
Baskin Robbins Time :)

It’s happen last Saturday. On weekend always my time with friends & family. Normally dgn family yg byk. Hang out here & there. Our favorite place of coz lah The Curve. Kat situ semua ada. Happening pun yer.
We went there around 1pm. Before sibuk membeli belah, we went to BR 1st. Masing2 mmg nak makan BR. Lyn dah lama plan nak belanja bebudak ni sume. Cuma takde masa lagi nak pergi. 
IMG02341-20120512-1523 We ordered two sets of brownies with ice-cream. Total of them RM32++. Sesekali boleh lah. Klu selalu bankrupt den. hahahaha
page1 She was so excited. Tengok memek muka pun dah tau betapa seronok nya dia dpt makan BR. Dia je yg duk pasak kat telinga Lyn bila nak pergi. Bila dah dpt makan, terus senyap. hehehe. 
IMG02347-20120512-1538My lovely nieces. 3 orang tu jer. Yg baju biru tu sibuk inter frame. Semak betul. Ermm skrg ni musim stripe ker erk. Dah masing2 Lyn tgk fesyen stripe skrg ni. Adik.. asal ko chubby sgt dlm pic ni. Mane tak chubby, asyik makan jer. hehehe
Lama kitorang lepak dlm BR ni. Orang bersilih ganti, tapi kitorang still melepak lagi. Hehehe. Dah mcm kedai kitorang lak #Eh. After that baru kitorang meronda Flea market & tempat yg sewaktu dgn nya. Habis The Curve & Ikea kitorang jelajah. Sampai sakit jugak lah kaki kitorang ni. Tapi best. Have fun sgt dgn dorang bertiga, buah hati pengarang jantung I :)



bestnya...lama dah x layan BR ni...

Lyn Yusoff said...

klu jumpa time pg shopping2 tuh..
pi pekena BR..

Mooniqueen said...

Walaupun sakit perut, dgr BR terus teringin nak makan...hehe..

Lyn Yusoff said...

terjah lah lunch time nnti..