
Half Day at Sunway Pyramid

Walaupun sabtu Lyn menghabiskan masa sehari suntuk di RedGlow, belajar make up katanya.. so sunday tu Lyn decided to stay at home & mengqada' tido ku yg lepas2, hehehe. Since im not feeling well because of flu & migrain, I slept alots. Today, i feel a little bit better than last week. Alhamdulillah :)

Just want to share what i did before merdeka day. Just spent a few hours at Sunway Pyramid. Alone yea..!! For me, I can relax & do whatever I wish. Layan kedai sane.. layan kedai sini. Its so heaven, i told u!!! *wink wink*. Hari raya just around the corner. Walaupun lmbat lagi, ramai yg dah shopping awal2. Klu last minute nnti terkejar2 plak. Seronok tgk sale sane sini, tapi kenalah sediakan duitnya.. hahaha

Looking for some new clothes n etc. But i just bought a few thing that really2 important to me. Klu kat La Senza korang tau lah ape yg Lyn beli kan..hahaha. Present the membership card & entitled to get 10% discount. Lum campur lagi ngn voucher yg Lyn ada. Its worth sgt2. Klu u guyz nak pinjam my card, please let me know ok..

Sale at Somerset Bay & East India. Ermm tak lah berkenan sangat. But the sale up to 70%. Just bought a simple blouse & pants for my sis.

Hah!! menyinggah plak kat Charles & Keith. I need to buy my lovely heels tuh. But im so sad, heels tu dah takde. sedih ni.. huhuhu. Managed to get by end of this week maybe at Mid Valley outlet. I wish that!!!

The two of design heels ni sgt lah Lyn berkenan. Very soft & quite comfortable. Mybe wat 2nd heels lah after i grab the lovely one. OMG!!!! i adore with ur design!!! hope ko ada kat MV nnti ok. I want it!!!!

ps: Let's pray hard for Redmummy & family. Amin..


daela said...

lyn...awat x roger cek???umah cek sebelah jer...hiks...!!!

Lyn Yusoff said...

mane lah Lyn tau..
lagi pun tak tau nak contact camner..
umah u kt area mane erk??
klu dkt sure slalu shopping situ kan.. maybe one day we can hang out togther kan.. hehe

Adam Arjuna said...


sure melaram abis la diva sorg ni bila raya nnt.
dari ujung rambut sampai ujung kaki totally changed la tu..

mcm make over lak..


alamfanacinta said...

Lyn, gi je grab kt midvalley tuhh..kang abes stock plak..~

lyn u dah update ke blom eh yg makeup session with redglow?? Heeee..~ cepat update tauuuu...:)

Lyn Yusoff said...

mane ada totally changed.
lum sepenuhnyer lagi lah..
mane yg perlu jer..

Lyn Yusoff said...

tu lah nak pegi MV tpi tak sempat lagi lah. kena tggu weekend..

Lum update lagi lah u..
tak sempat..
nnti i update ok..

lily lotus said...

eh, apa salahnya u tunjuk pic apa yg beli kat la senza tu..lalalaa

Lyn Yusoff said...

Malu lah lily..