
My New Skin Care Set

Hi Lovers,

Thank for visiting my simple blog, yang tak seberapa ni.. :)

Well.. im happy to say that.. i have fullfilled 1 thing that i've been looking forward to do a few months ago.

Its happened last year, which is my close fren used it & she got new feedback from this product. But time tu berkira2 mau beli.. hehehe. I used normal skin care coz my skin quite sensitive. Period or stress skit mula lah kuar pimples. So cm takut2 jer nak guna product lain.. huhu. I just maintain my own product.

Selepas study, timbang tara kt Redmummy.com, even Kak Red sendiri already used it, RM's readers pun memberi komen yg memberangsangkan plus plak Kak Red byk buat review about this product, membuatkan Lyn betul2 teruja nak menggunakannya. After thinking of something, duit yg dikumpul Alhamdulillah dah ckup. Orang kata berkat tabung menabung, hehehe. Finally i decided to change to the new brand which is CLINIQUE.

Before that, as i mention earlier.. i just need some advise from Kak Red, maklumlah dia berpengalaman menggunakan product ni. Managed to email her & Alhamdulillah she's gave me positive feedback. Thx so much kak :)

Remembered i told u before, Kak Red byk sgt membantu & she keep me informed, Lyn.. please jumpa Susan, dia akan tolong ko smpai puas hati. I keep her words.

I went to Mid Valley after working hours to bought the new skin care. I straightly headed to Clinique's promo at North Court & one of the SA approch me. Then i did mention to her, Im looking for Susan. yeah...Im Susan...Thx god, my name is Lyn, from RM's readers. Die mintak i dtg jumpa u. bla.. bla.. bla.. OMG!! senang kan.. tak payah Lyn nak tanya2.. kebetulan... she's the one.. hehehe

Bukan senang nak senang tau, i had to go step by step. I spent almost 3 hours to get all the information & etc. Susan started the skin care check 1st. Mine is oily skin especially on the T zone area. She need to know what product are used it earlier. I keep on inform her everything about my skin. dah cam interview plak.. heheheh.

Betul kta Kak Red, kamu akan dilayan baik oleh SA Clinique. I tak nafikan. Semuanyer mmg ramah tamah. She did everything to me A to Z. I learnt everything about skin care. Im the lucky person. To be honest i learnt from the beginning. Cam anak2 kecil nak berjalan. Kan bertatih2 dulu. Same like me. Learn & learn.. hehehe

Below are the list that i had to bought. Tu pun ade 2 - 3 barang Lyn tolak tepi. Amik yg mane perlu dulu. Of coz within the budget.hehehe

I got alots of freebies :)) Mane yang tkde dlm freebies tu, Lyn kena beli. Yg kecik pun tak tau bila nak habisnyer. Finally, i bought the Clinique set already. Alhamdulillah. Settle & paid at counter.

Before balik, Susan nak remove all the make up using Clinique product. From step to step, step 1, 2 & 3 & everything di muka Lyn. From time to time, Lyn still belajar & the information sgt2 berguna.

She used make up remover, mask, liquid soap, clarifying lotion, moisturizer, moisturizer surge & etc pada muka Lyn. Rase best & lembut jer. I really2 like very much :)

She's the one yg byk menolong Lyn. Thx to Susan Kaur, senior consultant for made my day. Thx for everything & layanan yang sangat2 best. Citer punya citer, she's originally from Klang. Sekampunglah kita & berdarah same yea.. Bkn darah A, B or 0 bagai.. i mean keturunan. hehehhe.

Selain freebies, i also got RM100 free Clinique Personal Make up Workshop worth RM100, valid til 31st Dec 2009 & travel bag. Its come in 2 colors, green & orange. Klu ada blue, mau Lyn rembat blue. tapi takde. so Lyn amik the green one, which is my sayang nyer fav color. hehehe...

After dah membeli kenalah disiplin diri untuk memakai sume tu. Alaahhhaii.. berjam2 Lyn amik masa nak belek muka bagai.hehe. Its took almost 1/2 hour nak memakainyer. Still terkial2 lagi. But dun worry, Susan dgn baiknya telah menuliskan step nyer untuk Lyn.

InsyaAllah lepas ni expert lah kan.. hehehhe

So Lyn!!!... make sure disiplin kan diri tuh. Remember that!!!!

My next appointment will be held after 2 weeks i used it. Jumpa lagi Susan at Pavillion.

Tomorrow, i have to attend 1 slot with specialist by Clinique. Tanya lah ape saje pun pasal skin. Thx to Susan again sbb tolong slot kan time for myself.

& after that i will be at concourse, MV nak support someone. Ingat amanat die dah. Dtg beramai2.. Kasik meriah gitu. hehehe :)


{ Miss Syahira } said...

assalamualaikum kak lyn,

seronoknya baca entri ni.
takpe, beli utk investment ni bagus!!
sy pun baru tukar skin care set.
previously dah pakai product tu 5 years, irise.
not bad la..
alhamdulillah ada rezeki lebih pakai bodyshop.
so far best juga product ni.

Lyn Yusoff said...

wslm syahira..

betul tu beli untuk kepuasan kita..
ade rezeki lebih kita beli lah kan..
body shop pun not bad..
yg penting sesari ngn kulit kita..

Anonymous said...

gitieww...cayalahhh neo sokong lynnnnn.....

AzilaPalal said...

beshnyer..punya duit untuk beli ni sume...
aiisshh..my skin pun sgt teruk.very bad lah...kusam..pimples..bekas pimples,oily..
kadang2 dh lepas mandi pun muka macam x mandi lagi...naik tension tukar2 produk tau..huhu..x dpt lg yg serasi..
tp, sy cme pki bsic jer..such as..pencuci muka,toner n moisturizer..

Lyn Yusoff said...

gituwww lah..
thx dear..

Lyn Yusoff said...

its normal untuk age2 yg mcm u tu.
takpelah think postively ok..
sure nnti ade yg serasi..
pd kak lyn pun cam tu gak.
tpi jgn pk yg bukan2..
yg penting step yg 3 tu buat.. plus sunblock yer..
kuar kemana2 pun kena pakai.. ok

AzilaPalal said...

ok after dis tepek sunblock plak..
x pernh tau pun..selalu pakai sunblock if nak terjun laut jer..kalau tidak..haram nak pakai..
thnx for ur info kak lyn..=)

Lyn Yusoff said...

mmg ramai yg tak tau..
tu lah ape2 pun kena pakai sunblock ok..

Anonymous said...

kak lyn..
makin berseri-seri laa wajah kak lyn pasni.. utk org yg da ada keja tetap, leh laa akai benda2 branded cmni..

insya-allah, ada rezeki.. satu hari pasti lina leh akai brand ni jgak..

- Lina RD

♥♥relyza♥♥ said...

sy pun selepas mendapat khidmat nasihat kak red, sy tukar pakai clinique. dah 1wk pakai. tak sempat wat entry aje g

Lyn Yusoff said...

hi lina,
harap sgt perubahan tu skit demi skit. dah invest byk ni.. hehehe

insyaAllah nnti ada rezeki lebih lina pun boleh guna gak product ni ok.. :)

Lyn Yusoff said...

hi relyza,
thx for dropping by
wah nice!!..
u pun dpt advise from kak red yeah..
jgn lupa wat posting yer nnti..
keep updating me yeah...

adenium said...

go lyn go.... i pun guna clinique... lama dah..heheheh

Lyn Yusoff said...

wahhh!!! bagus gitu sid..
bestkan.. hehee