
Hujan Lebat di Shah Alam

31052010385310520103903105201038831052010393310520103953105201039731052010398On the way to our office, kitorang terpaksa meredah lautan air sepanjang jalan ke office. Angin jgn cakaplah. Dah mcm puting beliung. Kilat sabung menyabung. Guruh berdentum dentam. Takut dibuatnya…

Kat dalam hati dah beristighfar banyak2, jgnlah kereta my friend ni stuck kat dalam air. Air naik tinggi. Lyn rasa paras betis. Nasib baiklah kereta dia tinggi, kalau tak…. Ishhhhh jgn pikir macam2. Tu pun, kereta dia dah bagi signal bateri. Takut plak kitorang. Sampai2 office mintak hubby dia dtg check. Alhamdulillah, takda pape.

Dutch Lady Largest Milk Drinking Event

Hi Lovers,

As publicized in media, an event called “Dutch Lady Largest Milk Drinking Event” was held in Pavillion, 30th May 2010 for World Milk Day. If I’m not mistaken Dutch Lady Malaysia had giving out more than 250,000 of two Limited Edition World Milk Day UHT packs. Besttttt!!!.. In fact, they’re going to set a Malaysia Book of Records for “Largest Milk Drinking Event”.

So yesterday, I went there to support the event. And that's the main reason... But I’m a bit late. Tak dapat tengok opening ceremony & etc. A bit frustrated. huhuu.

Maklumlah Lyn tumpang my friends. Dia nak ke KL gak. so she just drop kan Lyn kat Pavillion. Panas to the max. Rase nak pengsan dibuatnyer..

So these are several pics during the event... Have fun...P1040151Time Lyn sampai dah ramai orang berkerumun kat lori Dutch Lady ni. Sumenyer berebut nakkan susu UHT percuma. Ramai orang yer. Lyn berdiri kat belakang tu jer. Malas nak berhimpit2. P1040152Bila dah clear skit Lyn dtg dekat. OMG!! I saw Amber Chia. She’s pregnant & sweet. Spot her please!!! nampak tak?? Cun kan??P1040154Yang ni lagi clear. Time ni Lyn dah dapat susu limited edition tuh. Yang penting from her. Kononnyer nak amik pic dgn dia. Tapi tak dan lah. Dia busy.. Tak lama lepas tuh, lori pun bergerak. Dah kata nyer limited edition. Mmg limited gitu. HeheheP1040162Bergerak plak kat depan stage ni. There’s so much programme during World Milk Day. A lots of games, performance & etc. Tapi kumpulan yg menggunakan barang2 recycle untuk dijadikan instruments mmg benar2 mencuit hati Lyn. Was good performance from them. Speechless!!! clap clap clap…. yeayyyyyyyyyyy :D

Tapi silap lah. Lyn tak record performance dorang. Klu tak boleh share kat sini. Rugi betul. Huhuhuhu.

Lyn tak all the time kat situ. My friends dah sampai, so we all bertafakkur kat dalam Pavillion wat terapi mata sat. hehehe. Singgah mane2 boutique yg berkenan. Ada gak yg rembat pi beli barang, especially owner blog. Katanyer enggak mau beli ape2 yg tak penting. Tapi tetiba jadi penting plak. Hehehhe

P1040163After lunch & bought some stuff in Pavillion, we decided to going home. Dah letih uolss. Dah tak larat dah. Time tu sempat singgah kat stage tu jap. Ada performance from Najwa. Klu tak silap she’s Singaporean. Tapi Lyn salute lah kat dia. Suara dia mmg sedappppppp sangat. Last song sebelum kitorang gerak, she sang ‘Aku Yang Punya’ originally by Malique feat Najwa. Best giler lagu ni… Suara dia mmg marvelous. P1040169End up, I bought 2 packs of 6 boxes each at RM13, free 2 boxes. And one more, Dutch Lady limited edition. My favorite flavor was chocolate & milk. Tapi chocolate yg menjadi kegemaran kat rumah.

Lyn lagi suka bila simpan dlm fridge. Sejuk je bila lalu kat tekak. Heheh..

Jom kita minum susu!!!!!

Hari Jumaat, Hari Makan-makan….

P10401141 set of Mc Chicken. Lunch provided after Bowling Championship 2010 last Friday. Lama dah tak pekena Mc Donald's ni. P1040129Finished bowling, we headed to Secret Recipe located in Ole-Ole itself. Just having a drink & chit chat. Only 6 of us. Mak yong pun ada sekali. Hehehhe. Popular topic is…. tettttttttttttttt :D

P1040128I had ice lemon tea. It’s so heaven. Cold. Yang lain2 pun order air yg sama. P1040127

My dessert was Pecan Butterscotch. It’s so sweet, nutty and light. Nice combination of caramelised pecan with white chocolate. Yummmyyyy… yummmmyyyyyyy.. The portion was a bit too large. Tapi masing2 mencuit.. so habis gak akhirnya. hehehe. the taste was great. Next time boleh try lagi. Mmg sedap……

Dessert yg lain2 tak sempat nak snapped pic.

So kenyang sampai next day wooooo… :)


World Milk Day

Hi Lovers,

Good morning everyone!!!

Since I’m free today, I’ll be attending this event in Pavillion KL. Yes, I know this event is like two to there days ago thru But time tu tak sure boleh pergi ke tak. Dalam hati berharap takdalah hal apa2 during that day.

Sekali harung ke Pavillion tu, boleh Lyn drop by to Clinique. I need to buy some stuffs lor.

Dutch-Lady-World-Milk-Day-2010Actually, the campaign is 'Spread the Goodness of Milk', and the idea is to educate people on the benefits of milk.

If you’re free, come to this event. Boleh minum free uolssssssssss :)


Macam2 Hal…

Gara2 main bowling semalam, sehari suntuk Lyn bantai tidur kat rumah. Lepas puas tidur, bangun.. lepas puas jaga… tidur balik. Hehehehe.  Bukan sengaja nak wat camtuh. Tapi badan rase sengal2.

Currently, I’m having back pain. Boleh dikatakan pinggang & tangan sengal2. Huhuhu. I’m not professional player. Training ape lagi tidakkan. Nak main pun just stretching skit2 jer. Time main tak rase sangat. Pagi tadi lah terasa sengal2 nya. Nak bergerak pun payah.

Time ni dah duk terbayang spa dah. Owhhh bestnyer dapat manjakan diri kat spa time ni. hehehhee.P1040149Jari Lyn tu plak luka dek terkena tepi tong sampah yang tajam masa main bowling semalam. Tu gara2 nak cepat lah tuh. Tak memasal kena. Darah plak non-stop. Naik ngeri plak Lyn tengok. Even skit tapi terkoyak gak kulit sampai nampak isi dalam. Pedih & sakit.

Sbb tu main bowling pun cam hampeh jer. Patut boleh dpt 1st prize.. tapi takde rezeki. Dapat 3rd prize pun dah cukup baik. Ko hado???? tak hado kan??? Hahahhaha


Bowling Championship 2010

Hi Lovers,

Since today was public holiday, our company/subsidiaries organized Bowling Championship 2010 [nama taknak kalah.. hehehe]. An annual event of this tournament was held at Ole-Ole, Seksyen 18, Shah Alam this morning. P1040090Game started at 10.30am but people already start gathering as early as 9.30am. Masing2 gigih nak main bowling. Semangat kesukanan katanya. Hahahah. Lyn percaya is gonna be fun during the tournament. Yang penting, BIRU di sana sini. Ko hado????? Tak hado kan. Hahahaha. Sedeyyyyyyyyyyyy…..P1040092During registration, players telah dibahagikan kepada 10 lane. Dimana setiap lane mempunyai 4 org pemain. We also entitled for lucky draw. Dapat gak goody bag, bread & drinks including souvenir, towel from organizer.

Opening with Doa recital followed by our COO gave an opening speech. I believe nobody will ever be so free to pay attention to the speech. Everybody seems to be so busy talking among themselves. Wink.. wink…. Ya ampunnnnnnnnnnn bossss!!!

P1040106Lucky draw’s hamperP1040108Trophies waiting to be given away. Kategori berdasarkan individu lelaki, individu wanita & kumpulan.P1040102My pic group : Normi, Zura, Fazlina & myself. Group anak dara, tapi tetap tersesat mak orang kat situ. Hahahahaha


Tengok masing2 khusyuk telah buat balingan sambil menengok score masing2. During bowling ni, organizer telah membuat lucky draw sebanyak 5 pusingan.. tapi Lyn tak bertuah plak hari tuh.

P1040097On your marks…. Get Set, Go!!!!!

Kami dikehendaki bermain sebanyak 3 sets. Giler lenguh tangan uolssss. Bukan lah professional pun mainnya. Skit2 masuk longkang. Hahahha. Lyn lagi best… siap terlepas bola kebelakang. Seumur hidup main bowling tak pernah sampai camtuh. Licin bebenor bolanya. Tetap nak salahkan bola. Hahaha. Nasib baik takda budak2. Kalau tak nahas aku… Hahahahah

P1040111Games finished around 12.15pm. So sementara menunggu keputusan, kami beratur ambil makanan. Lunch provided uols. Mc Chicken 1 set for each of person & kids.

Sementara masing2 menikmati lunch keputusan diumumkan. From each category. Tetapiiiiiiiiiiiiii……….


Lyn won 3rd place for women individual. Motifffffffffffff….. Janji menang uolssss.. Ko hadoooo??? tak hado kan??? Hahahhaa. Pemenang2 lain tu tak yah lah Lyn bagitau pun. Agak malas nak menulis ni. hehehe

P1040118The winners….P1040121The winners of women individual. Zura [4th place], Lyn [3rd place], Yaty [2nd place] & Dila [1st place]

Overall, this event was totally fun. Meriah sana sane. Sorakan demi sorakan tu jangan kiralah. Kadang2 sampai hilang fokus. Hehehe. Finished around 12.45pm. Walaupun penat. Tapi best sangat2.

Thanks so much to organizer. Next year buat lagi ok :)


Beryl's Free Chocolate Buffet

Hi Lovers,

Beryls Chocolate & Confectionery Sdn. Bhd. will having a Free Chocolate Buffet at Bandar Baru Bangi.

Date : 28th – 30th May 2010 (Friday till Sunday)

Time : 9.00am – 6.00pm

Location : No. 8 Jalan 9/1, Seksyen 9,
               43650 Bandar Baru Bangi,
               Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia.

New ImageClick image to enlarge

Happy holiday and have a great weekend :)

Bowling Tournament

Hi Lovers,

Good morning everyone!!!!

pin bowlingAfter Family Day last few weeks, tomorrow we have bowling tournaments for men and women on Wesak Day will be held in Ole-Ole, Seksyen 18, Shah Alam at 10am. Another activity for our company. Wahhh this year, byk betul company activities. Sampai tak menang tangan dibuatnyer.

Weeiiii… agak lama tak main bowling ni. Last main pun, last few months kot. Kononnyer nak pergi practice, tapi tak dan nyer. Busy uolllsssss. Hehehehe

Can’t wait for tomorrow. Happy bowling!!! :)

Have a great long holiday everyone!!!!

Pic, credited to Google image


Another Story….

Hi Lovers,

Another day… another story….

Today.. I felt so great.. Rasa cam ada semangat baru yg terkumpul dalam hati ni. Hehehe. Cam best jer. Syukur sangat sebab masih ade peluang untuk merasa kegembiraan itu.

Tapi mungkin selepas ini, Lyn semakin happy. Rasenyer selalu usaha titik peluh kita berbaloi. Bukan senang yer untuk Lyn hadapi semua benda ni. Kerja back to back untuk mendapatkan hasilnya. Kutukan belakang2 tu sentiasa ada, tapi ada aku kisahhhhhh!!!!.. Janji kita bahagia.. tak gitu!!!… hehehe

Special to my sweetheart….

Thanks for always being there for me,

Thanks for your understanding and thoughtfulness,

Thanks for your patience, caring and love….

Luv u.. Muahhhh :)


Pic, credited to Google image

Gambar Merepek :)

22052010367Cantik nyer kaki… Kaki sape lah ni kan… Very the ………. Hahahahaa22052010372Anak sapelah ni?? Macam2 hal..hahahhaa

Orang kalau dah terlebih gula a.k.a meroyan, macam2 aksi dibuatnyer. Tengok jelah dorang ni. Dah takda kerja lah tuh. Habis my wedges & hair clip jadi mangsa. Parahhhhhh2… Hahahahaha. Lyn je yg tau nape budak2 ni jadi mcm gini.. :)2205201036422052010365Cake ni bukan gambar merepek. It’s chocolate indulgence versi Pak Li. Bukan versi Secret Recipe. Hehehe. Azim bought a slice of cake. The taste was yummmyyyyyy.. boleh tahan sedapnyer. Tak berapa muak. Sugarless. So sesuai untuk orang2 yg mementingkan kesihatan. Hahaha. Kata kauuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!

Oklah chow….


Quick Update..

Hi Lovers,

Last weekend, I was in one event. Very long event, but I just arrived around 7.00pm during opening ceremony. Really.. really excited. Hehehehe. P1030788But the most important, we’ve got another party selepas event tersebut habis. But it’s for selected people only. ngeh.. ngeh… Thanks to Azim & all my friends sebab banyak sangat tolong kitorang. Really appreciate it :D

Lepas ni, semakin sepi lah kita gamaknyer. HuhuhuhuhuP1030822P1030842 P1030988Sometimes, like today, I really don’t feel like writing much. Instead, I will just show you a picture of last week’s outfit.

My dress is from Diva Darling, its’ peacock dress and my black cardigan is from Threats Boutique. Dress tu actually boleh pakai cam gitu jer without cardigan. But it’s too sexy. Hehehe. That’s why Lyn covered with black cardigan. Baru lah sopan skit. Hehehe. My shoes is from Vincci. Semuanyer baru except my handbag from Charles & Keith, lama dah tuh. I would say my style is colorful but it depends on the day…

I will update more soon yea….

Lalalalalalalalalalalalala :D

Pelangi Petang…..

Engkau tiba bagaikan pelangi
Tak bercahya namun kau berseri
Tapi cukup menghiburkan
Hati ini….

P1030781 P1030784P1030780P1030783

Cantik tak pelangi tuh?? Cantikkan….

Lama dah tak nampak pelangi especially petang2 selepas hujan. Serious.. memang payah betul nak jumpa. Last Saturday was my lucky day. Teruja betul tengok pelangi yg cantik tuh. Satu lagi anugerah ciptaan Allah SWT.

Hah! baru Lyn teringat. Masa kecik dulu korang ade dgr tak cerita2 camni..

  • Jangan tunjuk pelangi dengan jari, nanti jari kudung. Lyn dulu penakut betul nak tunjuk, takut jari kudung.. hahahha
  • Ada nenek kebayan turun dengan angel2 nyer.. Hahaha..

Mengarutlah semua tuh. Ape motif orang2 dulu erk suka takutkan kita masa kecik2. Padahal takda benda pun. Lawak….. lawakkkkkkk… Hahahhaha


Makanan Orang Merajuk

Last Sunday, adalah hari merajuk kitorang ramai2. Huhuhu. Sebab ape?? I don’t want to reveal it. Tu lah kan, sendiri buat.. sendiri tanggung lah beb. Masing2 tak makan kat rumah, masing2 muka sentap tak hingat.. teruk bebenor korang ni. Errmm well, termasuk Lyn lah tuh. Muka sentap uolssssss…..

Jadinyer, masing2 kelaparan tahap gaban.. muka masing2 sememeh aku tengok, nak tak nak kenalah carik makanan kat luar. After spending around 15 minutes discussed thru BBM, we’ve decided to lepaking at Burger King, Seksyen 13 Shah Alam.

Muka sentap2 pun, Lyn tengok masing2 melantak tak hingat dunia. Maklumlah masing2 kelaparan. Tau melepek kat rumah membongkang jer kerja masing2 kan. Mane tak laparnyer. Hahahaha.P1040075P1040078Ape yg korang tengok tu sebahagian je yg kami order. Actually penuh dua meja gamaknya. Lyn sangat fail untuk order menu2 di BK ni coz I’m not familiar with all the menu. Since I’m not, so Lyn ordered 1 set of French Chicken including ice lemon tea & onion ring. Sorry to say lah, onion ring dia tak berapa nak sedap. So fail disitu.

Bon Appetite. The BK French chicken… 7 inches of golden-crispy long chicken patty with a roll of smoked chicken, Swiss cheese and tangy mayonnaise, nestled between soft sesame toasted buns.

French chicken mmg big size, sampai Lyn muak nak makan. Untuk Lyn yg perut kecil ni, half pun dah cukup. Tapi semalam Lyn tinggal kan suku jer. Time tu mmg dah sgt2 muak. Perutku mmg tak boleh terima lagi.

Walaupun masing2 merajuk.. [merajuk lah konon...hahahha]. Padahal dalam merajuk2 tu, actually masing2 tgh happy gak. Kan korang kan… Hehehehe

But…. I miss those moments…

Hari2 kami semakin sepi kini……

Owhhhhhh….. please help us..!!!!!!!!!!

This Morning…

Hi Lovers,

Good morning!!

Kinda lazy to update now. I miss my blog… Huhuhuhu.

I’m really trying to update my blog as often as possible but find that my days and weeks are filled with little details. InsyaAllah….

Back on sad emotion like I said earlier. I’m happy now…

Damnnnnnnn happy!

Can’t tell you why.

It’s a secret … :D




Let’s Dance Together….

Lots of activities today…

Lots of happening……

Lots of good news too…

Let’s do the chicken dance… yyiiiipeeeeeeee :))

* Owner blog adalah berpura2 happy… sebenarnya tidak sama skali. I feel so sad :((

Mood : Sad

Hi Lovers,

Good morning!!

cryI feel unhappy
I feel so sad


Nothing to Say….

Hi Lovers,

Good morning & happy Friday everyone!!!!

Something that I really… really… want to share it here….. :D

