
Thx Kak Ngah

Doesn’t it look so tasty? I got this yummy dessert which is puding jagung special by my lovely sis. Actually, Lyn really mengidam nak mkn puding jagung after saw it at Lily's blog.

Lily, finally i got it. She made for me & family... yeayyyyyyy.. yummyyy.. yummmyyy :)

Puding jagung is very easily made dessert, completely with corn. This is very simple recipe. tip top tip top sudah siap. It's easy and she made it using less sugar. Tak mau manis2 sgt. Nnti my mum takleh nak mkn. This one is a good one and everyone loves it.

Well, she made one day after raya. Maklumlah sekali sekala balik kampung.. nak lah try puding jagung yg my sis buat. Sedapppp & enak sih...

But the most important is, kenalah masak betul2 supaya tahan lama. Kalau letak dlm fridge lagi sedap. Sejuk jer. Smbil blogging ni pun Lyn still mengunyah puding jagung. Sedap tau :)

Let's join me people!!!... hehehehe

Semangat Qurban

Salam Aidiladha to everyone!!

Seperti last year, this year we had korban together again. Since im not around, all the pics taken by lovely nephew. Takut uolss. Dibuatnyer pengsan lagi cam last year, baik i tak yah tgk. hehehehe.

Just leave it like that. Tgk dr jauh pun tak berani.

Ibadat korban ni, my bro buat kat area depan rumah kami jer secara gotong-royong. Memang meriah. If im not mistaken, last year pun meriah gak. So saudara mara jiran2 sume tlong menolong dari mula smpai akhir. Alhamdulillah, cuaca pun tak panas, so senang lah dorang nak buat keje.

Very simple menu untuk dorang yg bertungkus lumus bekerja.

Ok guys..I have no mood to explain or watsoever. So ill leave u with d pics k. :)

Selesai kerja, daging2 korban tersebut diagihkan kepada penduduk kawasan my house. Alhamdulillah, semuanyer mencukupi dan dapatlah mereka merasa daging korban tu even tak byk sekali pun.

Eeerrmmm kat umah skrg ni pun byk daging korban yg orang sedekah. Lebih kurang 5-6 plastik. Lagipun kt umah Lyn ni takda penggemar daging. Harapkan BIL je lah yg makan. hehehe

Sure korang pun dpt daging korban kan? eermm dah masak ke belum?? masak ape tuh?? :))

Gigitan Kucing

Salam Aidiladha to everyone!!

Tu gigitan kucing yer... Bkn gigitan cinta.. hahahhaa..buueekkkk :)

Tengok lah kaki Lyn kena gigit & cakar ngn dayang senandung. Kurang asam betul. Tiba2 plak dia gigit. Lyn skit pun tak usik dia.

Masa tu Lyn nak pakai selipar nak pegi umah abang Lyn sebelah rumah, tak semena2 dia gigit & cakar kaki Lyn. Menjerit tak hingat dunia lah gamaknyer. Padahal time tuh sekor kucing pun takde. Tak tau dr mane dia dtg. Tiba2 je dia gigit. Geram tul Lyn..

Bengkak & berdarah lah kaki ku. Sakit & berbisa plak. Cecepat Lyn letak minyak gamat. Klu tak lagi makin bengkak.

Kata adik Lyn, die geram kt ko tu kak, ari tu ko amik pic dia pastu bila dia lari ko marah. tu yg dia dendam kat ko tu...hehehe



Salam Aidiladha

Selamat Menyambut Hari Raya Aidiladha
10 Zulhijjah 1430H

I'm Feeling Well

Hi lovers,

Good morning!

I’m feeling well, even not strong enuff. Seharian membantai tido di rumah semalam. So today, i feel a little bit better. Alhamdulillah :)

Now at my office menyambung kerja2 yg tertinggal smlm.

Enuff said :)

[Picture, credited to google image]


Good morning lovers!!!

Happy Monday

Last night, I came down with a fever :(
Sadly, I can't go to work today. Need my rest...

I'm feeling a little bit better now but not well enough yet

[Picture, credited to google image]

Clinique Again

Hello again guys! I hope you all are doing well :)

Back again to Clinique last week to met Ms. Susan. I have to make an appointment to meet her over the phone. Takut lah dia off ke kan. So i managed to called her.

Headed to Clinique at 3pm. Ramainya orang time tuh. I had to waited almost 15 minute. But its ok :)

Being on of the Clinique's customer u are invited to redeem two free treats worth RM62 upon expert consultation. Their gave u an email & u can redeem directly from the web. Notification will be sent out to ur mobile phone. After make-up u can redeem both item. Make sure tunjukkan sms tuh & delete tau. No wander lah ramai org during the promo. Lepas make-up je terus leh redeem brg2 tuh. Sampai tak terlayan dibuatnya.

One side with Clinique's promo for Xmas eve.

As usual, she did mini facial. Remove all the make-up & all the things. Being one with sensitive skin, I always relied on Clinique products which are all allergy-tested and 100% fragrance free. Fyi, i need to stopped 1 2 3 steps for time being. I had to change to another products. Its only 3 items. But at the same, still continued with the rest of products.

My skin too sensitive!!! Lyn.. be patient ok :((

Done. She also did a lite make up at my face. Very simple. My pimples sume dah covered dgn make-up. :(

Finished around 5.30pm, rushing & drove straightly to my house. Its raining. OMG!! Sgt lebat & tak nmpak jln sgt.

I got sample of Clinique's foundation during my 1st session. My face really smooth using this foundation. I want this!!!... i want this foundation so badlyyyyyy!!!

The both item which is lash power mascara in black & moisturizer, Lyn redeem during consultation.

I also ended up buying so many things. [No pic yea... MALAS]

My Streamyx

Hi Lovers,

Finally, I'm using Streamyx Combo. Yeaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy :))

Just installed the Streamyx Combo 512kbps plan with RM90 monthly. I've waited for 2 weeks since I'm subscribed from TM Point. Sangat bersabar yer...

After installed my fixed line last 3 days ago, only this evening the Streamyx installer came to my house.

This modem provided by Streamyx. FOC. Register now!! No installation fee & activation fee till 31st December 2009. Hurry up guyzzzzz...:))

Im happy today. Senyum dah sampai ke telinga dah ni.. hehehe

Finally, i can start blogging, FB & everything during weekend & nite... yahhhooooo :D


Kucing Abang Saya

Happy Friday uolsss.....

Well, kucing2 ni sume abg bongsu Lyn yg punya. Family die mmg giler tul bela kucing. Since kecik dorang duk jaga kucing ni sampai besar.

Lyn plak mmg tak bela kucing sbb ada athma. Doc tak benarkan. Bila dekat jer sure Lyn asyik bersin. So I tak tahan yer. hehehe. Dulu family Lyn ada bela gak kucing, name die Comel. Ya Allah, manja sgt2 ngn Mak & Arwah Abah. Selalu sgt baring kat celah dorang. Arwah Abah sgt sayang Si Comel ni. Smpi kemana2 je mesti Comel ni duk teman dia. Tapi selepas seminggu Arwah Abah kembali ke Rahmatullah. Si Comel ni plak sakit. Lepas sebulan sakit dia plak meninggal. Sedih tul kitorang. Agaknyer die rindu sgt kat Arwah Abah kot. hehehe

After 6 years, baru Abg sibuk bela kucing balik. Tu pun kt rumah dia. Kitorang mmg tak nak bela. Sedih sgt klu duk tingat citer Si Comel tuh. Dri kecik sampai dah besar dah. Ade 5 ekor, 3 jantan, 2 betina.

Mak paknyer ntah ilang kemana ntah. Pegi melacur kot mlm tadi cari pasangan masing2. hahaha. Selalunyer tinggal lah anak die 3 ekor ni kat umah. Pulak lah rumah Mak dkt ngn umah abg, so senang dorang ni nak merayau. Terkedek2 masuk umah orang lari2. Geram tul aku. Dibuatnyer terpijak, tak pasal2 kuar isi perut. hahahha.

Lyn rase ni yg tua lah. Kitorang panggil die Nyet. Sbb masa kecik2 muka die sebijik mcam monyet. Hah! sampai beso ko terkenan name tuh. Pandai posing ok. Pantang tul Lyn nak amik pic die, sedap jer die pose. Tengok lah pic nyer tu.. aku tembak ko kang... hahahhaa

Jantan ni namenyer Jojo, lincah nak mampus. Yang paling nakal pun. Terloncat sane sini macam beruk. hahaha. Time ni Lyn amik pic ni die tgh nak meloncat lah. Punyalah suka kitorang bagi mainan. Meloncat2 cm kera kena belacan.. hehehehe

Hah!! yang ni name dia Dayang Senandung. Hahaha. Sebab hitam tul cam dayang senandung. Hahahah. Ni pun lincah gak, lari2 sana sini. Lyn dah byk kali nak terpijak die ni. Hitam tul ko ni smpai Lyn tak perasan. hahahhaa. Tapi yg paling kelakarnyer, time nak amik pic. Lyn letak camera kt die terus die mencicit lari. hahahhaa. Ntah ape yg ditakutnyer. Sbb 2 3 kali amik asyik tak jdi jer. Mungkin sbb flash kot. So bila tak pakai flash tak plak die larik. Sah2 ko ni mmg gelap, asyik nak bergelap je ko yer...

Ni time dorang tgh landing, sbb tuan nyer takde kt umah. So merempatlah kt umah kitorang, main2, abis sume tmpat die panjat. Hari2 camni lah kerja dorang. Pening pala aku. Bila dgr je kereta tuannya balik, mencicit masing2 berlari balik umah. Pandai korang erkk..


Cucur Oh Cucur!!

Woke-up early in the morning. Craving for cucur ikan bilis for our breakfast menu. I did!!..yeayyyy :)

Dengan bancuhan sendiri, serba serbi sendiri lah. My mum just tgk jer hasil kerja anaknya.. hehehe..

Cucur ikan bilis swim in hot oil


Our breakfast, cucur ikan bilis [by myself of coz] & sambal goreng ikan bilis [by lovely mum] yummmyyy.. yummmyyyyy

I just had a simple breakfast of cucur ikan bilis and cicah with sambal goreng and I shared some with my lovely colleagues. It tasted so good!!! yummmyyyyy... yummmyyyyy..

Now saya sudah kenyang....

Enjin pun dah boleh gerak.... hehehe



Parappappappa, I'm loving it!

Parappappappa, I'm loving it!

I rarely ever eat McDonalds. Maybe its all about billboard advertising that i taken last week, membuatkan Lyn betul2 teringin. hehehee. Plus with my colleague brought breakfast from McDonald's, lagi lah teringin.

Motiffffffff tunjuk kat I... menciii tauuuuuu. huhuhuh

We took a lunch break around 12.30 noon. Tapi memasing makan nasi berlauk walaupun tingin nak makan McD. But, just forget it ok...:(

Around 3pm, memasing lapar balik. Motifffff mkn tak kenyang ke lunch tadi. Giler tul, hahaha. Finally, kitorang decided nak order McD. Hujan2 cam gini, mmg perut lapar memanjang..hehe

Bos plak takde kt office, lagilah aku jadi diva. hahaha. So we went to a nearby McDonald's drive-thru and bought 2 sets of value meal, Mc Chicken, quarter pounder, happy meal [tiba2 ade org perasan jadik budak kecik.. hahaha], ice lemon tea & milo.

Cecepat order & drove out of the McD's drive-thru and straightly to my office. Gigih siuttt sbb lapar punya pasal.

As usual, I had Mc-chicken, fries & ice lemon tea, no ice yeaa....

Come & join us people!!!hehehe. yummmyyy.. yummmyyyyy

Anyway, saya sudah kenyang marrrrrr...jom balik jomm....hehe

Parappappappa, I'm loving it!

My Fixed Line

After mengamuk session yesterday, finally i can use my fixed line starting 6pm.. yeayyyyyy :)

I got message from my niece saying that kind of things. Masa tu Lyn baru otw nak balik. Errmmm.. bagus.. tak sempat Lyn nak ngamuk2 lagi, tiba2 terus dah boleh guna.

Eeermmm.. Agaknya dorang ni nak kena mekak2, marah2 dulu baru nak buat keje kot. Pelik2.

Kena org yg baik.. oklah. Kena orang cam aku ni.. sendiri mau ingat lah beb.. hahaha

Btw, I've got a new telephone during registration. FOC. Tapi once u nak terminate, kena pulangkan balik. tu hak Telekom yer, bukan hak korang. hehe


Tiba2 rasa nak mengamuk jer ngn contractor Telekom ni. As I have mentioned in my previous entry, Lyn adalah berjaya registered both line which is fixed line & streamyx. If im not mistaken, they already informed that contractor will be at my home only on monday or late by tuesday.

Surprisingly, they came to my house last Saturday. Wahh gigihkan, sabtu kul 5.30pm pun nak wat wiring sume. Rajin tul. Finally, settled with their work & wiring. Sempat lagi update Lyn, the telephone its only can used on Monday around 2pm. His promise. Yelah.. the services/line its only handle by Telekom's person not the contractor. I understood...

Yesterday, after 2pm i called my niece coz nak pastikan line telephone dah boleh guna ke belum. Dia kata tak boleh. Still with engaged tone. Hati hampir panas ni.. sbb every hour Lyn check, tapi same gak. Called lah contractor ni, tapi yg geramnyer tak berangkat. 3-4 kali Lyn called baru nak angkat. Bila Lyn informed everything, dia kata dah boleh guna sepatutnya. takpe2 saya check ngn Telekom. But he didn't get back to me. Panas dah ni.. Then Lyn called lagi.. die kata nak dtg selasa pagi klu still tak boleh. I dun care, by hook or by crook u mesti dtg. Lyn warning dia. Geram dah nih!!

Today, I still gave him time to settled it. But have waited for the whole day, the TM Contractor didn’t show up! WTF!!! Lyn terpaksa called my niece to find out.

I tried to call the TM using the phone number provided, 100, but they refused to answer my call. Suara dorang tersekat2 bagai. Malas nak mengharapkan contractor yg bodoh tak reti wat keja tuh. Finally i got 1 no. & trus je call. Alhamdulillah, CS promised to help me. She managed to call the contractor & informed me that kind of things. Dia kata contractor tu nak dtg around 4pm. Ok cool..

Fyi, till 5pm TM contactor didn't show up. Mane lah Lyn tak naik hangin. This time Lyn tak bagi chance lagi, terus je call. Nasib die angkat. Mulalah Lyn mekak2 kt dia. Pandai plak suh aku sabar. Padahal ko dah menyusahkan idup aku. Dah aku byr, tapi buat keja cam harrrsssss. But die janji nak dtg ptg ni. Lyn nak tgk dia dtg ke tak. If not mmg nak kena maki lagi. Buat ape jadi contractor tapi tak leh wat keje. Makan gaji butaaaaaaaaaaaaa ke apeeeeee...Eeerrggghhh....

Can u imagine beb, their wasting my time. Klu tak leh buat jgn janji. Ni dah janji tpi takleh buat. Manelah Lyn tak geram. At the same time, my streamyx can installed on wed. Tapi klu line telephone takde, camne nak installed streamyx beb... aduhaiiiiii. Lemah tul aku.. :((

To people out there, this entry is not supposed to be a condemning other people, but this entry is more about to share with others and with hope, this incident won’t be repeated again. That's all

40 Points For You

I've found this article on the web. I would like to share it to everyone.


1. Drink plenty of water.
2. Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.
3. Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is manufactured in plants.
4. Live with the 3 E's -- Energy, Enthusiasm, and Empathy.
5. Make time t o pray .
6. Play more games.
7. Read more books than you did in 2008.
8. Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.
9. Sleep for 7 hours.
10. Take a 10-30 minutes walk every day. And while you walk, smile.


11. Don't compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
12. Don't have negative thoughts or things you cannot control. Instead invest your energy in the positive present moment.
13. Don't over do. Keep your limits.
14. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
15. Don't waste your precious energy on gossip.
16. Dream more while you are awake.
17. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
18. Forget issues of the past. Don't remind your partner with his/her mistakes of the past. That will ruin your present happiness.
19. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone. Don't hate others.
20. Make peace with your past so it won't spoil the present.
21. No one is in charge of your happiness except you.
22. Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn.
23. Smile and laugh more.
24. You don't have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.


25. Call your family often.
26. Each day give something good to others.
27. Forgive everyone for everything.
28. Spend time with people over the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
29. Try to make at least three people smile each day.
30. What other people think of you is none of your business.
31. Your job won't take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.


32. Do the right thing!
33. Get rid of anything that isn't useful, beautiful or joyful.
34. Everything will past .
35. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
36. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
37. The best is yet to come.
38. When you awake alive in the morning, thank you for it.
39. So, be happy. Last but not the least;
40. Please inform this to everyone you care about. I did !! :)


Hi Lovers,

I am sorry for no update for a long time especially during my lovely weekend. Coz back to busy life at home & everything. Managed to settled a few things at my sweet home. Erm al-maklumlah, hehehe

Well, just to let u know that I wont update often till i get my streamyx by end of this week. There's many entries still at my drafts folder. Nnti dah ade access baru I rajin update.. okey..

Ppsssstt... cepat skit streamyx.. aku dah sangap nih.. huhuhu :(

Weekendku yg sgt boring, no internet access, no activities, no shopping & everything... sgt bosan. Nak berpeleseran pun, takde mood. Tu yg tak ber 'update' blog nih :(

Btw, I will try update it from office. InsyaAllah..

Hari Yang Indah..

Salam everyone..

Happy Monday uolsss :P

Yesterday, i bought Majalah Wanita the red color tuh.. I found 1 article yg Lyn rase nak share dgn anda sume. So mari kita renungkan bersama2...

Apabila Allah makbulkan doamu,
Maka Dia menyayangimu.

Bila Dia lambat makbulkan doamu,
Maka Dia ingin mengujimu.

Bila Dia tidak makbulkan doamu,
Maka Dia merancang sesuatu yg lebih baik untukmu.

Oleh itu, sentiasa lah bersangka baik pada Allah dalam apa jua keadaan pun kerana kasih sayang Allah itu mendahului kemurkaan-Nya


Back Again..

I was there to registered my new streamyx.. hehehe. Previously, im using Maxis broadband after the line telephone kena curik ngn pencuri bodoh during fasting month. The speed is ok but the services getting slower & slower after 1 month. Btw, Lyn dah terminate dah pun.

Ppssttt.. PLEASE DO NOT SUBSCRIBE TO MAXIS. The service SUCKS!!! <-- statement jahat sgt.. hahaha
But now, hati ku bertaut semula pada streamyx... dun laugh people. My big mistake.. huhuhuh.
Yesterday, I went to TM Point, Shah Alam to ask & settled this thing. Firstly, I need to register a new telephone line. Kan dua2 dah terminate, so i need fill up new application form for both line, phone line & streamyx. Done..

Alhamdulillah, tak ramai sgt orang. The PIC sempat inform that kind of things. Sempat lagi terangkan serba sedikit pasal Streamyx Combo ni. Wait for a while sementara no dipanggil.

Yeayyyyy..its my turn..

Firstly, I need to register a new telephone line but she didn't get my address. Sempatlah Lyn menengok PC die ni. Byk sgt name jln yg keluar. Ada silap disitu. The problem is because my address yg Lyn fill up tu tak boleh recognize dlm system. Geram plak aku kan. Selak punya selak, finally i got it from previous telephone line. I had given to her. Ada gak akhirnya. EEiii.. susah tul nak register. Klu tak mengenangkan nak pasang streamyx.. tak ingin nak register sume ni... huhuhu..

Its take 2 or 3 working days to installed new telephone line. Sangap lagi. huhuu.. The costs RM85, which is RM75 is rental & RM10 for duty setem. Settle..

Then streamyx process plak. Very easy. Just fill up the application form & selected the Streamyx Combo. There are a few package mengikut speed masing2. Now, the best package they offer is Streamyx Combo at cheap RM60 per month. Cam Lyn cakap tadi lah.. you still need the fixed line to enjoy this service. Sbb tu ramai org jarang nak guna streamyx ni, sbb nak elakkan ade phone line.

But dun worry people, Streamyx Combo that they offer including ur fixed line rental yea. If let's say, u pilih package RM60 per month, rental line telephone pun termasuk skali. Takde charge lain melainkan u buat panggilan telephone. Yang tu mmgla kena charge ye kawan2.. hehehe..

Everyone yg nak register, baiklah register skrg till 31 December 2009. Why??? NO REGISTRATION & ACTIVATION FEE. FREE WI-FI MODEM lagi.

So what i need to do, tunggu bila dorang nak pasang telephone line & followed by streamyx. Lyn dah naik sangap dah ni. No internet access sgt susah yer :((

Stop everything in my life. No blogging, no FB or watsoever. Except my working hours. Lagi lah weekend ni. Adakah Lyn akan berpeleseran di Starbucks or everywhere??? Most probably. Agak2 terjumpa tu, tegur lah erk.. hehehe

My life getting sucks!!!

Menciiiiiiiiiiii aarrrrr :((


Nobody perfect in the world. Selalu kita dgr kan statement ni. Its true beb. Im not deny. Untuk peringatan Lyn gak. But please respect each other. Even ko tua or muda skali pun, please respect..

I had to face the situation. I dun care who u are.. tolong lah jaga hati orang. But now, aku yang terkena. U treat me like a shit!!!... again.. like a shit!! wtf. Eergghh.. I dun give a damn!!

Memang ko tak rasa ape2. Tapi aku yg terasa. Come on lah...I know u since few years ago. Jarang sgt aku nak kecik hati ngn die ni. But now, aku terasa sgt2. Mungkin orang kata, alaaaaa, skit punya hal. Tapi korang tak tau.. camne aku hadapi semua ni. Sedihlah korang.. Kawan aku wat cam tuh. huhuhuh

Dan paling aku geram, she didn't even have the courtesy to say she was sorry. Even masa die call pun, cam takde pape yg berlaku. But serious beb, aku terasa sgt2 :(

Tapi aku yg pujuk diri aku sendiri. Malas nak pikir sgt benda2 ni..

The most important is, im not ready yet to call u, talk to u or watsoever. Please understand that..

Handbag Hanger from Ayu The Sun

Got this parcel this morning. I bought from AyuTheSun. Special thanks to my lovely Ayu. Let's see what inside!!!


My handbag hanger!!! I love it so muchhhh :)

1st time, i saw it at Redmummy. Nice!! Some of GBM pun ada pakai gak. But i've forgotten to email her :(

Finally, i got sms from her last week saying that "handbag hook dah out for sale at my blog"

So teruslah cepat Lyn booking & made the payment.

But tak sempat nak wat demo lagi ler. I will use it. But when... i still dun know. Nanti Lyn tunjuk ok..


Bosan Tahap Cipan

Lapar lah plak :(

Ni lah akibatnya klu dah boring.. billboard advertising yg besar gabak tu jdi modal entry aku pagi ni...
Pic taken last weekend, dlm keadaan jammed di Federal Highway from Bangsar to Klang with Fazs..
Di sebabkan Fazs yg drive, dptla Lyn amik pic ni.. klu tak, jgn harap lah....
Baik saya concentrate drive saje...

Sorry.. pic a lil bit blur... tu pun dah byk kali zoom dah..
Lagipun saya guna digital cam ajewww..
Dah tentu2 hasil nyer cam gitu...


I got this info from technical site of Maxis, which is, im entitled to get the termination onthespot, waived untuk 3 weeks krn tiada penggunaan & RM200 will be waived if termination before 12 months. If not, i will fight for it. I dun care. Luckily.. nasib menyebelahi saya.. :)

Well, this is the day that i deciced to terminate this. Went to Maxis Centre Sunway Pyramid for that process. I brought back the modem for account termination. Cantik je lagi. Klu ikutkan hati, mau je Lyn rosakkan dulu. But saya tidak lah sekejam tu. Put it back nicely into original packaging.

Took the queue no & wait for a while. Everyone came & do the same thing. One of the customer pun nak terminate broadband die. Sempat lah kitorang chit chat gak. The reason why?? no coverage.. tapi pelikkan.. mula2 ok.. after 1 month terus cam hampehhh...

That process running smoothly. CS tak byk songeh. Sempat meluahkan rase tidak puas hati ku. huhuhuh. Finally, that process was DONE. Ermm tak payah lah Lyn nak ngamuk2 lagi.. hehehe

Errmm, for time being, i dunt have any internet connection. Stopped blogging during nite time. Stopped FB & watsoever. I felt so sad..huhuhu

I cant imagine... life without internet.. huru hara ok...:((

I can browse & blogging during my office hour. But again.. I have my permanent job. I cant blogging during that time.. bz...eerggghhh.. if free boleh lah kot...

Maybe entry semakin kurang yg semestinya mmg dah kurang pun... huhuhuh...

InsyaAllah, im trying to solve the problem.

Adakah hati ku kembali bertaut pada streamyx..

Eeermm just wait n see :)

Early in the Morning

Well, being tension for few days make me look sick. :( Everything in my mind. Everything i need to settle it ASAP, but I can't..:(

Lyn, please be patient ok.. Cool down plzzz...

I managed to called my close friend. Thx Zaza, a friend of mine. Kawan yg sentiasa tau suka duka Lyn setiap masa. Pada dia Lyn meluahkan perasaan & everything. Suka duka, pahit getir segala2nyer hanya dgn dia. Im very comfortable with her.

Bermulalah mcm2 topik smpai ke topik yg Lyn mintak tlong die sesangat. Finally, die dpt menolong saya. Lega hati ni. We were able to find the hospital where I can refer to. Sepantas kilat i got the information. Senang...

Manged to call them. After finished my conversation with PIC, bla, bla, bla. I decided to went to a clinic nearby my office. Ape2 pun i kena ikut procedure camne yg diterangkan tdi.

Then early in the morning, I went to a clinic which is our panel.

Registration running smoothly. Tak ramai sgt orang. But here & there ada je org demam. Quite sad looking at one couple ni. Baby die asyik merengek je. Demam.

Nasib lah tunggu tak lama. I was there to collected my reference letter jer. But kena tunggu cam pesakit lain gak. hehehe. My requested very simple, jumpa doc & gtau ape yg i nak.. n came out with reference letter.

Finally, i got it! Simple as A B C. hehehhe..

Then balik office terus je call PIC yg tadi. Senang gak berurusan once kita dah kenal even dlm phone skalipun. Dia layan pun baik jer. hehehe


I think, im gonna take a rest before seeing the doctor next week. InsyaAllah everything be alrite soon.


My Lovely Saturday

Happy Monday everyone!!

Have been busy this a few days. Plus with connection yg still cam harrrrrssss...:( Really disappointed. Im not connected with internet since saturday, still on n off. wtf :(

Since im free last saturday, myself & Fazs attending 1 training organized by ****** in Bangsar from 11am till 1pm. Fazs fetch me around 10.00am & terus kesana. Dah lah panas tahap maximum.

I saw my ex-client, Azie. But we pretend as of we don't know each other. Dia pun cam kenal & tak kenal. Finally, Fazs introduce Lyn pada dia. Luckily, die masih ingat Lyn lagi.. hehehhe. I really enjoyed during the class. I met new frens, new life InsyaAllah, new experiences. Everything is new.. new.. hehehhe. I really enjoyed during the class. Thx everyone.

Settled around 1pm & drove straightly to my house. Rushing for kenduri at Fara's house & Fazs plak rushing for next session. Coaching kata. hehhe. Patutnyer Lyn follow die, tapi disebabkan ade jemputan kenduri. Lyn terpaksa skip session tuh. Maybe leh join next time.

Headed to Fara's house around 3.30pm. The event started after Zohor with Doa Selamat, where most of the attendees were ahli Masjid. So well, i was there came for the kenduri after Doa Selamat thingy. Lyn terpaksa skip doa selamat sbb terlalu sibuk. Pulak tu dpt jemputan dr Fara kul 2.30pm. Sgt tak baik yer datang makan jer. hehehe. Semoga auntie & uncle selamat pegi & pulang menunaikan ibadah haji & semoga mendapat haji yang Mabrur. InsyaAllah...

I saw Azim, Amy, Adam, Fendy & tuan rumah, Fara aka budak kecik. I wonder how long its been since the last time i met them. ooohh ye.. time Kemuncak Jom Jalan Raya Bersama Dafi last month. Lama tul tak jumpa dorang. Just get together, chit chat & bla bla bla.

Around 5pm we had to move on. Sbb masing2 ada hal. Lyn plak dah penat. Battery pun dah lemah. hehehe. I need my rest. My lovely room..

Tiba2, ada sesuatu yg menganggu fikiran ku..

Hope everything will be alrite soon. InsyaAllah..

Happy Friday :)

Salam sume...

Im happy today :)

Walhal dlm hati Allah saje yg tau. For time being, I just need my time alone. Nak ketepikan semua masalah yg ada wat sementara ini. Nak relax2 nak senangkan diri. I wish i can fly somewhere. Kemanakah??? still dlm planning....

Tetiba teringin those moments with my sweetheart. We talked, laughed & shared everything our life & love together :) I love him very much. Yeah... Im very lonely without him. Missing him and all my friends over there.

Hey guyz... i missed u alots... alots ok... :(

... but again... im still happy with my life & everything...

Alhamdulillah, Allah tidak menyekat segala usaha saya. Tomorrow, im a lil bit busy. Ada tugasan yg menarik perhatian saya. Im not strong enuff, but the spirit is there. InsyaAllah

Thx for ur support yea sayang :)

.. and again Im happy...

Currently, im filled with gratitute for all the goodness, blessing and glad tidings Allah has given me, Alhamdulillah. Syukur sgt2. Amin.. :)

Kasut Oh Kasut...

Jual!.. jual!!...
[mau aku kena kejar ngn owner nyer]

I saw these shoes, called it havana at my office. My colleague punya. So gedik2 lah try same. Best. These shoes are really comfortable. Dulu gedik2 lah nak beli same... tpi cam tak berapa nak berkenan jer bila dah tgk betul2, ala2 style veteran gitu. Jgn marah dik.. nnti kena jual.. hahahhaa.

Ape2 pun ttp cantik kt kaki ko... [statement sgt tak boleh blah :) ] Jaga leklok.. jgn smpi jahanam.. sbb akak tau, kalau ko pkai sure tak tahan lama. ko kan lasak.. hahaha

But, kasut yg Lyn tgk kat Vincci ni sgt cantik ok. Its come with 5 colours, beige, brown, red, black & blue. Design sgt up to date. Berbulu2 & ada polka dots. RM80+. U can wear with handbag gak. Handbag dia pun berbulu2 & ada polka dots. Klu pakai sedondon sure meletops uolss.

Tapi setakat nak catwalk pg event ok lah. Tapi klu nak pakai di musim2 hujan ni, not recommended lah. Basah bulu kasut ko nnti.. hahahhaa

Eermm dah lama tak pegi Charles & Keith. Zaza kata dah byk new arrival. Wajib wat visit weekend ni..:)