
Girls Day Out at Pyramid

Quite lama duk rumah since long holiday, we decided to had girls day out. The main point, we need to went to Maxis nak settled a few things. Myself with my new broadband. Amy with her phone line. So tujuan yg same.. why not menggedik2 kan.. hahahha. Actually, we still meet up quite often. but lately ni masing2 sibuk with personal life & bla.. bla.. bla. so makin lama.. makin kureng...huhuhu..

Bila masing2 free tuh... haruslah menggedik sama. hehehhe.

My new handbag, one of the Charles & Keith's collection. The price not so expensive. Suitable for me lah. It come in 3 colors, black, brown & beige. New top from My Bajoo.

My first time at Ayam Penyet @ Sunway Pyramid. One of my favorite places soon besides Ayam Penyet Ria & etc. The environment quite nice & looking great. But the sofa sangat sedih. Rase diri ku cam sontot je bak kata Amy. wakakakka..

Bakso Soup @ RM6.50. I love the soup & veggie. Lots of veggie & meatball.

Ayam Penyet @ RM 7.90. I quite like it. The chicken was freshly fried & tender. The meat came off easily. Tempeh & tauhu. But i dun like the chili. Tak pedas sgt.. hehehe

Soda Gembira yang sgt gembira bila diminum @ RM 3.50

Our lunch set...

Our 1st hang out during raya mood. Gonna miss u dear...huhuhu

The only thing i hate about shopping is time cari parking. Masa tu sure menyirap2 je darah. But fitting room is must. Tunggu lama pun takpe. Sbb we can take a pics. hahahha. Padahal Amy need to fitting the sweater, tapi aku pun hegeh2 masuk same.. hahahaha

After settled sume, we headed to SASA & Aussino.. tapi sumenyer tak berkenan. Fake eyelashes cam tak best jer. Lagipun we rushed for something..

Hah!! JCO ni for my lovely niece & granddaughter. Sbb dorang tu tingin sangat nak mkn. Setiap kali Lyn balik dr mane2 mesti duk tanya donut. So i bought 1 dozen for them. Makan lah puas2. Lagipun Lyn pun teringin gak.. hehehe


JMR said...

sedapnyer donut tuh.....

♥Syamelia♥ said...

yup dear...
rasa mcm berabad i xjumpa u...
nice kan ayam penyet 2?
itupun ayam penyet ria gak, diff cawangan jer...

apa salahnya u masuk sama...
siap tlg carik size lg...
thx coz teman i carik my brg2...

Lyn Yusoff said...

mmg sedap..
wanna try??

Lyn Yusoff said...

mmg cam lama giler tak jumpa u..
maklum lah sume bz kan..
nnti lgi lah lama tak jumpa u kan..
gonna miss u looorrrr...

its my pleasure..
small matter jer lah..

♥Syamelia♥ said...

dats rite...
i'm gonna be missing u 2..........
jgn lupa update i with whateva, k...

sufe said...

ermm...lyn kat sunway pyramid tu kat level mana food court dia ekk...ermm neo sll fail cari..ermm..nk kene singgah big apple ni..sbb neo dah cuba Jco,krispyKream n tekak neo ni sesuai ngan biaple donut je tak manis sgt ..just nice..ermmmm

aini nordin said...

kak lyn nk donut yg oreo tu..
hri tu xpuas mkan lor..
gne pos laju ok..
both of u so sweet...

Lyn Yusoff said...

sure lah i akan sentiasa update u :)

Lyn Yusoff said...

food court die kt LG if im not mistaken.. tapi sbnarnyer merata kedai sane sini..
i dua ok. tpi tak try lagi krispy cream.
tekak memasing kan.. tpi lyn prefer JCO but susah coz i kena g pyramid.. klu bog apple dah merata kedainyer..

Lyn Yusoff said...

mane le poslaju..
better dtg kl, akak belanja..
mkn lah puas2 smpi sengkak perut nnti..

:) said...

Hello babe,

Jai here from bajoo boutique :) Cantekknye u pakai baju biru from butik bajoo tu! Again thanks for purchasing from us and do continue to browse our page k dear.

Jai from butik bajoo

Lyn Yusoff said...

hi babe,

mmg cantik..
i love it so much!!!
next time boleh beli lagi..