
I Love Twitter :)

twitter-bird-with-pc I love Twitter & blog than my FB. hahaha. Rasanyer cam nak delete je acc FB tuh. Lagi2 bosan dgn new FB. It’s suck!!!!!Tengok lah agak2 dah boring nnti confirm Lyn delete FB tu jer. Senang….

And again, I love Twitter. Hehehe. There’s no secret there. While I’m on the go, which seems to be most times… I use my BB to Tweet… easy rite. Kadang kala bertapis jugak. Tak semua kita boleh tweet & blog it.

I started using twitter since Sept 24, 2009. Already reached 7000++ tweets. Byk jugak lah.

The conversation, that’s why I love twitter. I talk a lot and I’ve never been able to talk to so many people in so many places so often at the same time. How amazing is that? It’s amazing!!

Please add me : azlinah79

Don’t be shy to comment yeah. Conversation is fun :)


Elya Roza said... pun sudah buring dgn new FB ni...tak paham napa asyik2 nk tuka2 jee..tgk!!dah ramai yg busann..
i dah follow u tau :)

Lyn Yusoff said...

Ermm ramai gak yg complaint pasal new Fb tu. Boring kan..
follow u back :)