
New Hairdo

Well... im happy to say that, last week i spent my day to get my hair rebonding. Walaupun dlm keadaan tertekan disebabkan faktor2 tertentu. Finally i got it!!. I've been looking forward to do before hari raya memandang weekend tu je lah yg terakhir sebelum menyambut Syawal. Nak tak nak, i terpaksa. Fyi, every year im gonna rebond my hair before hari raya. Dah 4 thn berturut2. Rambut raya uolsss.. hehehe.

This year, myself decided to get my hair rebonding at Micheal & Guys Hair Studio at Jaya Jusco Bukit Tinggi. The only one salon yg bagi Lyn better price including rebonding, hair cut & hair treatment. The cost less than RM300. Yang lain expensive to the max. Ada yang buat rebonding jer RM300, tu lum campur hair cut & treatment lagi.

The first thing in my mind once woke up in the morning, going to JJ & get my hair rebonding. I arrived around 11.15am & straight away to the 1st floor with my niece. She's the only one yg sanggup nak teman Lyn sehari suntuk kt situ. Cian die..

The salon next to Estee Lauder Cosmetic counter

Gigih amik pic sendiri

The environment. Simple & nice

While waiting almost 1 1/2 hour.

The hairstylist, Shirley

Pic taken by Baby aka my niece.

I did the hair treatment, hair cut & rebonding. Apparently, my hair very thick & need to trim. I spent almost 4-5 hours, smpi sakit naik kematu punggung ku ini.. hahahaha. Nasib baik kerusi die sangat praktikal. Taklah terasa penat sangat. hehehe

Last step before finished.

New fresh look rite??
Missions accomplished.
Cantik tak rambut raya saya??


Anonymous said...

waduhh..malatop lahari raya ni ye lynn...neo dah p midvel td..sekajp je..mmg sampai je terus tuju topshop/topman..sbb kat situ ade XS nye size ngan xxs heheheh..terus rembat 4 helai pastu terus balik opis..tkde rezeki kita shopping sama2 time lorr..rambut dah lawa..make-up dah meletop..waduhhh harus ramai org dtg umah nnt ekkk hehehhe..

Anonymous said...

ala tomey nya...ambut baru tu...

Lyn Yusoff said...

Wahh!! sure dah abis kan..
tu lah takde rezeki kita nak shopping same. tkpelah maybe next time kan.
Lyn nak g gak MV ni. sok rasenyer kot after work nk g cnk
tu lah rambut raya. make up raya..

Lyn Yusoff said...

rambut raya tu daela..

Anonymous said...

nice hair.. look much better and neater.. confirm meletupss you.. hehe..

p/s: btw, i sukaa baca blog neo.. baru jer start blogging, mcm2 dia update.. sukaa..

- Lina RD

Lyn Yusoff said...

Thx lina..
baru lah tak kembang lagi my hair kan..hehehe

ps: now neo tgh addicted lah tuh wat posting. hahhaa