
Can I Have Thissssss!!!

Tetiba, sekarang ni tgh mood nak menambahkan another gadget plak. Dah puas dgn BB, lappie, camera, hard disk semua, now tgh berkira2 untuk dapatkan Ipad plak. :)

IpadIpad with Wi-Fi
Connect to the Internet wherever you can access a Wi-Fi hotspot.

16GB – RM1549
32GB – RM1849
64GB – RM2149

Ipad with Wi-Fi + 3G
Connect to the Internet at Wi-Fi hotspots and a cellular network when you’re on the go.

16GB – RM1999
32GB – RM2299
64GB – RM2599

Sayangggggggggggggg…… can I have this??? Meh lah belanja b…. I want it so badly!!!!!!.. :)

Boleh lah erk… boleh lah……pleaseeeeeeeeee!!!

[dengan suara manja2 gitu… hehehe]

*gediks…….* :DD

[pic & info.. credited to Google]

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