
Online Shopping @ Mybajoo

Well, klu dah kaki shopping kat mane2 pun layan jer.. tak gitu??? This time layan online shopping. hahhaa. I've found My Bajoo from Sajelah surf kot2 ada yang Lyn berkenan ke. Finally, i like the one of the design yg simple & nice. Actually i've been wanting this top, cari gak tapi tak berkenan langsung.. tpi yg ni mmg cantik.

Managed to contact My Bajoo & the top still available. Thank god.. Finally i found it. Fyi, online shopping ni kena lah arrange segala bagaikan & she promised me to courier on tuesday morning. yeaaayyy :)

She sms me the tracking no. dan dgn gigihnya Lyn check thru internet. Tak sabar nak tgk baju ku yang lawo tuh.. hehhe

Taaarraaaa!! i got my parcel this morning. yeaaayy.*sigh*. Here my tops that i bought thru My Bajoo. I had 2 colors, blue - my fav color & pink. I really love very much!!. Can match with jeans & legging too. Ermm bolehlah wat baju raya. Now menggedek nak pakai.. tpi kena tunggu balik lah.. baru leh try.. hehehe

Lately im so addicted to online shopping. Takde keje mesti surf online shopping. I dun know why.. i think the prices much more cheaper n more choices. But availability depends on first come, first served basis. So i got it.. yeaayyy :)

My Bajoo
.. thx for your cooperation yeah. Hope can shopping from ur blog again & again :)


sufe said...

gedikss okey ngan baju raya...neo pun ade baju raya warna biru..smlm kan neo beli tshrit biru,mrah,pirple,grey dah kuning yer..mcm2 kalerssss hehehehehhe

Lyn Yusoff said...

haruslah gedikss...
kan baju raya uolss....
u lagi byk baju raya. raya sakan lah u kan..
i ni kasut pun tak beli lagi..
balik keje ni nak merambu sat kt MV. nk g C&K carik kasut..