I'm already addicted to Candy Crush. Looks like kids ? Hehehe. Wooottt.. Wooott..
I played a bit of candy crush on my iPad. Tapi tidak lah selalu. Bila ada masa lapang jer. Pantang on iPad, mesti click candy crush. Hehehe
Bila dah addicted, dah la my sis pun sibuk install dan main skali kat tab dia. Katanya, Lyn yg ajar. Hehehe. Tgk tuh, I olsssss jugak yg kena. Tak sesuaiiii hokey…
This game is much more intense and frustrating. If you run out of lives, you have to a wait a painful 20 minutes in order to receive a new life. Yg ni mmg stress.
Dalam stress2 tuh, release lah tension gak :)
Let’s try & for sure you guys more addicted than me :p
[Pic, credited to Google image]
opismate akak sorang tu pantang ada masa terluang...
confirm ngadap ni...
akak tak mo start...
takut addicted...
sbb tu i try my very best to stay away from any games...
sbb takut kerja tak jalan ;D
yg penting jgn start.
klu start sure addicted punya
Assalamualaikum wbt..
hihi game ni mcm game anipang..game dari korea..try la kak..hihi main anipang nnt kot2 blh lawan ngn artis korea :P
korea tak tinggal yer heheh
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