Seriously, how beautiful are these heels, simple & nice rite?? Im fell in love with after surfing at Charles & Keith's website. Fyi, ni lah heels yg Lyn suka sgt2. but im so sad :(
Before I could get my hands on a pair, they were sold out at MV & Pyramid. Pavillion mmg tak pegi pun. Malassss. The color is beautiful, black, soft green & beige. Pretty cool huh!! Tapi semua colors sold out. I hate this part!!! [dah mcm lagu PCD plak] huhuhuhu. Maknanyer bukan rezeki Lyn lah tuh :(
Finally, i had to bought another heels for hari raya. Also from Charles & Keith. But the design quite nice too. I like!!! :)
[statement nak sedapkan ati.. huhuhu.. tpi mmg cantik pun. hehehe]
Before I could get my hands on a pair, they were sold out at MV & Pyramid. Pavillion mmg tak pegi pun. Malassss. The color is beautiful, black, soft green & beige. Pretty cool huh!! Tapi semua colors sold out. I hate this part!!! [dah mcm lagu PCD plak] huhuhuhu. Maknanyer bukan rezeki Lyn lah tuh :(
Finally, i had to bought another heels for hari raya. Also from Charles & Keith. But the design quite nice too. I like!!! :)
[statement nak sedapkan ati.. huhuhu.. tpi mmg cantik pun. hehehe]
ciannn..so moral of the story, next time kalu kenan terus beli jgn tunggu2..mcm neo,kalu kenan laa yg depan mata tu terus grab..pastu pandai2 laa budget heheheh..aduuuuii bz bz bz
u r rite dear..
nampak terus belikan..
tak lah kempunan camni..
aduhai..alaa gadis cantik like u pakai selipar jepun pun cantik..hohoh
gitewwwww katanya..
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