The Largest Bloggers’ Gathering with Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair – Part 3

Hi Lovers,

Anyway, back to the Gatsby Deodorant Street Fair.

Let’s talk about games. Serious fun giler. But certain games jer yang Lyn main. There were many games prepared for all the bloggers.

Everyone can take part & earn points which later on could be redeemed many Gatsby products. Once you win the game, you’re given one or two coupon. That’s the rules. More point you earn, more product you can get. So boleh main sampai lebam ok.. Hahahaa.

So these are several pics that we took. Korang layan jelah erk..

P1030060Deodorant Spray TossP1030064 Basketball. Got 6 chances. Tapi kena masuk 3 baru dpt points. Lyn dapat gak tau. P1030067Can SmashP1030070Color Bowl. Memang tak masuk. P1030087 Football Toss. I love this game. Ulang2 kali Lyn main benda ni. Best!!! Kan games ni je byk points Lyn dapat that I mentioned before. P1030088Bull Ring. Susah bebenor. Sampai takde org Q untuk main menatang ni. HahahaP1030092 Shooting. Pro lah konon. Hehe. The point must be 17 and above. So Lyn menang gak tau. I got 28 points!!!P1030097Golf. Memang takde skill nak main golf. Satu pun tarak masuk. HeheheP1030103Fishing the Deodorant Spray..hehheheP1030107Crazy CarP1030093 Golden Champ. Ni senang. Place your hand to any of the holes to find the spray. Got 3 chances only. Dua kali Lyn main.. dua2 dpt. Terlepas amik my pic, so amik props jer lah erk. HeheheP1030091Balloon Dart. Satu pun tak kena balloon warna tuh.

Actually, ada beberapa games yg Lyn tak main. Mane yg best & senang, serious Lyn ulang byk2 kali sampai lebam. Hahaha. Tapi syok giler. Penat, lapar, haus sume lupa. Hehehe

The game finished at 4.30pm. Lepas tu kena redeemed coupon yg kita collect. From these games Lyn dpt kumpul 26 coupon. 26 x 2 = 52 points. Skit je…

Serious, I enjoyed during the games. Next will be lucky draw & my pics with bloggers.

Check this out!!!


Cheese Monster said...

52 point? mane hadiah nye? ade lebih tak? huu

Lyn Yusoff said...

nnti lah i update...

Azree Ariffin said...

bestnya! tentu seronok kan? Rugi lah saya tak pi...

G-miey said...

visit this blog to downloads free pc games

Lyn Yusoff said...

Sgt seronok yer..
rugi pada sape yg tak pergi..

Anonymous said...

Huhuuu x dpt g.. ;-(

Lyn Yusoff said...

sgt best..
sape tak pg sgt rugi.. hehehhe