Really Really Really Good!!!

Have u tried before??

It's the Gardenia Delicia Butterscotch bread.

This is one of the most deliciously made bread from Gardenia. They were definitely really, really, really good!!! As per what they claim on the plastic packaging. Trust me yea. Sape2 yg suka butter, u must try!!! The texture too soft. Rugi tau kalau tak cuba.. hehe

I like so much!! I bought 2 loaf of bread this week. I can even finished a whole loaf all by myself while doing my work. Percaya ke tak?? Sila percaya yea. Hahahaha

The Gardenia Butterscotch bread costs RM4. Even quite expensive pun, it taste so good. It's delicious!! Biar mahal asalkan rasenya sedap. Tak rugi klu beli pun.

Everyday, I had butterscotch bread for my breakfast. Sedappppppppppppp :D

Butterscotch bread sesuai untuk org yg diet mcm saya :P



Anonymous said...

butterscotch memg sodap. lg sedap bile bkar jp kt toaster. semerbak baunyeeee

Lyn Yusoff said...

so far tak try bakar lagi..
makan gitu lagi sedap kot.. soft jer.. hehehe

lily lotus said... heroes pun well as me pun..hehehe..mmg roti utk sekeluarga

Lyn Yusoff said...

mmg sedap kan..
sbb tu kids pun suka..
tgh reply comment ni pun i still mengunyah butterscotch.. sedapppp