
Sold Out :(

Seriously, how beautiful are these heels, simple & nice rite?? Im fell in love with after surfing at Charles & Keith's website. Fyi, ni lah heels yg Lyn suka sgt2. but im so sad :(

Before I could get my hands on a pair, they were sold out at MV & Pyramid. Pavillion mmg tak pegi pun. Malassss. The color is beautiful, black, soft green & beige. Pretty cool huh!! Tapi semua colors sold out. I hate this part!!! [dah mcm lagu PCD plak] huhuhuhu. Maknanyer bukan rezeki Lyn lah tuh :(

Finally, i had to bought another heels for hari raya. Also from Charles & Keith. But the design quite nice too. I like!!! :)
[statement nak sedapkan ati.. huhuhu.. tpi mmg cantik pun. hehehe]


sufe said...

lynn.. moral of the story, next time kalu kenan terus beli jgn tunggu2..mcm neo,kalu kenan laa yg depan mata tu terus grab..pastu pandai2 laa budget heheheh..aduuuuii bz bz bz

Lyn Yusoff said...

u r rite dear..
nampak terus belikan..
tak lah kempunan camni..

lily lotus said...

aduhai..alaa gadis cantik like u pakai selipar jepun pun cantik..hohoh

Lyn Yusoff said...

gitewwwww katanya..