Spaghetti untuk Kawan2…

Hi Lovers,

Morning everyone!!!

On Sunday nite, myself decided to have spaghetti for our colleagues. yeayyyyyy.. Nothing to celebrate, tapi ada org mengidam mau makan spaghetti yg Lyn masak. It is been loooonnnngg time. Hehehe

So on the day before, we went shopping for the ingredient.. tu yg pegi shopping ngn Yaty kat Carefour tuh. Semua benda kena beli. Yelah bkn selalu pun masak spaghetti ni kan..P1040395Here you go.. the ingredients for spaghetti that I used. Just a simple one.. not like the one served in Secret Recipe or watsoever :P. Bawang & tomato tu kita cincang or potong dadu. Senang jer. Meleleh air mataku. hehehe

P1040398Then I started cooking..  Big onions. I like big onions fried together with chicken.. nice fragrant smell & tasty! Goreng bawang sampai naik bau tauP1040399The chicken…P1040400Tomatoes dan ramuan2 lain jugak. [malas nk explain. hehehe]

P1040401Source ni mmg Lyn buat sendiri. Tak guna yg ready made langsung. Then masukkan button mushroom plak. Yea…finally done with the spaghetti sauce.. Hehe.. yummy yummy.. Nampak menyelerakan.. Hehehe.

So next day, on Monday I bought spaghetti to my office. We had lunch & spend a good quality time with my colleagues. P1040411P1040413Hah!!! ini dia org yg mengidam tuh. Dia makan bertambah tau. Siap tapau bawak balik lagi. Takpe2 Lyn suka klu org makan bertambah. Ade yg puasa pun Lyn tapau kan untuk dorang. Leh buat juadah buka puasa.

Suka Lyn tgk my colleagues dapat merasa skit2 spaghetti ni. Taklah ralat klu ade yg tak dpt rasa. Nak buat lagi, tak tau bila kan… hehehe

I’m full sampai ke malam. So I didn’t take dinner. Just had some tidbits only.

This coming Saturday.. our berfoya2 time. I like!!!!!!! Can’t wait!!! :DD



kak lyn, bestnyaaaaaa...nampak sedapppppp gilerrrrr...nakkkkkkkkk cikittttt...uwaaaaaaa...

Lyn Yusoff said...

meh lah dtg rumah kak lyn... nnti kak lyn masakkan spaghetti tuk dd.. hehehehe

Kaseh NazLieza said...

kak lyn..lieza punyer mne???

Lyn Yusoff said...

klu nak kena dtg rumah kak lyn ler.. :P