
Make-up Lesson with RedGlow

Im really sorry for the late post. Ramai yg dah tanya, so i decided to post this entry this morning.

Saturday morning, 28 Aug 2009? 8am usually I'm still on bed...but I'm soooo excited to do make-up with RedGlow. Trying to be early as I can to meet up RedGlow members. Unfortunately lambat yeaa. Fasting month marrrr... Lepas subuh tido balik.. ngeh3... :) I'm excited and looking forward for this class. Thx to Kak Red coz recommended yea...

I dun know how to explain about the class. Actually, we learnt from the beginning. What i meant is.. from the basic. From make-up base, foundation, shading, loose powder, eyeshadow base, eyeshadow-colouring, eyeliner, mascara, blusher, charge water & etc. Segala mak nenek mereka akan ajar. Macam maner???? u guyz kena dtg & belajar ngn mereka. Bukan senang tau. I was worried with my colour blending since im not terror yet. Gila meroyan belajar tau!!! hahahha. but Alhamdulillah.. everything went smoothly.. cikgu pun sporting.. mane tak nyer..skit2.. cikgu tgk ni ok tak??? cikgu colour ni sesuai tak??? hehehhe. nasib baik anak murid 6 orang jer..heheheh..

Fyi, I never use blusher for myself before. Klu org make-up kan lain lah. Now, I'll definitely try it soon. Fake eyelashes pun... never used before. kira terkial2 gak nak pakai. After dah tau skill, mmg senang.. hehe. Btw, byk benda nak kena beli. but I need a new brush for my blusher & eyeshadow base to make my eyeshadow stay on longer. Yang penting2 dulu, lain2 kemudian lah. huhuhu

Here are some pictures taken by me. Hope u guyz, enjoy yeaa....

All the stuff during make up lesson. OMG!!! byk kena beli ni. We can use make up from RedGlow gaks...nak pakai sendiri punya pun boleh. Since I dun have a completed set. I just borrowed from them mane yang tak de.. hehehe

Make up demo, 1st lesson from Najwa

Myself... tgh khusyuk make up tuh.

1st session - Day make up, with fake eyelashes. Sorry comot skit. Maklum lah baru 1st time..

2nd session - Nite make up. Yang ni dah terror skit.. heheheh

Penyerahan certificate by Najwa - our cikgu

With Ina - 2nd cikgu

Kak Adz, RM's readers

With Liana, niece to Kak Adz

With Kak Hisma, RM's readers too. Gigih akak kan.. walaupun pregnant..

With Nadia, RM's readers

Lyn adalah terkejut, tiba2 Kak Red datang time tuh. Katanya tak datang sbb nak qada' tidur. hehehe. Finally she is coming with red family. Dapatlah Lyn jumpa Gegirl & Abg for the 2nd time after we met at Yoyooh Bloggers award last time. Time tu gak dpt my eyeliner & lipstick from MAC. :)

To RedGlow team & everyone, thanks for the make-up lesson. I did enjoy myself and found it really helpful. I had so much fun with u guyz. :)


sufe said...

keadaan aidil mcm maner?ermm lyn kena berdoa byk2 tau,insyallah neo juga doakan utk kesihatan aidil, ermm cantik betul make-up tu..malatop sgttt...taklama lg leh mengamdam org lain laaa hehehhe


Lyn Yusoff said...

keaadaan dia masih mcm tu gak. still tak sedar lagi.. dah 3 hari dah ni.. :((

mmg cantik.. tpi i tak cukup expert lagi nak mengandam uollss..
kena pg class lagi nih..hehe