Well, hari raya just around the corner. Org kata selagi tak raya, selagi duit kat bank tu tak abis.. selagi tu lah duk bershopping. betul idak?? Same here.. hahahaha
Ermm.. Im happy to say that, yesterday i have fullfilled 1 thing that i've been looking forward since 2 weeks ago. I need to buy a pair of shoes. Benda ni je tak beli lagi. Giler meroyan tak beli lagi.. hahhahaha.
Meredahlah jammed kt Federal Highway tuh. I hate that.. eerggghhhh. Tapi Lyn tertgk wayang free. My car next to his car. Ya Allah.. ni kan bulan Ramadhan. Memalukan sungguh!!.. Pakai tudung ok. Tolong lah. Hormatlah bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ni. U guyz know what i mean rite??? :((
Drove straightly to MidValley & terus je ke Charles & Keith. Tak pandang sane sini dah. Baik kan?? hehehhe

New arrival of shoes & handbag. Layan gak ler. Tapi mane yg Lyn minat, terus amik jer. Tu pun dah lambat. Nak kejar waktu berbuka puasa lagi.

Finally, i got my new shoes & handbag. Actually handbag is not in the list. Tapi sbb menarik & tertarik.. rembat gak ler. Padahal baru je beli handbag baru. Now terbeli lagi. hahahha.
Serba baru raya thn ni.. tapi bermakna kah???
My sayang not here...:(
My dad, niece & nephew....meninggalkan kami sekeluarga selama2 nya. Al-Fatihah