hehe
tu yg pelik tu tetiba kak red ckp yg N pegang baby n stroller kan..
next time tegur je yang...
tu yg terkejut tu kak red comment kat sini.. terharu ok.. :) next time leh support lagi.. leh jadi pompom girl hehehe
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