I also got a phone call early in the morning from Clinique, nak remind me pasal appointment tu. Gigihkan dorang ni.. hehehehe
Smpai sgt awal, but i had to wait around 10 minute sementara menunggu my turn.
Through her doc advices, the beautiful lady shared all her secrets, to get the perfect skin thru medication. Its all about the skin, face & body. Keep asking so many things from A to Z. She did everything to me. Good information. Good advise & i really2 much appreciated :)
Met Susan for 2nd time. She's still looking at my face after 3 - 4 days using Clinique's product. Alhamdullilah ada sedikit perubahan.
Thank you Clinique for your help.
My next appointment will be held at Pavillion soon. Ada sape mau teman?? plzzzzz
Entry Redbunny aka Redmummy will be the next!! :)
Stay tuned!!!!!
assalamualaikum kak lyn,
eh, bila nak ke pavi.
if sy free boleh je sy teman.
InsyaAllah kak lyn nak pg on 24th next week...
if free leh temankan hehehe
va va va... meletops lah lyn pas nih ek?
gitew lah ayu..
takde maknanyer.. hahahaha
no wonder u look makin berseri2 lately..hehe
berseri ker lily??
tak lah..
risau muka i ni kuar pimples jer..
assalamualaikum kak lyn,
so far 24th ni tak ada pape plan lg.
insya Allah boleh je sy teman.
lg pun dah lama plan nk jumpa kan.
so just nice la tu. he2x
wslm syahira..
owh really!! hope u're free nnti k
hope sgt syahira or sape2 can teman me.. ape2 nti inform ok..
anyway, thx dear.. :)
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