
Cleaning Day

Hari raya just around the corner. I felt like im in the mood to clean my room. Rajin kan.. make it early.. nnti takde lah terkejar2. Coz alots things to do this weekend. Here are my cleaning list :

* Dusted the tables & all
* Change the comforter & bedspread
* Mop lantai
* Cuci kipas
* Arrange my stuff on the dressing table
* Arrange my bed, laptop table & dressing table
* Pasang aromatherapy by Lampe Berger [lavender flavour] - everyday
* Lap cermin

Yahhhoooooooo!! ALL DONE!!!!
Thx to my sis, BIL & niece, sbb tolong angkat barang. Thx for ur help again. I love the smell of lavender's aromatherapy oil burner. Before ni pakai flavour lain. Wangi uolsssss :)
Btw, no pic taken during the cleaning session. takde mood uols... Im tired already...

Time to sleep...

Enuff said :)


AzilaPalal said...

balik ke kampung nnt i harus buat begini juga..=)

Lyn Yusoff said...

rajin tak rajin..
bilik sendiri kan.. kenalah buat..
cantik pun bilik kita gak kan.. hehehe

DatinDiaries said...

salam ziarah..

wah rajinnya dia...ah a betul tu...baru selesa dok dlm keadaan bersih dan kemas kan..

Lyn Yusoff said...

hi DatinDiaries,

Salam ziarah to u..
thx for dropping by yea...
sure lah kena rajin. baru lah selesa kan...