Hi Lovers,
Finally, I'm using Streamyx Combo. Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :))
Just installed the Streamyx Combo 512kbps plan with RM90 monthly. I've waited for 2 weeks since I'm subscribed from TM Point. Sangat bersabar yer...
After installed my fixed line last 3 days ago, only this evening the Streamyx installer came to my house.
Finally, I'm using Streamyx Combo. Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :))
Just installed the Streamyx Combo 512kbps plan with RM90 monthly. I've waited for 2 weeks since I'm subscribed from TM Point. Sangat bersabar yer...
After installed my fixed line last 3 days ago, only this evening the Streamyx installer came to my house.
Im happy today. Senyum dah sampai ke telinga dah ni.. hehehe
Finally, i can start blogging, FB & everything during weekend & nite... yahhhooooo :D
hik hik hik...
wow..modem baru TM sangat menarik..
lebih menarik dr yg dulu kan..
yg dulu black color jer
skrg pon pkai streamyx 1M..cm biase seorg jek ble pkai...
kalo wireless cmnie had bpe org???kelajuan still same x?
speed was good.
for time being i pakai sorang jer..
lepas register tu mmg kena tunggu lama yer?igtkan balik dr tm, on pc kat umah dah leh guna..huhu
if u ade fixed line jap rasenyer dornag leh installed streamyx. dlm masa 3 hari..
tpi mine.. lmbt.. sbb kena pasang fixed line dulu...baru dorang installed streamyx..
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