Hi LoVers,
Still remembered about coffee scrub’s posting last month? This is the link. I love this kind of scrub. It isn’t super hard on my skin like other scrubs I have tried. Lyn dah lah bkn peminat coffee, tapi Alhamdulillah boleh tahan & tak pening dgn coffee scrub ni. Hehehe
I don’t post review here, nanti2 lah yer. Ni nak cerita pasal lain pulak. But still ada kaitan dgn coffee scrub.
Since IG owner buat giveaway, Lyn pun mencuba nasib. It was last minute sbb coffee scrub dah nak habis. Kena lah tunggu new pack coming in. Dapat hari Rabu, tapi duk pikir nak buat apa. The 3 most beautiful photos and captions will be selected and 3 lucky winners will get handbag. Excited lah kan. Pikir2 akhirnya dpt lah idea dgn bantuan my nephew. Shoot hari Ahad, hari Isnin 29.12.14 baru submit via IG. Kemain siap shoot bagai. Over tau. Hahaha. The announcement pulak 31.12.14 jam 9pm.
Right after dorang announced 3rd & 2nd prize, suddenly I got the notification saying that I’m the Grand Prize’s winner. Terkejut gila ok. Terus menjerit panggil my sis. I didn’t expect pun. Saja suka2 kan. Alhamdulillah, rezeki, good start for 2015. Amin :)
Rezeki. Bertambah lah branded handbag dlm collection. Walaupun org kata Coach tu biasa2 jer, tapi pd Lyn dah cukup branded dah tu. Klu nak pakai Chanel & Prada bagai mmg takde lah kan. Baik simpan duit. Btw, dah pakai pun masa my nephew’s solemnization & reception :)
To those yg nak try coffee scrub tu, you can browse their IG. Jgn risau, the owner sgt friendly. Happy trying!!!
tahniahh.. ;)
Wah, memang sangat beruntung ni! Jealous akak tapi yalah, tak join nak jelaous apanya ...
Tahniahlah, Lyn! Bolehlah bergaya dengan beg Coach baru di tahun baru ni!
thx :)
Thx kak. dah bergaya pun.. pakai sekali je.. then simpan balik dlm dustbag..
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