

I bought this stuffs thru before the price increase on the 1st Sept.
Cecepat mintak Kak Red tolong beli kan..
Thx Kak Red, for being my personal shopper again.
Really appreciated :)

p/s: looking for something at MAC & Shu Uemura soon :)


♥Syamelia♥ said...


u beli eyeliner ker?
so how? senang x?

Precious said...

Wow ... nanti update ngan gambar u with the make-up on yer!

Amiha Ayu said...

SHU SHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sila beli shu!!!!
eyeshadow base dia beeesstt!!!


adenium said...

err.. lyn g kelas make up erk... best kan...

lily lotus said...

makin berserilah cik adik kita ni..hehe..mesti lagi seronok beraya gitu ;)

Anonymous said...

makin meletop laa u olss..ishh intenet kt opis ni..mmg laa kejap boley kejap tk neo guna ip lain plakk...bag cnk dah sambar kerrr..

{ Miss Syahira } said...

hi kak lyn..
ehhehe.. bunyi mcm pelik tp ok je. lama2 biasa la ni #)
wawwawaa.. make up baru utk raya ek?

Lyn Yusoff said...

Hi Amy,
yup i beli eyeliner
tapi lum try lagi.. nnti2 ler..

hi Precious,
insyaAllah, nnti Lyn update soon k

Lyn Yusoff said...

Hi Ayu,
betul ke Ayu.. Lyn lum sempat lagi pegi shu... thx for the info yeaa..
nnti lyn pgi ok..:)

hi Sid,
mmg best pg class tuh..
rasenyer nak pgi lagi pas raya ni..
nak tuntut lagi ilmu bebanyak.. hehehe

Lyn Yusoff said...

Hi Lily,
mmg seronok sgt.. nak dekat raya ni. dah leh make up sendiri..
suka.. sukaaa...

Hi Neo,
haruslah meletops uolsss..
i dah pndai dah ok.. hehe
dah pg C&K kt pyramid ari tuh..
takde plak design yg tuh..
design yg meletops lagi byk..
tpi tak rembat pun..hehhe

Lyn Yusoff said...

hi syahira,
pelik kan.. tetiba pggil kak Lyn.
tak lah make up baru pun..
just wat restock jer..