
Less Than 12 Hours!! :)

Hi Lovers,

OMG!!! I still can't believe this....

2009 will be end...

Goodbye 2009!!!!

Hope it can be better next year 2010. InsyaAllah :D

Meanwhile, nothing special for New Year eve. ZZzzzzzzzzz :) <--- sounds great rite??

Till then, Let's welcome 2010!!!!


[Pic, credited to google images]

Really Really Really Good!!!

Have u tried before??

It's the Gardenia Delicia Butterscotch bread.

This is one of the most deliciously made bread from Gardenia. They were definitely really, really, really good!!! As per what they claim on the plastic packaging. Trust me yea. Sape2 yg suka butter, u must try!!! The texture too soft. Rugi tau kalau tak cuba.. hehe

I like so much!! I bought 2 loaf of bread this week. I can even finished a whole loaf all by myself while doing my work. Percaya ke tak?? Sila percaya yea. Hahahaha

The Gardenia Butterscotch bread costs RM4. Even quite expensive pun, it taste so good. It's delicious!! Biar mahal asalkan rasenya sedap. Tak rugi klu beli pun.

Everyday, I had butterscotch bread for my breakfast. Sedappppppppppppp :D

Butterscotch bread sesuai untuk org yg diet mcm saya :P



Our Lunch Was Great!!

What a nice lunch break we just had!

First, we went to the Restaurant Lenggong, tapi makanan byk dah habis. huhu. Finally, we settled in Beriyani Selatan House located at Seksyen 19, Shah Alam.

Fyi, Lyn bukan lah penggemar Nasi Beriyani, but so-so. hehehe.

Today, adalah hari kedua saya bersama nasi. Im still on diet.*wink wink* For time being Lyn mmg tak amik nasi & yg sewaktu dgnnya since last week. But today, saya sgt2 lapar nasi. hehehe..

Yummmy.. yummmyy.. our lunch was great!!! Looking great rite??

Two sets of Briyani Ayam & 1 set of Beriyani Daging for us including kuah dalca nenas, acar mentah & papadom. As usual, myself had Nasi Briyani Ayam. Daging Lyn mmg tak makan yea..

The place totally recommended. Great place to having ur lunch if you want some peace and quiet, away from crowded area and poor service. The service quite fast. hehehe

Licin saya mkn kerana saya mmg lapar nasi. So tak tau bila saya akan mkn nasi semula :P

Otw back from Seksyen 19 to my office, we bumped into this. Tak tau ape ke namanye. Van zaman dolu2. Tapi tersangat lah smart & cun bangat.

Sempat Lyn snapped pic sampai org tu perasan hehehe.

Saya amik pic van abg tau.. bukan pic abg.. hahahha

Well, still ada lagi binatang ni erkk.. ingatkan dah pupus :P

Banyak Cikadak!!

Mee udang satu..
Tak nak bawang goreng..
Cili potong...
Chopstick & sudu putih...

Tiap kali makan kat Pak Li Seksyen 7, Shah Alam I mmg byk cikadak. Tu tak nak.. ni nak tukar. Sangat byk songeh. hehehe. Smpai my friend dah hafal. Tak yah cakap byk, bila I nak order, Amy tolong smbung ayat2 I. hahahha

Waiter yg ambil my order dah faham dah. Tu kena waiter yg biasalah. Even Lyn tak ckp pun, dia dah alert dah. Kuat tul ingatan dorang. hehe. Tapi waiter yg tak berapa biasa, still bawak yg salah. Still brought sambal tumis instead of cili potong. Kadang tu bwk spoon & fork. Mak tak boleh ok!!! Sangat pantang.. hahaha

Licin!! Lama dah tak pekena Mee Udang Pak Li ni. Ayu.. sila try ok. Sbb sgt sedap!! yummyyy.. yummmyyy

Chocolate ni Farah aka budak kecik yg bagi. Sedap & dlm tu ada kurma. Di datangkan khas dari Mekah. Her parents baru pulang dr menunaikan Haji. Alhamdulillah, Uncle & Auntie selamat sampai. Thx darling :D

From My Friend

I'm addicted to this!!! :) Tiba2 kan. Zaza si mak hayam gave to me last sunday. I got 6 cups of yogurt. Bapak byknyerrrrrr. Thx dear.

It's 6.30pm already. I'm still trying to finish reading my notes sambil menikmati keindahan yogurt yg sangat sedap ini. hehehehe

Fyi, Im not taking any sweet food for time being. Diet katanya. hehehe. But im craving to eat Nestle Fat Free Yogurt. Last week, I bought only 4 cups of yogurt. Dah abis pun. Bila Zaza dah bagi free ni, tak yahlah nak pgi pasaraya bagai. Habis kan stock yg Zaza ni bagi dulu :P

I've tried and liked so far are strawberry & kiwi. Sluuurrpppppp. Yummmmyyyyy. And I have to say, it tastes great. For them yg rase2 nak diet boleh lah cuba. Fat free yea.. sesuai untuk org2 cam aku ni [gemuk ke aku??] hahahahaha

My tea time today only yogurt. Sedapppppppppppppppppppppppp :D

Anyone like yogurt??


Last night is one of those days where I wished I would have just stayed at home and do my homework instead of going out. Patutnya, Lyn kena jumpa Fazs nak amik barang, but due to my time & damn sleepy, Lyn cancel jer. Nasib baik Fazs pun ada hal. So taklah ralat sgt. hehehe.

Mula2 tgk tv. Tapi sume cerita Lyn tak berkenan langsung. Then masuk bilik, baring2 golek2 atas katil smbil sms my sweetheart. Syok giler. But the most important is, I still love to sleep on my comfy bed. Kalau katil org lain mmg payah. Its so heaven :P

Pasang plak aromatherapy. Lagi lah rase tenang & romantic jer. I love the smell of eucalyptus's aromatherapy oil burner from my collections.

Time to relax on the fresh bed sheets, home sweet home!!!

Finally, I got my long nap!!! yeayyyy :)

But bubur gandum yg Mak buat mmg sedap sgt2. Dari petang sampai ke malam, Lyn asyik ulang makan bubur je. Yummmmmyyyy.. yummmyyyyyy

Diet katanya, sbb tu mkn bubur jer.

Motifffff!!!! :P

Goodbye 2009, Welcome 2010 :)

Hi Lovers,

Happy Monday everyone!!!

Well, pejam celik pejam celik, kita semakin hampir meninggalkan thn 2009. Tinggal beberapa hari saje kan. So how's ur life in 2009?? Sure ada kenangan manis & kenangan pahit kan..

Azam 2009 korang mcm maner?? terlaksana ke tak??

Every year, azam Lyn sentiasa same. Ingin menjadi seorang yg baik disisi family & masyarakat sekeliling. To be honest, ada jugak yg tak tercapai dek akal. Its normal actually. Sekiranya berhasil syukur Alhamdulillah. Dan jika sebaliknya, dun give up. InsyaAllah masih ada lagi peluang.

For myself, tak semuanya indah. Pahit manis masam kelat semuanya ada. Yang paling teruk ianya betul2 menguji kesabaran diri Lyn ini. Ade saje cerita2 yg kurang enak di dengar. I was too cried.. cried & cried :( But until one stage, I don't want to discuss further more. Biarlah Lyn simpan dlm hati kecilku ini. Its too personal. Let bygone be bygone.

Tahun 2009 byk membuatkan hati kecil ni menangis lagi, kehilangan org yg tersayang iaitu family members & my lovely niece yang telah kembali ke rahmatullah. Adik, acik rindu adik sgt2. Semoga roh mereka di tempatkan dikalangan org2 yg beriman & beramal soleh. Al-Fatihah.. Amin

Tapi ape yang penting thn ini byk mengajar Lyn erti kehidupan yg lebih baik. Im not type of person yg dulu2. Sudah mampu untuk mengejar kejayaan even tak sepenuhnya lagi. Alhamdulillah, ianya menjadi sebahagian drpd jiwa ku skrg. I learn a lots of things dan kini sudah sebati dlm jiwa :D

Alhamdulillah, I learn & appreciate what I have in my life, eventhough im not strong enough to face it. Im still disillusioned with lots of things, I wish somehow i'd know what im supposed to do/ be doing especially in 2010. Alots of changes kot. InsyaAllah

.. but I need is more love for everyone and what I wish for is happiness and direction.

Currently, im filled with gratitute for all the goodness, blessing and glad tidings Allah has given me, Alhamdulillah. Syukur sgt2. Amin.. :)

To people out there, wishing u a great 2010..
Semoga ianya lebih baik dari thn2 yg lepas..
InsyaAllah :D



[Pic, credited to google image]

An Evening With Kakak

Already quite a long time not go to One Utama. I think almost a year.

A day before, myself & kakak decided to spent time together, but location tak tau lagi. Bukan ape, we need to settle a few things regarding business matters. Finally, we decided to go to One Utama.
Apparently Fazs couldn't make it. What to do. Kenalah pergi sendiri.

I was late. Its raining. Hujan lebat & petir tak hingat. But I managed to drive carefully. Masing2 still otw lagi. Kalau hujan lebat surelah jammed merata. Betul2 tak nampak jalan.

Then, actually myself spent a rough half an hour finding a spot to park, because a gazillion people decided to shopping as well. Yang penting kena amik pic. Takut kejadian lama berulang kembali. Hampir setengah jam mencari kereta tapi tak jumpa2. Time tu kat OU gaks. huhuhu

Meet up Kakak in Zara. Kakak shopping sakan woooo. She spent almost 1k to bought business attire. Wah!!!! Lyn tengok dia amik baju.. sap sap sooiii jer. Maklum lah org berduit. Ada duit sume boleh jadi. hehehe.

2 young ladies, which is Redmummy & Kakak. I really admire them. Really inspired me. But for time being, Lyn rahsiakan identiti dia dulu. Once in a while, I'll publish for the next entry. InsyaAllah.

We had dinner together at the Sri Melaka Restaurant. Never been there before. Kakak cakap restaurant ni mmg best sgt2. Dorang served masakan kampung. Yelah dah nama pun Sri Melaka. Takkan nak served western food plak. hehehe

Myself with simple menu. Mee Hoon Tom Yam Seafood with ice lemon tea as usual. hehehe. Kakak ordered Nasi Goreng Special with Sambal Udang Petai. Yummyyy.. yummy. Nampak mmg menyelerakan.

At the same time, we discussed about my future plan. Mmg teruja sgt2 bila kakak inform satu persatu. But i need to move on from the 1st stage till the end.

1st & 2nd stage already started..

Next year, on Jan my 3rd stage... Semoga semuanya berjaya. Pray hard for me yea...:D


I Miss U Like Crazy

I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You
I Miss You, Darling..
Please come home!!!!

ps: :(


Long Weekend

Hi Lovers,

There is just a little part of palm trees a couple of weeks ago in Pavillion for Xmas promo eve. But not so sure, ada lagi ke idak or dah bertukar wajah since im not going there. huhuhuhu.

School holiday, meaning everyone enjoy their holiday with parents. My 2 brothers going to Langkawi with their family last monday. Supposed Lyn pun ikut skali, tapi disebabkan sbb2 tertentu.. Lyn terpaksa lupakan hajat itu. huhuhu :( Will be rite back only tomorrow morning. Amboii!! holiday sakan korang yer... hehehe.

Myself just stay at home. Working.. working.. working...:(

Last week, during family gathering.. Lyn dah janji nak bawak dorang jalan2 after balik from Langkawi. When I asked them what they would like to do to fill the extra time, the suggestions included watching a movie & baking. But myself decided to bring them to TGV, nak tgk Alvin & The Chipmunks 2. Sukalah budak2 tuh. :P

[Pic, credited to google image]

Before masing2 balik hostel & UiTM. I will bring them to enjoy their weekend before sekolah start. Nanti dah start sekolah, takde lah nak enjoy sakan. Must concentrate ngn study masing2.

Next year, PMR untuk Baby, Athirah & Amelia, my lovely nieces.

So start ur engine now yea!!...

Btw, happy holiday & have a nice weekend :)


1 Year to Akil

My family was invited to Akil's birthday from my cousin, Hajar. Her house nearby my house. Jalan kaki sampailah. hehehe. But Im not around since morning, menjemput my lovely friends, Zaza yg bekerja di awan Dania. Baru balik dari Jakarta. But my sis call lah informed yg cousin kitorang ni menjemput.

After lepak2 chit chat sempatlah melelapkan mata sejam dua kat her house. Dah lah letih menjemput mak hayam ni kat KLIA. Oppsssssss. Nasib ada buah tangan. hehehe.

I came straight home from USJ. Letak barang2 dlm umah trus pegi rumah dia. Birthday anak kecil ni surelah ramai kids kan. The party started only at 3.00pm. Lyn terlambat sebab tertidur punya pasal.

Akil ni cute orangnyer. Dahla come lote. Paling mahal, dagu nyer berlekuk yer. Geram Lyn. Jarang ada boys dagu berlekuk, slalu gurls jer. Yang sebelah tu, his brother. 2 heroes untuk Hajar. hehehe.

Akil took his very 1st step a couple of weeks ago before he turned 1 year old. Terkedek2 dia berjalan ngan von tonggek sebab pakai pampers. hahahha.

Macam2 makanan ada. Laksa, nasi ayam, nugget, bakso, ikan bakar & etc. Tak terkata banyaknya.

Thx Hajar for the birthday invite. :D

I'm Craving....

Well, I'm always craving sweet food. I don't know why?? *sigh*. Last time punya teringin pun tak dpt lagi. heheh. But now im craving sweet food. Im not diet person. Orang kata makan chocolate leh gemuk. But im not... *wink wink*. Myself still maintain with 45kg to 47kg.

What i'm craving??

Chocolate Pavlova
My friend recommended one place in Bangsar Village, Delicious Restaurant.
Pavlova nyer sgt delicious. Nak pegi!!!


Hot choc with marshmallows

Ice blended

Cuppies @ Cupcakes Chic

Close ur eyes and put it in ur mouth. Rasakan keenakkan.. pasti sedap terkata...

A simple sweet life... :D


[pics, credited to google image]

A Lovely Day

A quick update, I had lepak2 with my close friends. Last minutes plan. Kalau berjanji bagai nak rak pun lum tentu jadi. Cam ni lagi senang. Plan2.. terus jadi. Supposed was met them in Bukit Jelutong, but since Im not in Shah Alam, we decided to meet up in Uncle Lim's, Ikano.

Zaza & Nana did the ordering, as usual Lyn tolong reserved meja. Ramai plak makhluk ari tuh. I thought we were only lepak & pekena minum petang jer but they came back with three bowls of Asam Laksa & Otak2. My eyes popped. OMG!! byk nyer makanan. But rezeki kan. Orang nak belanja. Hehehe. I love asam laksa here. Dorang dah tau, klu Lyn lepak situ sure akan order Asam Laksa. hehehe

The chili really makes the Asam Laksa power. Sedap. The sour & hot soup with mashed meat, rice vermicelli & segala ingredients membuatkan asam laksa tu sgt sedap. yummmyyyy..

I love otak2 too. Truly spicy and fragrant!

There are many more and when we have the opportunity to gather with my lovely buddies. We will talk and laugh at all the things. Saje membuang masa yg ada. hehehe. Lagipun bukan selalu lepak ngn dorang yg keje tak tentu masa ni.

After that we headed to the flea market. Takde membeli ape2 pun. Saje round2 pusing2 jer. Dah malam2 ni takda mood sgt nak membeli. Just cuci2 mata jer. Saja nak menghabiskan masa dorang yg selalu sgt susah nak lepak ngn aku.

Padan muka korang!!! Hahahaha


My Lovely Cuppies

As I mentioned before, my lovely niece will be getting married next month. So she had requested that I sponsored cupcakes for her hantaran. Motiffffffff!! being ur auntie yg baik ni, I sponsored lah erk. Dulu, my niece nye wedding pun I sponsored gak. My lil sis nyer wedding lagi banyak I sponsored. Hehehe.

My turn coming soon yea... :P

Well, managed to order with Kak Pah since myself pernah rase cupcakes die from my colleague. Sedap & soft sgt2. But Lyn tak leh nak tunjuk rupanya camner. Once Lyn dah ambil cupcakes tu nnti, I'll show u later ok. Pic taken from her blog. Cantik kan...

Thx Kak Pah kerana sudi amik order Lyn tuh. Btw suka dgr Kak Pah gelak. Chumellss :P

So Im gonna leave u her blog URL or u can click chepahcutecake. Enjoy & have a nice browsing through her cupcakes :)


Kan Lebih Baik....

Being silent its good for me, alone with my own world, family, friends & sweetheart. It's better than almost anything. Sometimes I need my silent day. Though some people love it. I hope so.. hehehehe.

As a human, I need my privacy. Please don't disturb my life, my love & everything. I keep saying that almost everyday. Still ada yg nak ganggu lagi. To be honest, I don't understand u even aku pun tak nak faham ko. My own life & love, biar aku aturkan sendiri. Aku tak perlukan suara2 haram yg sibuk nak tau itu ini. Ur life, ko jaga tepi kain ko sendiri sudeh!! Aku pun tak jaga kain baju ko!!.. hahahha.

Tu lah manusia. Aku sendiri tak kecoh nak tau itu ini. Ko plak yg sibuk nak tau. Walaupun bkn ko kutip info dari aku, tapi org lain yg baik ngn aku bgtau. Bengong2.. Takpe aku kan byk informer. Aku tak payah tanya, org tu bermurah hati nak ckp. Hahaha. Come on lah beb!!.. Kan lebih baik ko diam jer, instead nak amik tau pasal aku sgt.

Anyway, I'm really at a point where I feel like I can keep being silent and just tolerating all of this, or I can speak out. Janganlah sampai aku jumpa ko pelempang yg singgah kt muka nnti. Kang jadi kes plak. Hahaha. Hah!! baik ko diam2 duduk kt situ.

Tapi aku pilih... yang ni...

The more I stay silent, I'll make sure I can keep being silent.

Tapi jgn lah pulak cabar aku yg bukan2 erk... :(

Monday Bluessss!!

Hi Lovers,

It's Monday again...
I extremely hate Monday!!!
Monday morning is just hard for me to get up.. :(
Ohh!! I feel so bored, make me feel lazy going to work. But I must!!!
I hate this kind of weather, cold & rain, makes me feel gloomy and lazy.

How about u???

Enuff Said.

[pic, credited to google image]


What I Want??

I am craving to eat ayam penyet, bakso kuah & soya gembira, yummmyyy... yummmyyy :)

I am craving to eat Baskin Robbins. Ssslluurppppss :P

I am craving to eat steamboat at Flaming Restaurant

I want to buy new shoes, tops, skirts, pants, wallet & handbag.. Coach plzzzzzz *wink wink*

I want to buy anything from MAC, eyeshadow, eyeshadow base, blusher & etc.

I want Blackberry Bold. Sayang, please take note. This is for my hantaran ok... hehehe

And 1 more place, Bandung... my lovely shopping destination. Pray for it! InsyaAllah :)



There's nothing much to do during long holidays and my usual gathering with my family. We had some discussion for the most important event aka majlis will be held on Jan 2010.

My lovely niece will be getting married next month, and our family has started meeting & discussed everything to make sure her dream wedding will come true. InsyaAllah :)
She had requested that I order cupcakes, so that she can give pihak lelaki as a hantaran. So Lyn pun dah cari2 kt blog mane2 yg senang Lyn nak order. Hope still available.

If u guyz ada idea kat mane Lyn boleh order cupcakes, please drop a comment yea... :)

Well, hujan lebat tadi. Sgt lebat. I had thought of going to Sunway Pyramid with my lovely niece, but we ended up at JJ Bukit Tinggi, Klang instead. hehehe I didn't want to go to Sunway. takut jalan jammed. Weekends plak. Sure jammed punya.

So, we just gave it a shot at JJ Bukit Tinggi. Tak lama sgt pun. Lagi lama lagi penat. Just cari ape yg patut jer. Bought something for myself. Patutnya nak pegi Marks & Spencer, tapi kat JJ ni tak ado. Fragrance body lotion & shower cream udah abis. Hope I can go tomorrow or next week.

A smile for the happy weekend... :D

I better stop it here, till then,

Enuff said.

Salam Ma'al Hijrah 1431 H

This is a sticky mode, do scroll down for latest entries. Thx yea... :)

Doa Akhir Tahun dibaca 3 kali pada akhir waktu Asar atau sebelum masuk waktu Maghrib pada akhir bulan Zulhijjah.

[Click image to enlarge]

Doa Awal Tahun dibaca 3 kali selepas waktu Maghrib pada malam satu Muharram

[Click image to enlarge]

Semoga dengan kehadiran tahun baru ini, maka bertambahlah ketaqwaan kita kepada yang Maha Esa, InsyaAllah..

Happy holiday & have a nice weekend :D


Finally, Malaysia Won!!!!

Finally, Malaysia Won!!!!

Congratulations to Malaysian team. Gold for Malaysia. Well done!!!

After 20 years, akhirnya Malaysia menang. Sure penyokong2 Malaysia berpusu2 nak tgk final ni. Lyn tgk kat rumah jer. Tu pun punyalah gelisah. My mum kata mcm nak ape jer. Gelisahnya mengalahkan pemain tu sendiri. hehehe. Bukan ape.. semangat.. semangat...

1st half nampak Vietnam byk menyerang. Malaysia nampak cam malas je nak membalas serangan dan nampak permainan sgt bosan & lembap. Mujurlah 2nd half tak membosankan. Malaysia dah mula menunjukkan taring dan serangan balas membalas berlaku. Klu ikutkan dah 3 gol, tapi nasib tak menyebelahi pasukan Malaysia.

Akhirnya pada minit yg keberapa erk, Lyn pun tak ingat, Shahrul telah memecahkan gawang pasukan lawan, dengan jaringan gol pertama pasukan Malaysia. Nampak sekilas seolah2 pasukan lawan yg gol kan. Tapi referee dah annouce Malaysia menang. So menang lah....

Finally, gol jaringan 1 - 0 hingga ke akhir perlawanan.

Malaysia, u deserve it!!!!!

Sure hambuan menanti pemain Malaysia termasuk coach n etc.


* Sure Rita Rudaini & Ayu Raudhah ceria. Suami & bf main untuk Malaysia. Menang plak tuh. Teddy bear mascot tu boleh bagi kat anak. hehehe

Shop @ RM

My clothes from arrived tuesday morning. I really like it. Horayyyyyyy :P

When I saw the parcel I was so happy. One of my colleague laugh at me and said, shopping kat lagi ker?? smile. Camne tau?? Agak je lah. betul lah tuh!!

Hah!! she was right. I really happy when look at the parcel coz I'm waiting for that.

When I opened the parcel. Pakaian tu masih cantik & baru lagi :)

Meh kita tgk sipi2 jer erk. Bila tgk cam tak muat je nak pakai. Once arrived at home, Lyn try lah, nasib baik muat. Baju yg dulu pun Lyn tak pakai lagi. Nanti2 lah Lyn pakai. hehehe

I will wear it. But when, I still don't know. Dun worry people, nnti Lyn post ok. Tungggguuuuuuuuu...

Thx again to Kak Red & Sirman

Behind The Scene

Slept almost 2am and woke up the next day at 7am. Rushing to Puncak Alam, sent my mum & kakak before my cousin's akad nikah after Zohor at Puncak Alam. Itu pun mintak izin ngn my mum & auntie nak pegi Tropicana jap & promised came back again at 1.30pm. Mlm plak, Lyn terpaksa skipped majlis berinai. huuhuu. Nikah & reception je aku ada. Sory erk Wana... huhuhu

I went to Tropicana Golf & Country club for help them out. If tak pegi nnti, orang kata ape plak kan. hehehe.

So I just help them out with some last minute preparation although in the end I didn't help much. It was damn fun chit chat chit chat with rest of them. Hehehehe. Lagipun, the sitting arrangement almost done. Just tgk2 ape yg perlu je.

The preparation was quick one. Rushing to get myself ready and back again to Puncak Alam for Wana's akad nikah. Tu pun dah hampir nak nikah baru Lyn smpai. huhuhu. Lepas dia nikah, trus Lyn cabut.

As for me, the 1st thing I did was head straight home and take a long nap!! I need my rest. I feel sleepy. Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. But I can't. Wat to do. Ada event lain yg menunggu.

After my short nap, do my make-up & hairdo with my cousin. Dia ni pun reti make-up & hairdo ni. So mintak dia tolong skit2 jer. Malas nak pegi saloon bagai. Tak sempat. hehhee.

Change into my black dress and off to the birthday party!!



Fame - Remember My Name

Fame was a popular series in the 80's about an art school, it's students and all the intrigue and drama of those teenage years.

I can listen a million times to this song since Dafi performed during his birthday party last saturday. He improved a lots!!

I love the way he danced.

Speechless!!!! :P

Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy :)

My Lovely Attire

When VIDs & AIDs decided to wearing black color for AJK during the event. I was like.. *smile*. hehehe. I like to choose some attire suits on me. In my mind, thinking of cocktail attire which is short & elegant.

Managed to shopping like a shit!! %^&#$#. Hahahaha. Tired & sakit kaki. And.......

The result was great!!!!

Taraaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! :P

Wearing short dress from somewhere in boutique at Mid Valley. Paired it with earrings, ring, necklace and bracelet from my personal collection, bonita's clutch that I bought early this year & Charles & Keith's heels that I mentioned before.

Corsage tu untuk VIDs & AIDs saje yer...

Kenapa I tak pakai black heels??? Up to me lah!!! Hahahaha. Saje nak nampak kelainan. Sesuai ke idak, aku tak kisah :P. The most important is, I love my maroon heels :)

Make-up done by myself. Just a simple & lite for me. Eeerm sejak belajar make-up kat RedGlow last few month, Lyn try asah bakat skit2. So gunalah skill yg ada. Bila lagi kan?? For the 1st time, Lyn guna fake eyelashes. Punyalah susah nak melekat. Luckily tak tercabut.

Finally, the result was great!! Walaupun tak professional & sehebat orang lain. hehehe. Yang penting ada org kata cantik & like professional. hehehehee

Hairdo done by lovely cousin. Dia mmg terror bab2 rambut ni. Punyalah byk hair spray dia guna. Rase nak termuntah dibuatnya. Lyn terpaksa wash my hair 3 times that nite.

The most important is, I love my attire :D


Dafi21 Was Superb Great!!

Hi Lovers,

How's ur weekend?? Mine, was great!! Happy with my family, sweetheart & best friends, of coz. Alhamdulillah :)

So, last saturday I went to the Tropicana Golf & Country Club for Dafi21 Surprised Birthday Party. Myself arrived at the Tropicana a lil bit late. Supposed at 6.00pm, but due the traffic jammed, schedule sume lari lintang pukang. Myself konvoi with Yaty, Aini & Myra coz I'll help to guide them.

Eventhough im not feeling well since last thursday due to gum disease. But I really2 enjoy it!!! Pic above taken by Adam, this is a 3rd stage after walking at red carpet. The theme is BLACK & WHITE.

Registration started around 7.00pm & running smoothly. Thx god. Everyone will be walking the red carpet and attending the event. It was already 7.45pm and we're still waiting. Most of the guests just arrived and we still need to get them in the hall before we can proceed the event.

I love the place nearby pool side. In fact, I love the decorations made by Tropicana. Such a great place for birthday celebration & etc. Simple decorations with baloon. Nice & I love it so much!!! At center tu, 2nd stage for cake cutting.

After 8.30pm, we decided cannot wait any much longer, just proceed the program till the end.

Now, relax, lay back & enjoy the pics.

The event was great & fun!!! I had a feeling it was going to be a wonderful evening :P

Thx to Dafi's family, Dafi's friends, sponsorship, media representative, reporter, dafinites, Tropicana Golf & Country Club, KRU & everyone. Thx for coming :)

Thx to VIDs, AIDs - Syukur Alhamdulillah our Dafi21 running smoothly. Thx for all support, effort, commitment dan hardwork towards this event. Sorry for all mistakes I'd done. We're such a great team. I had fun with u guyz :D

After a tiring day, went home at 11.30pm and head straight to bed!