
Because I'm Bored

1. Because I'm bored, i bought the 'Ayat Ayat Cinta' on dvd last few month. I know im outdated. Tapi cerita tu sgt2 best. I tgk ulang2 tau.. so shut up plzzz!!.. hehehe.

2. I keep complaining especially to my sis. Baju ni tak kenalah kak kat adik.. baju ni pun tak kena gak. Lama2 die yg pening. At last die cakap per tau.. Baik ko b***l je lah dik.. Susah sgt nak pilih baju. And i was like.. eerrggghhhh.. bengong tul.

3. Because I'm bored, I've made my twitter account especially for anyone yg kenal i. Please add me at http://twitter.com/azlinah79. Tapi jarang sgt update. Cam malas plak.. hehehee.

4. Because I'm bored, I sleep alots.. Alotsss..Nak tdo almost everyday n feel like hoping i never wake up. Giler tak giler.. hahhaha


lily lotus said...

uish..jgnlah sampai feeling taknak wake up langsung..so ngeri bunyinya ;)

Cheese Monster said...

the last thing y do is correct..haha..sleep like crazy..no nid wakeup2..=.=

Lyn Yusoff said...

seram kan...
tpi i nak qada' tido ni.. asyik bz jer.. hehehe

hi hazri,
i agree with u..
best dpt tdo camtuh..hhehehe